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Word for Today, Tue, 12 Dec 2000: The Prayer of Faith

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

There is a song, whose words were written by Kathy Troccoli, and
music by Scott Brasher, that is very moving to me - it helps me
prepare my heart and remember which things are really important.
I'd like to share the words with you. For those of you who are
scripture buffs, the opening words are a paraphrase of Micah 6:8.
I'd like to share some of the words with you. For me, they are
Advent words, because they prepare me for listening and paying
attention to what God wants to do in my life today.


You have told me LORD what pleases You
To act justly and love mercy and walk humbly, too
I'm reminded of the things You've always said were in Your Heart
I know that I have yet to go that far.

I want to live my life in glory to You, LORD
That each and every day I'll love You more.
I pray I'll die for You, the One that I adore,
that someday I may hear the words I hold so dear:
"Well done, my child, you have believed
You've been faithful to me."

There are words of truth You long to say
There is healing that may never come unless I pray
There are works of love and courage that Lord, only
You can do
I'm willing, Oh, I yearn to be like You!

I want to live my life in glory to You, LORD
That each and every day I'll love You more.
I pray I'll die for You, the One that I adore,
That someyday I may hear the words I hold so dear:
"Well done, my child, you have believed
You've been faithful to me."

I know that one day I will look at You
And I long to see the pleasure in Your eyes!
I pray I'll die for You, the One that I adore
That someday I may hear the words I hold so dear:
"Well done, my child, you have believed
You've been faithful to me." -- You've been faithful to me!

My dear friends, there is no other person anywhere that has the
kind of love for us that God has - a completely consistent,
sustaining, never changing, full and boundless love. It is that
realization that causes Kathy to write and sing that she would
even be willing to die for Him, just to experience seeing our
Lord in person. But this message is not about martyrdom or
terminating life, it is about GAINING life, finding out what
really matters, and embracing that. It is a deep desire to
please God that Kathy wrote about. And what does God require?
It is rather simple. God wants us to realize that we need Him,
and to respond to Him, and show the same kind of compassion that
He has shown us to one another. Who needs a complicated message?
This is a simple and true message, consistent with what the
prophets taught, what John the Baptist taught, and what Jesus
Himself taught us: to seek God with everything within us, to love
Him completely, and to love one another. The kind of love He is
talking about are the things that are patient, kind, caring,
sensitive, honest, just as we read throughout scripture. (Read 1
Corinthians 13:4-7, Galatians 5:22-23, and Philippians 4:4-9 if
you are unsure what I mean). Unless you have these passages
memorized, they make excellent texts to complement the Advent

Dear Lord,

I recognize my need of You today. Please lead me throughout the
day today. Watch over my family, keep us close to You, both in
Spirit and in the things we do. Help each of us as we go about
our daily tasks, that we remember what You have told us, what You
expect of us, and how much You love each of us. May we really
grasp the extent of Your love this season and respond to it, so
that Your Spirit may permeate every aspect of our loves, because
of what Jesus has done for us. Amen.

Brother Brian

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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