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Word for Today, Tue, 13 May 2003: Renew the Mind First

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today I'd like to share with you a message from Larry Davies'
Sowing Seeds of Faith This week, Larry writes about an event
that happened to him about a year or so ago (could have been
longer than that, my memory tends to fade a bit over time).

As is his practice, Larry takes the ordinary events of the day
and shares them as a good story teller, but then he applies the
events to practical things that most of us have to deal with, and
then examines scripture to find real answers.

Do you think about life that way? Do you consider the every day
events of your life, then look at how you can apply the truths of
scripture to whatever is going on in your life and in the lives
of those around you?

I've had numerous cases recently where I'm either reading
scripture or I'm reading a devotional message, or perhaps
listening to a message on the radio, and I hear something that I
can relate to, either as a parent, an employee, a resident of my
community, or as a teacher. I sure need to keep my eyes, ears,
and my mind in tune with such things, because at least I'm honest
- there are many things about my life that God needs to work out
in me. So I "work out my salvation with fear and trembling", as
the scripture says. That doesn't mean that I'm cowering around,
shaking, all day long. What it means is that I realize that I'm
deeply loved, just as I am, and I'm loved enough that God doesn't
want to keep me where I am, He wants to work in me and conform me
into His likeness. That's a big task, one that only God can do.
Even so, God doesn't force Himself upon me or anyone else, He
works in those who passionately seek Him. Is that you? It's me,
but I need help. Please pray for me, just as I pray corporately
for all of you on this mailing list (and individually, when you
share your prayer requests with me).

Will you respond to God, earnestly seeking Him, giving God credit
for all that He has done (instead of just being demanding of God,
insisting on this or that in prayers, without being truly
appreciative of what He has already done for each of us)? God
knows our needs, and He wants to hear from us, including our
needs, but God also desires grateful devotion, a joyful and
thankful heart, a repentant spirit when we do fall short, and an
eagerness to praise Him and draw near to Him.

Dear Lord,

Help me through each day, and enable me to be a disciple who is
not only willing to follow You, but one who is willing to serve,
to obey, to give, following Your wonderful humble example. Teach
me and help me to seek You first and love You with all of my
being, then help me to tap into the power of Your love. I
believe that once I appreciate You, the choices that I make will
flow out of a response to Your amazing love.

Your Brother in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike []
Larry, I have received 6 or 7 e-mails of prayer and
encouragement already. It has been wonderful. Each day, I am
feeling my relationship with God growing. As I write these
words, I am tearing up: something I have done a lot lately. But,
it is not a sad cry. I feel like I am being touched and
comforted by God. Thanks again and God bless.

Sowing Seeds Ministry is reaching around the world. To continue
offering quality ministry we need help. We now have over 50
financial partners who commit at least $10 per month and to each
of you we say a loud and sincere, "Thank You! " but we need at
least one hundred more to continue aggressively reaching around
the world. To learn how you can be a financial partner in our
ministry click here: or email
me at

"Computer Crash, Silence & Renewal" Part one Larry Davies

My computer crashed and died on the same day an infamous email
virus "love bug" struck throughout the world. Critical files and
thousands of email addresses were in danger of being lost. So, I
reacted like any technologically handicapped person and
panicked. I grabbed my precious cargo and raced to the local
computer doctor pleading for help. "Shoot me straight, Doc. I
can take it! Is it the love bug?"

He smiled and looked at me for the longest time. (I hate it when
they do that!) "Did you download any program updates off the
Internet recently?"

"Well, sure." I replied. "Microsoft has a great automatic update
reminder. Several days ago there was a message to download
something to improve the Active X... whatever that is."

A look of horror came across his face and with professional
disdain asked: "Was anything wrong with your computer? Was it
acting up?"


He continued, "Did you need a program improvement so you could
become more productive?"

"No! I don't even know what Active X is?"

"Then why download something you don't need?"

With a sheepish look, I stammered, "Because Microsoft told me

After a long pause the doctor quietly asked: "Do you always do
what Microsoft tells you?"

What could I say? I was caught red-handed (and red faced) and
charged with the crime of being careless and naive. After a
lecture on the importance of backing up files and avoiding
unnecessary downloads the doctor prescribed five days of bed
rest and therapy (for the computer).

"Five days! What would I do without my computer for five days?
There was important work to do!"

It was at this point... I realized there was a problem but not
with the computer!

The Apostle Paul gives this warning: "Don't copy the behavior
and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new
person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what
God wants you to do and you will know how good and pleasing his
will really is." (Romans 12:2)

As followers of God we are to be a "light" to others but all too
often our light is subtly dimmed and discolored by the worldly
passions of life. In my case it was the day-by-day demands of
writing, web-site maintenance and ministry. In other words, I
was doing the work but I was neglecting something far more
valuable: my intimate relationship with God.

What about you? What are your priorities in life? Most likely,
whatever saps the majority of your time and energy. So, what is
dimming your light?
- Could it be the pressure to succeed in a highly competitive
work environment?
- Maybe you're feeling the daily grind of maintaining a
household and caring for children.
- Are you caught up in the mind-numbing allure of any number of
entertainment pleasures?

The first day was tough. Like any addict, I needed a computer
fix... bad. "How do I write my devotion? Where is my schedule?
What if I borrowed somebody else's computer? Maybe, I'll buy a
new one." The hours seemed to drag on and on. I was feeling
lost and vulnerable... right where God wanted me.

Something happened during those forced periods of solitude. I
did more reading and a lot more praying. In the midst of a
forced withdrawal from my hectic routine, I discovered a gem of
Biblical truth. But alas, that is next week. Meanwhile, please
pray for my family. I've been awfully moody lately.

Are you filled with a burning desire to express yourself and
your love for God? Maybe, you are a frustrated, unpublished
writer looking for a chance to prove yourself and gain an
audience? If so, try your hand at The Sowing Seeds Ministry
fourth annual writing contest. For more information, click here:

Are you receiving prayer concerns from around the world? Join
our prayer team today. Check it out by clicking here:

How can I regularly support your ministry? Become a Sowing Seeds
Ministry partner. Click here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

Did you know? All money received from the sale of our books go
directly back into the Sowing Seeds Website or the printing
bill? When we say "Non-Profit" we mean... "Non-Profit!" Support
us today. Buy "Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's
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