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Word for Today, Tue, 17, Jun 2003: The Spiritual Person

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

For those of you who are familiar with scripture, today's message
from Neil Anderson contains familiar words from the apostle Paul
to the Galatian church. It describes the attributes of a spirit
filled person, a person full of the Spirit of God. The preceding
verses in the same chapter describe those who live by the any
other spirit.

Dear Lord,

As I read Your Word and think about it, replace the things that
distract me from Your Spirit, free my life from sin, help me see
my own tendency to sin, and to turn away from it, so that I may
live a full life that is pleasing to You and helpful to others.

Your Brother in Christ,

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June 17


The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such
things there is no law (Galatians 5:22, 23).

The spiritual person also has a body, soul and spirit. Yet this
individual has been remarkably transformed from the natural
person he was before spiritual birth. At conversion, his spirit
became united with God's Spirit. The spiritual life which
resulted from this union is characterized by forgiveness of sin,
acceptance in God's family, and the realization of personal

The soul of the spiritual person also reflects a change
generated by spiritual birth. He can now receive his impetus
from the Spirit, not just from the flesh. His mind is being
renewed and transformed. His emotions are characterized by peace
and joy instead of turmoil. It is our responsibility to choose
not to walk according to the flesh, but to walk according to the
Spirit. As the spiritual person exercises his choice to live in
the Spirit, his life bears the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians
5:22, 23).

As a spiritual person, your body is the dwelling place of God. We
should offer our bodies as a living sacrifice of worship and
service to Him. The flesh, conditioned to live independently from
God under the old self, is still present in the spiritual person.
But he responsibly crucifies the flesh and its desires daily as
he considers himself dead to sin.

"That all looks and sounds great," you may say. "But I'm a
Christian and I still have some problems. I know I'm spiritually
alive, but sometimes my mind dwells on the wrong kinds of
thoughts. Sometimes I give in to the deeds of the flesh.
Sometimes I entertain the desires of the flesh instead of
crucifying them."

The description of the spiritual person is the ideal. It's the
model of maturity toward which we are all growing. God has made
every provision for you to experience personally the description
of the spiritual person in His Word (2 Peter 1:3). You will grow
as a spiritual person and glorify God in your body as you learn
to crucify the flesh and be filled by the spirit.

Loving Lord, it is liberating to know that Your Spirit actually
dwells in me. I choose to walk as a spiritual person today.

This daily devotional is published and distributed by It is written by Neil Anderson at

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