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Word for Today, Tue, 15 Apr 2003: Encouraging Those Who Mourn

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today I'd like to share with you the weekly Sowing Seeds of Faith
message from my friend Larry Davies. In today's message, Larry
writes a tribute to those who have been missing in action in the
recent military conflicts, particularly those in Iraq. Larry
also reflects upon past military conflicts and honors those who
have given their lives in the name of freedom.

Larry also remembers those who mourn for others. The Bible
reminds us to identify with those who are hurting, to rejoice
with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn.
Therefore, regardless of what we personally feel about wars and
conflicts, I believe it is right to pray for those who serve us,
and also to pray for the families of people who serve our
country. Please pray for the leaders, those in authority.

If you know of anyone who is grieving the loss of a person from
war, whether this war or a war of the past, this is a great time
to be a real friend and do as Christ instructs us to do. Read
Matthew 5, and you'll see many useful suggestions. Read the
Beatitudes for some great instruction on the kind of attitudes
that honor Christ. Look at the remainder of the chapter,
especially the last few verses, for some appropriate scripture
about praying for others, even our enemies!

Your Brother in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

We are all so grateful for the rescue of seven prisoners of war
but we continue our prayers for the troops and for the Iraqi
people as they continue rebuilding their country.

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"Missing In Action: Another Time... Another Place"
Larry Davies

Recently, I received an email from Jan Reger, a church member:
"Larry! Your email prayer ministry mentioned someone from this
area listed as Missing in Action in Iraq. Having a brother who is
still MIA from Viet Nam, I can relate to what that family is
going through. Can I offer them moral support?"

"What a generous idea? I did not know you lost your brother that
way. What happened?" I replied.

"On May 13, 1970, my brother, Captain Alan R. Trent, USAF, was
shot down over Cambodia. He was the lead pilot in a Phantom jet
hit while going in to blow up a bridge. The plane went down and
exploded on impact. A scout plane did not see any parachutes but
reported the two crewmen may have ejected without the chutes
opening since they were close to the ground. They went down in
enemy territory so US forces weren't able to get to the crash
site for four days. By then, the enemy had cleared away any
evidence the pilots were in the plane. There were no human
remains so we were hopeful they either got away or captured. But
after the war in 1973 when POW's returned and he was not among
them, nor was he on any lists returned POW's provided, his status
was changed to Killed in Action. But they never determined what
happened to him. "

"In 1996 I received a letter from the Air Force saying Red Cross
investigation teams entered Cambodia and found the crash site.
They had to dig down three levels of forest but located several
parts of the plane, a BIC pen, and a left military boot among
other things. They found a portion of one ejection seat, so they
felt at least one pilot went down with the plane. Then in 2000,
the Air Force investigated another crash site nearby and
discovered more pieces of Alan's plane. They determined his plane
hit a knoll, bounced off and exploded in another area. There were
pieces spread all over but still no indication as to what
happened to either pilot. The Air Force sent a notebook (I have
never shown this to my mom) which contains pictures of pieces of
zippers, flight uniforms, straps, rubber life rafts, pieces of
the plane, etc., found at the crash sites but found no evidence
of bones or burial sites."

"So that's where we stand... we know nothing more about him
today than on May 13, 1970. My dad died in 1982 accepting Alan's
death but to this day, mom feels the reason she lived so long is
to be here when Alan comes home. I know in her heart, she knows
he's not alive but without any material proof of his death, it is
so hard to accept even now. I cannot imagine such grief and I
admire her for being able to get on with her life. Alan's name is
on the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C. My mother saw it
once but will not go back. I don't really blame her."

"I became involved with the Families of American POWs/MIAs and
served for several years. I attended conventions with other
families, most of whom still don't know what's happened to their
loved ones. There are still over 1900 men unaccounted for in
Southeast Asia. As I watch the war in Iraq, I feel that we could
be starting all over again. On this chapter in my life, I will
always look back with pain."

"My heart hurts for the families of soldiers killed and
particularly those who are MIA in Iraq. I was so grateful to hear
they rescued the 19-year old woman and later the seven others
known to be held prisoner. It gives other families hope. Please
let them all know that each family is in my prayers."

"Thanks for asking about Alan and letting me talk about this
wonderful young man again. He was single, twenty-nine, and a
graduate of the Air Force Academy. He planned to go into the
ministry before joining the Air Force. His plans were to come
back from Vietnam and enter seminary to hopefully become one of
the first "flying chaplains" in the USAF. His faith in God was so

"I don't get to talk about my brother much anymore. It's so hard
to keep his memory alive. Vietnam has always been such an awful
time in our country's history and people don't want to talk about
or deal with the "leftovers" of such a war. I pray the war in
Iraq doesn't end the same way."

At this writing there are approximately 149 coalition force
casualties and less than a handful are listed as missing in
action. The seven known prisoners of war have been rescued.
Casualties on the Iraq side are not known but believed to be in
the thousands. We pray for all of them and their families.


Thanks Jan for helping us all understand the trauma families of
war endure, especially the families of those "Missing in Action".
Please send Jan Reger an email of encouragement. You can reach
her at:

If you like this story, you'll love the book: "Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a Better Life" by
Larry Davies. The 331 page hard back book normally sells for
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