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Word for Today, Tue, 17 Jul 2001: More Than Anything

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I enjoy reading Bob Kauflin's weekly column entitled, "Worship
Matters". From time to time, I share it with you. Recently Bob
has been writing on the topic, "Wanting God More Than Anything:
More Than This Life". In this particular article, Bob clarifies
about the things around us and the things of God. I think he
gets it right. It is OK to enjoy the things around us. Bob even
mentions some of the common ones:

* The praise of men
* Control
* Pleasure
* Possessions

All of these items can have good purposes, and God has created
them, just as He has created us. We have a role to fulfill in
these things.

The problem, of course, is one of degree. When we start putting
these things at the top of our list of priorities, that is the
beginning of our destructive attitudes and behaviors. How do I
know that? (Take a guess). Yes, I've been there, and I've been
guilty of seeking all of those things to detrimental extremes.
I suspect none of us have been free from excesses in at least one
of those areas, and most of us, if we were truly honest, would
realize that we have probably crossed the healthy line in all of
these areas at one time or another. I admit to that, and I
confess that I need help in balancing those things properly.

Jesus Christ is my perfect model for finding that balance. He
had the opportunity to command the praise of men, yet instead, He
humbled Himself, in order that God's purpose might be completely
met, and ultimately, Jesus WOULD receive the praise of men.

Jesus Christ, as God's Son, has control of all things, yet He
surrendered control, not only to His Father, but also submitted
Himself to the abuse of men, to take on their sins. He had
control, yet He gave it up!

Jesus had it all, yet He paid it all. He had every pleasure
available to Him, yet His pleasure was to do the will of His

He had the whole world, yet He completely gave Himself to it.

What self sacrificial behavior!

I believe that God calls us to give our lives completely to Him.
Rarely does that mean the loss of life, though our days on this
earth are certainly numbered. It does mean that just because we
have a certain set of resources, we are not to cling too tightly
to anything.

I enjoy cars (originally raised in Michigan) computers (my
profession) and people, especially family and close friends. As
I have grown, I have learned to get to know (and love) people of
all sizes, shapes, colors, and races. It is much better to find
something unique and interesting about someone who is different
than me than it is to try to find fault with someone else. (IF I
want to find fault, I need look no further than my own nose)!

My desire is to seek God with all my heart. As I have done so, I
have also learned that to love God is also to learn to love one
another. As I have started to do that, I have learned an
entirely new depth to what that means, a depth that continues to
evolve as I draw near to God. You see, the love of God never
changes, but it is so rich that I cannot possibly grasp it all at
once. So each day, I learn more and more about the goodness of
God. As I do that, the things of this earth, the things that I
mentioned above, are still around, but their importance and
dominance starts to diminish as the goodness of God shines. As
my own lenses gradually are cleared by the Spirit of the Living
God, His light becomes brighter and the other stuff dims. I can
only trust that the process will continue until God has me
exactly where He wants me - in conformance to Him and with Him.

Your Brother in Christ,

Reply-to: Worship Matters <>
Subject: Worship Matters: Wanting God More Than Anything: More Than This Life

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WORSHIP MATTERS, with Bob Kauflin of PDI Ministries

Visit the Spiritual Life Channel on

Wanting God More Than Anything: More Than This Life

Who wants to die? When we hear of someone no longer
eager to live, we might assume he or she struggles with
manic depression, is fighting a painful and incurable
disease, or has simply lost the will to live. But in some
cases, such assumptions would be dead wrong.

Listen to these words from a man of superior intellect,
in the prime of his life, with a ministry that was
affecting thousands. "We ... would prefer to be away from
the body and at home with the Lord" (2 Co 5:8). "For to me,
to live is Christ and to die is gain ... I am torn between
the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is
better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I
remain in the body " (Php 1:21, 23-24).

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What kind of person would write such things? Someone
like the apostle Paul, a man who desired the joys of
eternity with God in heaven more than all this earthly
life can offer. Paul had no morbid interest in death. Nor
was he unappreciative of God's temporal gifts. He simply
knew where his greatest treasures lay.

In this series of columns, we've looked at some of the
idols than can woo us away from loving and worshiping God.
None of these are evil in themselves:

The Praise of Men - Scripture commends living in such
a way that we earn a good earthly reputation (Pro 22:1).

Control - God expects us to exercise good stewardship
over our responsibilities (Pro 6:6-8).

Pleasure and Possessions - We were created to drink
deeply of the temporal pleasures that God provides
(1Ti 6:17).

Yet, if we set our hopes and longings only on the
things of this life, we are mistaking the introduction
for the story!

Paul was certainly well-positioned to seek a ministry
that brought him fame and glory. Why didn't he? Because
Paul was a worshiper of God, first and last. He lived for
a purpose greater than himself or his own life: to
prepare for the moment when he would look into the eyes
of his Maker and receive what was due him for the things
he had done on earth (2Co 5:10). Paul's view of death was
an informed view. He knew that our time on earth is only
a preparation, that death is the beginning of the life
that is truly life. So, Paul commanded the Colossians to
do what he did: "Set your minds on things above, not on
earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden
with Christ in God" (Col 3:2-3).

If you're a believer in Jesus Christ, your life, too,
is hidden with Christ in God. Is that how you live? What
are the greatest desires of your heart? Where are you
storing up your treasures?

Worshipers of God understand that, even with all the
good of this life, nothing is better than God Himself. A
worshiper lives in eager anticipation of the time when he
or she will bow at the very throne of God to declare the
glories of the Lamb. On that day our words, our worship,
and our passion for God will have no bounds.

May God, by His Spirit and grace, make each of us that
kind of worshiper here, in this life.

For His Glory,


P.S. Stay with us, as next time we begin a series on the
modern worship movement.

Editor's Note --

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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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