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Word for Today, Tue, 13 Jul 2004: The Missing Ingredient

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 13 Jul 2004: The Missing Ingredient
Dear friends,

This message is the conclusion of a four part series on the
church. Larry Davies has written this series using a common
every day thing - baseball - to teach us the lessons found in

If you've been following along with this series, did you figure
out the missing ingredient? You'll find it in the conclusion of
the story today. If you're a regular reader, the missing
ingredient won't surprise you. What may be surprising, however,
is how often we actually DO forget the missing ingredient.

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

Much of the story line on Casey for this week's column comes
from the poem, "Casey - Twenty Years Later" by
Clarence P. McDonald.

To read parts one, two and three please click here:

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"The Church & Baseball" Part 4 Larry Davies

A fictional baseball game during worship pits the best players
of all time playing our church. The All Stars are leading 6 to
4 but our players are fighting hard. In the top of the ninth,
"Iron Man" Cal Ripken runs home and collides with our own "Big
Al" injuring his hand. Al has to leave the game and there is no
one to take his place. Our church team manager is getting
nowhere asking for a volunteer. No, wait a minute. Someone is
coming down from the stands. I've never seen him before. Who
is this stranger?

In the first column, we introduce the players and hear about:
"Casey at the Bat" by Ernest Thayer. Everyone knows when Casey
comes to the plate there will be victory. Surprise, the result
was not successful for the mighty Casey... struck out. In
sports, we learn one team has to win and another must lose.
Becoming a follower of God was also never meant to be a
never-ending string of joy, laughter and success. Sometimes,
losing, tragedy and grief becomes a part of our journey with God
but either way we are meant to play on a team and how we play,
win or lose often defines who we are.

The stranger entered the field with a step firm and light; "Give
me the mask and mitt," he said; "let's finish the fight. His
hair was sprinkled here and there with streaks of gray. Around
his eyes and on his brow a bunch of wrinkles lay. As the
stranger picked up the catchers mitt and got into position our
manager turned his head and sighed. "Play ball!" shouted the
umpire and the game resumed.

In the second column, Paul says using "Baseball" language: "We
are all players of his one team, and each of us has different
work to do. And since we are all one team in Christ, we belong
to each other, and each of us needs the others." (Romans 12:4-5)
Good baseball players understand their strengths and weaknesses
so when playing together as a team they know who plays first
base, who bats cleanup and who pitches. Paul challenges us to
know our gifts and talents so we know what we are to do. We are
needed and wanted and knowing our gifts allows you to contribute
to God's team.

"Larry the Mouth" heaved two strikes at the mighty Babe Ruth.
The stranger caught both and did not seem to heed. On the third
pitch, Babe took a ferocious swing and found nothing but air.
The side was put out and the score still stood 6 to 4. Our
church team had one more chance. "Mean Gene" Farley went out on
strikes and "Sorry Charlie" Baer was put out at first. But
"Lady Fay" Turner walked and "Lightning Larry" Spencer smashed a
double. With players on first and third, up came the stranger.

In the third column, we use a baseball diamond to plot how a
church should be a catalyst for spiritual growth. You begin in
the batters box by attending and committing to join a local
church. Then you move to first. As you strengthen your
relationship with God through prayer, classes, retreats and
other experiences you move to second base. Third base involves
using your God given gifts and talents to serve God through
ministry. Home plate is using what you learned to become a
spiritual leader.

The strangers' feet were planted, his face serene, as the
pitcher looked his way and grinned before heaving a fastball.
The echo of that fearful swat still lingers. High, fast and far
the ball flew as it sailed over the high fence. Three runs came
in and victory belonged to our church team. The players
gathered to cheer the stranger. "What is your name?" For one
brief moment the stranger was still, then he smiled and murmured
soft and low: "I'm the mighty Casey who struck out twenty years

Yet, these three columns by themselves seem to miss something.
A critical ingredient is left out. Yes, we play as members of
God's team. Yes, we understand our God-given gifts. Yes, we
run the bases of spiritual maturity as the church becomes a
catalyst for growth but something of God is still missing.

Then I went back to Romans: "Can anything ever separate us from
Christ's love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have
trouble or calamity?" Will God stop loving us if we play poorly
and lose to the other team? Casey discovered the eternal
answer. "No! Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow
and even the powers of hell can't keep God's love away."
(Romans Parts of 8:35-38)

There's the missing ingredient: Whether we win or lose.
Whether we play or sit in the dugout. Whether or not we are
growing in our faith. Whether hitting a home run or striking
out... nothing can keep God away. God's grace will accompany us
from the moment of acceptance to the forever of eternity. Now,
that's a sure thing. Enjoy the baseball game of life but in the
end you are already a winner with God.

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