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Word for Today, Tue, 11 Sep 2001: Calamity Strikes - Call on Christ Today

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I write this message to you in the middle of a sad day in the
history of our country. As of the time I started writing this,
at least four separate incidents, all involving aircraft, have
occurred. The World Trade Center was hit twice, directly, by
what appear to be hijacked commercial aircraft. The Pentagon in
Washington was hit by a similar attack. There is now at least
one other report of aircraft that have been involved in accidents
or collisions. Who knows what else may be happening?

None of this is a joke. It is not funny. But it does cause us
to take a sober look at ourselves, our priorities, what we do,
and why. If you haven't done that recently, may I suggest that
immediately is a good time to do that?

I usually write about encouraging others, and I want to do that
today, too. But this time, I want to encourage all of you to
examine your relationship with God. Do you have one? If so, is
that relationship personal, or is it one in which you
occasionally think about God?

I really do not like calamities, any more than anyone else. But
I can tell you this, when something comes up that I don't like,
it is very reassuring to me that I have an advocate, who knows
me, understands me, loves me, and accepts me. I return my
affection to that One. He is God. His Son is Jesus Christ.

Now would be a good time to seek God and find Him. He is not the
author of confusion, acts of hatred, or destruction. God, in His
Sovereinty, allows such things to happen, because He does not
force Himself upon anyone. But the day will come when everyone
will have to answer to Him. Each day, that day draws nearer.
Will it come soon? Who can say? I will say this. I want to
know Him today, more than ever. I pray that each of you will
seek our Heavenly Father today. Ask Him to reveal Himself in
your life. I am most certainly doing the same today.

Your Brother in Christ,

Read Philippians 2:1:11

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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