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Word for Today, Tue, 12 Apr 2005: Effective People, Effective Church

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 12 Apr 2005: Effective People, Effective Church

Dear friends,

This is a message from my friend Larry Davies. He challenges all
of us in today's message. I want to underscore that a Christian
who really wants to be effective in life, either at their church,
or even more importantly, regardless of where they are or what
they are doing, ought to keep their eyes firmly fixed on Jesus
Christ. When I say that, I don't mean to look at some picture on
a wall somewhere, I mean, get to know the Jesus Christ of the
Bible - intimately. Read His Word and think about it constantly,
and examine every activity, thought, and priority in your life
and give it over to God.

My friends, I try to do that, and I have to tell you in all
honesty that it isn't an automatic process at all. It takes
work, commitment, focus, honesty, and humility, just to name a
few of the things needed. None of it is easy, but truly none of
it is possible without the grace of God and without a regular,
consistent surrender to Him.

I find that even in my service to Him, if there is much "I" in
the equation, "I" find myself in trouble again. I have to keep
on looking to Him, keeping a short account of my sin, confessing
to Him, looking to Him at all times for guidance and strength.
The most honest thing I can tell you is that I cannot do any of
it on my own. However, in Him and through Him, I can do all

I encourage you to read some cross references to this story.
Look up (or remember) Matthew 19:26 and Philippians 4:13, and
then add a few scriptures of your own. Relying on God and seeing
Him work is something you can find all through the Bible.

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

"The Little Church that Could!" Larry Davies

Do you remember the famous children's book: "The Little Engine
that Could?" A train full of toy animals, dolls and every kind
of thing boys or girls could want was stranded and could not get
over the mountain to the village of children on the other side.
What would they do?

* A shiny new engine, asked by the dolls and toys to help
replied, "I pull the likes of you? I am a passenger engine.
Indeed not!"

* A big engine, stopped by the toy clown waving a flag said, "I
am a freight engine. I am a very important engine indeed. I won't
pull the likes of you!"

* A rusty old engine when asked replied: "I am so tired. I must
rest. I can not. I can not. I can not."

A very little engine was asked next by the dolls and toys and saw
the tears in their eyes before replying, "I'm not very big, but I
think I can. I think I can. I think I can."

"Puff, puff, chug, chug, went the Little Blue Engine. 'I think I
can -- I think I can -- I think I can -- I think I can -- I think
I can -- I think I can -- I think I can.'"

We all know the ending of the story. "'Hurray, hurray,' cried the
funny little clown and all the dolls and toys. 'The good little
boys and girls in the city will be happy because you helped us,
kind, little blue engine.' And the little blue engine smiled and
seemed to say as she puffed steadily down the mountain. 'I
thought I could. I thought I could. I thought I could. I thought
I could.'"

There are plenty of Churches who behave much as the engines in
the story. There is the shiny new church that says to people in
need: "I'm too busy paying for my new building!" There are large
mega churches who reply: "I'm too busy with my own ministries."
Then, there are far too many established churches struggling to
survive who say: "I'm too tired and discouraged to help you!"
Meanwhile there are people all around them who desperately need
to hear the hope of God only the church can offer.

There was one very little church, however, which had once been
vibrant and full of life, but was now struggling. On a typical
Sunday morning there would only be ten or twelve people, but they
prayed about the needs of their community and two from their
church joined a year-long intensive Bible study. During one
class both people felt the need to open their very little church
to an after-school ministry for local school children: "With
God's help," they said, "I think I can -- I think I can -- I
think I can?"

Within a few weeks, thirty children were being dropped off at the
same, very little church where they would be greeted with cookies
and begin an hour and a half of fun, music, games and a Bible
study. Over the next few months and years, some of those children
along with their parents began attending this same little church.
"With God's help...I think I can -- I think I can -- I think I

One man in the same community had a heart attack and nearly died.
While in the hospital, he made a vow to serve God more faithfully
and come to this same very little church. Another man,
discouraged with church life brings his whole family looking for
a fresh start. Both men become a source of inspiration and
motivation for others. "With God's help...I think I can -- I
think I can -- I think I can!"

A new year-long Bible study is started, but this time the very
little church now has its own class full of people who are
looking for answers and seeking ways to serve God. One woman in
the class persuades her whole family into joining the Bible
study, while another woman begins teaching youth in the Sunday
school. A couple living together repents of their sin and asks to
be married in the same little church. The class forms a choir.
"With God's help...I think I can -- I think I can -- I think I

"Hurray, hurray," cries this preacher and people everywhere as
this very little church, now much bigger should be smiling as she
puffs steadily on in service of God.

And God replies: "Well done, good and faithful servant." The
little church says: "With God's help...we thought we could -- we
thought we could -- we thought we could!!" With God's help... you
can too!


Last week's column challenged you to pray the prayer of Jabez
every day for thirty days. Hundreds of people around the world
took up the challenge. To read the column again and take the
challenge yourself... click here:

I will take up your offer of the 30 day challenge of the prayer
of Jabez in 1 Chronicles to enlarge our territory in the
community, in the church and its ministry and in the work place.
As you know Larry I have had many trials at work and at home. I
have often asked God why did I go through so much rejection and
pain but God has promised it is for a purpose which is to help
the needy and the dying and help the orphans. So please pray for
me Larry and my family that we will fully do all of God's work in
our lives. God bless you and it is always a mighty blessing to
hear from you. Murali Sivakolunthu

I will take the 30 day Prayer of Jabez challenge. I to have
decided to act upon the dreams I have and I know God is willing
but I must do my part and move myself out of my way and get
started. Thank you. In His Name, Carol

I gave a copy of Bruce's book about the Prayer of Jabez to all my
cohorts in the workplace for Christmas the year the book came out
mainly due to the fact that we were overworked and underpaid by a
slave driver. The Lord has moved on many of our lives since we
read and prayed the book. I have a practice of my own now and
have 15 cases of students with varying degrees of difficulty with
reading. I can give all of my students a Bible at some time
during their work with me. I can counsel the parents and
encourage their interest in the Savior. Other peers of mine are
doing the same. God bless! MLKEHOE

Thank you infinitely for your last message because I received
this message at a moment when I need strongly. Since longtime, I
ask God to do a miracle for me, to give me fortune and richness
so that I can help the poor people in my country, and I can do a
good things in His Church. That is my very big prayer. With my
experiences and my faith, I can do good things for many people,
and that is under the hand of God. I wish that my dream should be
a reality, I ask everyday to God to help me for that. I also ask
you to pray for me, and my project and my big dream will be a
reality, in the name of Jesus. I also pray for you. Harimbola.
>From Madagascar.

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the worldu2014like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide
your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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