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Word for Today, Tue, 13 Aug 2002: Praise: One Form of Communication With God plus Confessions

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I don't know about you, but I personally have to "battle with my
flesh" every day. No, it isn't always some dastardly thing
(though in the same breath, I'd have to confess that I HAVE been
guilty of some pretty dastardly things in my life). What I am
talking about, though, is that life is a continual battle of
right and wrong, satisfying my own urges (whether just a simple
matter of rest or something far more serious) or clinging to the
promises of God.

One thing I will not allow myself to do is to forget about God
for extended periods of time, but even there, I have to confess
that the urges of the flesh get in the way of my continual
relationship with God.

I hope you're honest with yourself and continually assess what's
going on in your life, and keep coming back to God to be
refreshed, renewed, revived, really alive in Christ. To me,
living any other way is a recipe of spiritual death.

If you actually my complete messages, many of you will realize
that much of the things that I've been praying for in my notes
have been things that I have repeated, over and over again.
These things remain my prayer - for myself, for you, for those
around us.

Have you had your own private appointment with your Savior today?

Dear Lord,

Once again, I confess my personal need of Your Presence. It is
my fervent prayer that I remember You in everything that I do,
and that I include You in my thinking, in my attitudes, and in my
actions. I need You. Please help me: I want others to know the
love that You have and the joy of Your salvation. I confess that
I allow excuses, and fears to impede me from sharing the hope
that I have in You with others. With Your guidance, I can
overcome all of these things, but it's obvious that I cannot do
so alone.

I also continue to pray that You would help me to be a genuine
encouragement to others, and that I may also be encouraged by
others. May we be one in the common hope that we find complete
in Christ. I ask each of these things humbly in Christ's Name.

Your Brother in Christ,

----- Original Message -----
From: Ross Thompson
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 5:29 AM
Subject: Living Life God's Way 8/13/2002

+Living Life God's Way+

No one yet has ever set out to test God's promises
fairly. thoroughly, and humbly, and had to report that God's
promises don't work. On the contrary, given a fair opportunity,
God always surprises and overwhelms those who truly seek, with
His bounty and His power. --- Peter Marshall

Through him, then, let us continually offer a sacrifice of praise
to God, that is, the fruit of lips that confess his name.
Hebrews 13:15

Praise cannot change our circumstances but certainly can
change us in the midst of them. It is a very important part of
our faith. When we praise Him continually in all circumstances we
are able to win over the circumstances we face. So praise Him
when things appear uncertain, and even when you may not feel like
it. Remembering that this life is like a split second compared to
eternity. Bring to Him your sacrifice of praise and lay it at the
alter of Jesus your high priest. There is no doubt that He is
worthy of our praise. Allow His love and peace to calm your
soul. He will encourage and strengthen, restore and bring
hope. The mountain in our lives may still remain but our praise
surpasses the mountain and creates a beautiful song that makes
its way to the heart of God, who is in the process of removing
whatever obstacle is blocking our way. Praise is our expression
of love and gratitude for all that He has done, is doing, and is
about to do.

God Today Devotion; 6/20/2002

Brian Masinick,
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