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Word for Today, Tue, 18 Feb 2003: Living Life God's Way:Where's the Focus?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I got today's message sent to me by Email from a friend, It
comes from on online site called Living Life God's Way. The Web
page where it can be found is listed below. Please check there
if you're interested in copyright, author, or credit for the

Note the theme: how God's goodness is unchanging, regardless of
OUR circumstances. Those who know God and who know scripture can
remember statements and promises that God is unchanging and ever

Dear Lord,

I'm ready to let go of the life that I've planned so that the
life You have planned for me can be fulfilled. I'm willing, but
I feel so unprepared. Please fix my heart, my attitude, my
situation, and everything else about me so that I can accomplish
what it is that You have intended for me. I confess that You are
my help, yet so often I try to do things myself, ignoring what
You are planning for me. Help me even in this, that I may come
to a place where allowing You to work in my life is what comes
natural. I want to be there, Lord, but I don't always feel like
I'm giving You everything. Change my heart from deep within,
that Your purposes may become my greatest joy in every way.

Your Brother in Christ,

February 17

+Living Life God's Way+

We must let go of the life we planned in order
to accept the life that is waiting for us.

Where Is Your Focus?
I lift up my eyes to the hills - where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
Psalm 121: 1-2
Where do you focus when your circumstances are challenging?
When the stock market falls, when layoffs are plentiful,
when our troops are deployed, and the threat of anthrax
makes headlines, where do you focus? In the last few weeks I
have found many people who are encompassed in a bubble of
fear. They are fixated on the news, focusing on the problems
and turmoil around them, weighed down with the cares of our
broken world. Our sense of security, our assurance of the
goodness of God, is not dependent upon our circumstances. It
is based on the rock solid reality of the death and
resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. When the
Psalmist faced the challenges of life, he did not find help
in the hills! That's where the false gods of other religions
dwelled in their temples. Instead, the Psalmist found his
help in the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. You can
too! We are living in some challenging and uncertain times.
But we can face the challenges of life by keeping our eyes
focused on the certainty of God's goodness. Like Paul we can
confirm, "Since God did not spare even his own Son, but gave
him up for us all, won't God, who gave us Christ, also gives
us everything else?" (Romans 8:32)

Our circumstances are not an accurate reflection of God's
goodness. Whether life is good or bad, God's goodness, rooted in
His character, is the same.
Helen Grace Lescheid

When you feel at the end of your tether,
remember God is at the other end.

Brian Masinick,
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