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Word for Today, Tue, 12 Oct 2004: Renew Your Mind at Any Age

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 12 Oct 2004: Renew Your Mind at Any Age
Dear friends,

Today's devotional message comes from Larry Davies' Sowing Seeds
of Faith. Larry writes about his own mother and about several
other senior citizens who think and act in healthy, lively ways.

My own mother still lives and she is an active member of her
community. My father died in April 2000, but I had the privilege
of spending a week of vacation with my parents the week before my
dad died. At the time, they had a winter home in Fountain Hills,
AZ. The week I was with them, both my mom and my dad, both
retired, spend considerable time in community service. Both were
active that week at church, but both spent time in the community
as well. My dad went at least 30 miles away to the Phoenix area
to mentor a boy who did not have a father or a father figure in
his life.

The night before I left Arizona, we had a bible study and a
prayer meeting in the home of some fellow church members in
Fountain Hills. Though it was not a theologically deep study,
it was a refreshing study, a good time of fellowship, and a
reminder that though the Bible tells us many absolutes about God,
His character, and His relationship with us, the Bible also shows
us that God is much broader than anything or anyone we know.

To this day, I am reminded to renew my mind in God's Word each
day. Let's read Larry's comments and reflect on them in the
light of putting on a new mind, the mind of Christ.

I hope these passages help you in your personal relationship with
God. Don't rest on these words, though, read the Bible for
yourself - even if it means throwing these messages away. For it
is the Bible that is the conduit directly to what God says, for
the Bible IS the Word of God.

Yours in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

Name: Karen Haefner, Email:
I wrote in some time back asking prayer for my sister in-law,
Becky Corning. Her Doctor feared she may have had Ovarian Cancer.
Praise the Lord, it was just fibroid tumors, which are non
cancerous. I want to share something. I had her over one day and
was checking my email in front of her. When she saw how many
responded to the prayer request for her, she was so blessed. She
didn't know that there was a place like this online where so many
responded. So, I want to personally thank you from the bottom of
my heart for all those that took the time to reach out to her in
prayer via e-mail. And for those that weren't able to send an
e-mail and said a prayer for her... God Bless, Karen

Learn more about our unique email prayer ministry and become one
of over 9,000 prayer partners by simply clicking here:

"Being a Grandmother Ain't What It Used to Be!" ---Larry Davies

Several years ago while on a visit to my Mother's, I joined her
at the local health spa. This sixty-something grandma's favorite
exercise did not include sitting in a rocking chair. My mother
worked out on a stair-climber. She hopped onto the machine and
began pumping her legs up and down vigorously while at the same
time maintaining an animated conversation with her son. For ten
minutes, I tried to keep up but finally gave up stair climbing to
work on simply recapturing my breath. Meanwhile, my dear old
mother continued for another ten minutes before easily stepping
down with an enthusiastic..."that felt good!"

What image comes to your mind when you hear the word... grandma?
Do you think of home baked cookies and hair buns? "Not
necessarily!" Growing older is a continual adjustment in our way
of thinking and living, but it never means dwelling on the past
or sitting in your rocking chair while the world goes by! Barbara
Johnson says in her new book, Living Somewhere Between Estrogen
and Death: "Growing old is only a state of mind... brought on by
gray hairs, false teeth, wrinkles, a big belly, shortness of
breath and being constantly and totally pooped."

How about this letter, written by an unknown third grader?
"Grandmother's don't have to do anything except to be there.
They're so old that they shouldn't play hard or run. It is enough
if they drive us to the market where the pretend horse is, and
have lots of dimes ready. Or if they take us for walks, they
should slow down past things like pretty leaves and caterpillars.
They should never say "hurry up." Usually, grandmothers are fat,
but not too fat to tie your shoes. They wear glasses and funny
underwear. They can take their teeth and gums off. Everybody
should try to have a grandmother, especially if they don't have a
television, because they are the only grownups who have time."

Old age, like anything has benefits to enjoy and obstacles to
endure or overcome but what makes each of us unique is our
attitude. As a pastor, I have had the privilege of meeting
grandmothers and grandfathers who refuse to "act their age." Here
are a few of my favorites:

* When Florence isn't busy with church activities she's out
performing with her local dance troupe. By the way she doesn't do
the minuet: Florence clogs. Her biggest complaint is that all the
men who want to date her act too old! Florence is 83 years young.

* Seventy-something, Lil can be seen most any day in a jogging
outfit walking around town at a pace that would make younger
people gasp for breath. When she's not walking or out on the golf
course, Lil is taking a leadership role within our church or
involved in community affairs.

* Fred & Betty in their eighties have been active in our local
church for years, teaching Sunday school and singing in the
choir. If you need something organized, Fred and Betty are the
ones to call. But you would think they just got married the way
they do everything together. The new addition on their house is
to make room for a new Jacuzzi: those lovebirds!

All of these unique individuals recently spent nine months in an
intensive Bible Study, meeting for two and half hours each week
reading the entire Bible. Why? I thought you would never ask.

* All of them share a passion to learn and grow stronger in their

* Their eyes are firmly fixed on the future and the continuing
role God has for them.

* They possess a wonderful sense of humor and an ability to laugh
at themselves.

* They are all firmly resolved to never give-in to the
obstacles of old age.

Paul writes in Ephesians: "You were taught, with regard to your
former way of life, to put off your old self, be made new
in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self,
created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."

This verse serves as a vivid reminder to let God continually
renew us regardless of our circumstances or our age. What a great
promise! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm getting back on that
stair-climber... "Mom, give me another chance... I think I
can keep up with you now!"

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe
for a Better Life" now on sale only through our website.

Brian Masinick,
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