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Word for Today, Tue, 15 Jul 2003: Part 3: Finding Out About Elvis

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

You may remember that Larry Davies has recently shared some
unconventional messages about a Worship With Elvis, based on some
fun stuff his local church does at their annual outdoor picnic.

You may have heard that at one time Elvis professed to be a
Christian, and he loved to sing Gospel music.

Today's conclusion to the series about Elvis is all about what we
do with our lives and our testimony to others. We can't judge
Elvis, or anyone else, in terms of whether they have a personal
faith in God or a saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. All we
can judge are the outward behaviors that we can see or hear about
from others. That's all someone else can see in each of us,
isn't it?

That's a sobering thought. Outside of the things you say and the
things you think about in your heart, how does your outward
behavior reflect what you believe or claim to believe? I suspect
that most of us have to admit that we're not perfect in what we
outwardly display that others can see.

Let this message be a reminder that people do watch and observe,
not only what we say, but also what we do. God can, and does,
forgive us when we fail to be the outward and inward witness that
we ought to be. But wouldn't it be nice if what we said and what
we claimed to believe, as much as possible, was consistent with
what others could see?

The apostle Paul, like Jesus Christ, blasts the Pharisees for
saying one thing and doing another:

19 if you are convinced that you are a guide for the blind, a
light for those who are in the dark, 20 an instructor of the
foolish, a teacher of infants, because you have in the law the
embodiment of knowledge and truth-- 21 you, then, who teach
others, do you not teach yourself? You who preach against
stealing, do you steal? 22 You who say that people should not
commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do
you rob temples? 23 You who brag about the law, do you dishonor
God by breaking the law? 24 As it is written: "God's name is
blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you." (Romans 2:19-22,
NIV, "As it is written" quoted from Isaiah 52:5; Ezek. 36:22).

James is really direct about this. Some of you will be familiar
with James 2. Some early scholars wanted to keep James out of
the Bible because of what it says, but if you read it carefully,
it merely completes the picture:

24 You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by
faith alone. (James 2:24, NIV)

We are most certainly justified by faith, Hebrews goes into great
detail to make that clear (see Hebrews 11). Ephesians 2 also
makes it clear that we are saved by the grace of God through
faith, but we are also cautioned that we are the workmanship of
God, and our purpose is to do good works to His honor and glory.

That's plenty to digest and think about, but it barely touches
the surface of this theology. Clearly, it is God who is the gift
giver. Though God is the One who saves us, we, too, are partners
and have a responsibility to God and to one another. How will we
be remembered if someone ever writes about us?

Dear Lord,

I'm convicted by this message. The testimony of Elvis has taught
me that I ought to be careful what I think, say, and do. I know
these aren't just the words of Elvis, they can be backed up by
the true Word we read from You.

Yours in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

Enjoy our newest feature at the Sowing Seeds Ministry website:
daily devotions. Now, each day of the year you can click on our
website and read a story offering God's Word, encouragement and
hope. Click and mark this page in your favorites section:

Writing Contest winners will be officially announced next week
on July 22. At that time you will have the opportunity to read
the winning entries in each of four categories: Prayer,
Devotion, Sermon and Poetry. We offer a special thank you to all
who submitted entries.

A very special think you to David Baldree who assisted in the
writing of this article and who also played Elvis in our worship
service. To read parts one and two of "Worship and Elvis" you
can click here:

"Worship with Elvis" Part 3
Larry Davies & David Baldree

"Is this when you became a drug addict?" the interviewer asked.
Elvis Presley's face burned beet red in obvious irritation for
he was not used to being challenged by anyone. The interview was
not going as expected. Who did this guy from the Heavenly
Broadcasting Network think he was?

Regaining his composure, Elvis replied; "I was never a drug
addict President Richard Nixon awarded me a badge to serve our
country as a narcotics agent. He felt I could help guide
children away from street drugs. Yes, I take sleeping pills...
you can't imagine what it's like after a concert. It's hard to
come down from the high energy level I need on stage for my
fans. During the day I take Dexedrine to wake up and get going
again. But, everything is prescribed by my doctor: "Dr. Nick."

There was a brief moment of silence before the interviewer
continued: "You're a famous rock and roll star, Elvis, yet you
still sing a lot of Gospel in addition to your other material.

"Well sir, my faith in God has always been strong and I've never
been afraid to share that faith with my fans. Gospel music is a
part of my heritage and tells a story like no other music.
Gospel music is..."

Before he could finish the interviewer cut in... "Elvis, your
faith and your lifestyle do not reflect the Gospel music you
claim to love. You live a wild life of nonstop parties. Despite
what you are hopelessly addicted to prescription
drugs! You've been unfaithful to the very wife you claim to

"Who are you and just who do you think you're talking to!" Elvis
screamed and at the same time gestured to a body guard, "Find
that Heavenly Broadcast idiot in the sound booth and bring him

Long agonizingly silent minutes pass before the body guard
appears in the sound booth and shouts down to Elvis. "There's no
one in the booth but technicians!"

Elvis was stunned... "Well, where is he?" He looked around
frantically. "Where are you?"

"I'm still here, Elvis."

"Where is here?" Suddenly, he realizes the answer. "Are you
trying to tell me that you are God?"

"Yes and I'm very disappointed in you, Elvis. You could have
influenced millions through your gift of music to follow me.
Instead you did everything to suit you. What do you have to say
for yourself?"

God, I've always known there had to be a purpose for my life. I
read the Bible and sang gospel music with passion. I guess the
true meaning was right in front of me. I needed faith that comes
from the heart. I have to drop my ego and make room for You. I
sinned deeply and missed a great opportunity to serve and
witness to millions. If only I could live my life over again.
Can you ever forgive me?"

"Elvis, I've already forgiven you. You are a wonderful person,
blessed with many unique talents but I put you on this earth to
use those God given talents wisely. What's important is what
will you do now?"

"Lord, I always loved, 'You'll Never Walk Alone' but I haven't
sung it in a while. The words are simple and short but the
meaning seems appropriate now. I know that faith is truly one of
the greatest gifts offered by You. With faith I know that I'll
never have to walk alone again. Thank you, God!"

There was a pause before God spoke: "Elvis, sing so the others
will see me through your talents."

With passion born anew by restored faith in almighty God, Elvis
sang as only he can: "When you walk through a storm, hold your
head up high and don't be afraid of the dark. At the end of the
storm is a golden sky and the sweet silver song of a lark. Walk
on through the wind. Walk on through the rain though your dreams
be tossed and blown. Walk on. Walk on with hope in your heart
and you'll never walk alone. You'll never walk alone." Thank you
Elvis, for helping us see God through your struggles.

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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