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Word for Today, Tue, 15 Aug 2000: Fwd: "Cultivate peaceful working habits"

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

This message comes from my friend, Larry Davies, but the bulk of the article
comes from Ron Hutchcraft. Interestingly, Ron also uses the phrase, "Word
for Today" to describe some of his writings. It has been a while since I
have included Ron's work. Ron has a radio ministry, an online ministry,
has written books, and he often has interesting insights. I thought this
was useful, so I'd like to share it with you. [Thanks, Larry, for passing
this on. Remembering the "$7.43 principle", I will do the same!!!] 😉

Brother Brian

--- Sowing Seeds Ministry <> wrote:
> From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: FW: LIVE IT: Money & Management -- "Cultivate peaceful working
> habits"
> Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 07:52:12 -0700
> With all the stress we are all under I thought you might appreciate some
> solid advice. God bless. Larry
> L I V E I T
> Today's best advice from Christian books.
> Being stressed out is not particularly noticeable these
>'s so common that we think it's normal. Peace is
> noticeable because so few have found it.
> You can have peace on the job if you will work at it, practicing
> until you master stress.
> * Operate in time blocks. Instead of going with the flow, try
> to control the flow by taking charge of time you have. Most
> people tackle tasks when they feel like it or when they have
> to. Since those times come erratically, it's easy to have six
> deadlines at once, making you feel severely overloaded.
> Instead, assign a time for your tasks and cut out
> interruptions during those periods.
> * Anchor your schedule. Keep time with God, your spouse, and
> your family. They will keep you grounded in what's important.
> * Plan your work. You can save time when you take time to plan
> your week. At the beginning of each week, make a list of
> everything that needs doing in the coming days. It will
> become manageable as you prioritize those responsibilities,
> based on urgency, importance, and whether someone else's work
> is waiting on yours. Then reorganize the tasks by number,
> starting with the most important down to the least. This way
> you can tackle your work with confidence.
> * Consolidate your errands. Keep a running list of things you
> need rather than rushing out to do or buy something. The
> groceries, hardware, and school needs should be recorded
> until there's a trip's worth. Keep asking yourself, How can I
> save steps? and Is this trip really necessary?
> * Do the difficult first. Instead of dreading or postponing
> difficult jobs, tackle them first. They may be writing a
> difficult letter, making a dreaded phone call, studying a
> least-understood subject, or cleaning the garage. As long as
> it hangs over your head, it will produce stress. The relief
> and freedom experienced after it's over can invigorate you
> for the rest of your day.
> * Leave space for surprises. For peace to last, you have to
> make it a habit to leave space for the unexpected. Work on
> your schedule - and your attitude - so that a traffic jam, a
> forgotten bill, or a lost key will not upset your day.
> Overscheduling can have a domino effect: if the first item
> takes longer, it will put you behind for the entire day.
> Likewise, don't underestimate the time it will take to
> perform a task.
> * Capture your environment. If you are a prisoner of a fixed
> income, living alone, or personal pain, the secret is to
> capture your environment...don't let your environment capture
> you. With strength and courage from God, you can make any
> circumstance a positive one when you look for ways to make
> the most of it.
> * Cultivate flexibility. It's nice to have your plan, but even
> better when God lets you know that He has a higher plan. When
> He changes your course you can fight it - or relax and enjoy
> the ride. In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord
> determines his steps (Prov. 16:9). When you are inflexible,
> you invite stress from the surprises of life.
> -----------
> From Living Peacefully in a Stressful World by Ron
> Hutchcraft. Copyright (c) 2000 by Discovery House
> Publishers, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1-800-653-8333.
> Used by permission.
> -----------
> To order this book now, click here:
> -----------
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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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