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Word for Today, Tue, 18 Feb 2003: Prayer in Ministry and in Every Day Life

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Larry Davies is continuing his series of messages about the
relevance of every day prayer, how we have the wonderful
opportunity to communicate with God, our Creator, and how God
Himself has invited us to use private communication with Him as a
way to draw others to Him, too. I believe that as we acknowledge
God in prayer, we give Him the honor that He so richly deserves,
and at the same time, we reach out to encourage others, drawing
them near, so that they, too, may enjoy a personal relationship
with God.

Larry gives us some more terrific examples and explanations in
his message this week. I'd like to pray, then I'd like to share
this week's Sowing Seeds message with you.

Dear Lord,

Please remind us that prayer is so much more than dumping out a
laundry list of requests and demands. It's about communicating
with you. I confess that there are times when I just talk at
you. Help me with the things I struggle with. I don't want
them to consume me. Meet the needs of others, particularly
those who are so despondent that they are afraid to live.
Please direct the affairs of our leaders and help them to make
decisions that will restore dignity and safety to our land, and
hope for people everywhere. Most of all, help each of us as we
battle with the urgent things of each day. I can't speak for
others, but I desire intimacy with you. Please draw me close to
You in every possible way, that I may be completely yours.

Your Brother in Christ,

Many of you have been praying for Vance... So far he is alive
and doing well but please keep praying. You can send email of
encouragement to Vance by clicking here:

Larry - I wish I had the words to express what was in my heart
as I read the prayer requests this morning and responded to
prayed over others. What an eye-opener being part of Sowing
Seeds prayer ministry has been and how heavy and anguished I
feel after reading so many of them. What a call to prayer! My
concern is for you as you read these requests, day after day.
Obviously you take them seriously and obviously they affect you.
How could they not? This is all simply to say that you are in my
prayers. I pray that many will come forward to sponsor Sowing
Seeds, that you will find godly prayer partners who will lift
you in prayer on a regular basis and that you will always and
often offer the only real hope we have to cling to, Jesus
Christ. -Karen

You too, can become a Sowing Seeds Ministry Partner by clicking

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

You can read part one by clicking here:

"Asking for Help Leads to A Prayer Ministry" Part 2 Larry Davies

Last week, overwhelmed by email requests for prayer, I
desperately sought help and scriptural guidance. That's when I
discovered the story of a Roman officer who taught us all a
lesson in faith, "Just say the word from where you are, Jesus,
and my servant will be healed." (Luke 7:6-10) His trust in Jesus
helped me learn that it's never too late to ask for help. Faith
is my willingness to trust in God's answer. Meanwhile, prayer
needs continued to arrive by email. (Names changed)
. Marsha (Minnesota) My 20-year-old twin daughters are
leaving home. They both suffer with learning disabilities. I
pray their co-workers will be patient and help them succeed.
. Holly (Kentucky) My boyfriend has decided to go into the
ministry. We are both seeking God's will for our lives and hope
to stay close together.
. Sharon (Canada) My son and his wife and five children.
Their house caught fire and they still have no home, as they are
low income. Nearly everything was lost.
. Alex (Scotland) Granddaughter has Hodgkin's disease. She
has a growth in her chest, near her heart and has spots and
holes in her kidneys...

First: I needed to kick myself, hard. These prayer requests
aren't burdens... far from it. God is giving me a breathtaking
opportunity to provide ministry for the needs of others around
the world. I clearly must learn how to replace worry over what
"I" will do with faith in what "God" can do. After all, people
are seeking guidance from God, not me. I am simply being asked
to pray.

Once again, God provided a "turning point" in my life. The
question is: "What would I do with it?"

With renewed enthusiasm, I began to pray... really pray. When
each request flashes across the computer screen, I'm learning to
bow my head and say a prayer for their situation now not later.
In addition, over six thousand volunteers from all over the
world have signed on to join me in prayer. Three times each week
we send out a list of prayer needs along with email addresses so
along with prayer we can also send emails of encouragement. We
have witnessed miracles!

"Thank you Larry - because of you and your cause, you have saved
my life of pain and torment. I have received so many messages
from folks in your prayer group and I am totally overwhelmed!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I now feel foolish for the
stupid thoughts of suicide and know there are many who love and
care for me! God bless you for your kindness and love!" -- Flo

A thought kept nagging me. "But, what about the church I serve?
Shouldn't they be involved?"

Occasionally on Sunday, during worship, copies of the email
requests from around the world are distributed to every member
of our congregation. During the following week we agree to pray
for those on the list. Soon everyone in the congregation is
agreeing to pray for someone else.

No longer are we simply asking God to be active in national and
world events. We are praying for real people around the world
and their specific needs. One service ended with Communion. As
people moved to the altar to receive the bread and cup
symbolizing the body and blood of Jesus Christ they brought
their email prayer request to the altar and received communion
for two.

For us, the time-honored liturgy of Holy Communion took on a new
implication, "Pour out your Holy Spirit on us gathered here, and
on these gifts of bread and wine. Make them be for us the body
and blood of Christ that we may be for the world the body of
Christ, redeemed by his blood. By your Spirit make us one with
Christ, one with each other and one in ministry to all the

What started as a problem became an opportunity for ministry.
Those who asked for prayer are discovering answers. Our church
has become an excited partner in a new prayer ministry. And me?
I've changed too. When prayer needs flash across the computer,
I'm no longer burdened. I know there is help just waiting to be
asked. Isn't this what being the church is all about?

William Temple wrote: "When I pray, coincidences happen and when
I do not, they don't."

Rev. Davies -- I was a guest at your church, recently and what a
joyful sound I heard. Your church is absolutely gorgeous! That
day, I received a copy of your "Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit
- Following God's Recipe for a Better Life." When I attended
your church service, I was down because my fiance' left me with
no explanation. He just left. I spent days and nights crying and
questioning why things turned out the way they did. Then I began
reading your book and my eyes were opened. Especially when I
read the chapter titled, "Surfing Through the Obstacles of Our

I began going to church with my grandfather when I was a little
girl. As I got older, I got out of attending church regularly.
Hanging out with friends until wee hours and sleeping in on
Sundays was more important. Then I broke my leg coaching youth
soccer and that put me in a cast for six months. My grandfather
approached me and told me I was having a run of bad luck because
I had given up my faith and lost touch with God. I began
attending church on a regular basis again and began teaching the
primary Sunday School Class and assisting in directing the
Vacation Bible School and even directing the Easter Egg Hunt.

Things began to turn around for me and I fell in love. I got my
fiance' involved in our church. Then my old habits kicked in
again and I quit going to church. But after reading your book I
have decided to get the strength to pull my life together and
get back into the church.

Thanks for opening my eyes to the One who is always there and
can change my life. I have found myself preaching to others that
God has a plan and for them to put their trust in Him. I even
wrote my ex fiance' that maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong
ones so when we meet the right one, we'll know how to cherish
that one.

I don't know why or how I got off on this tangent but I wanted
you to know I greatly appreciate the opportunity to read your
book. I plan on sharing it with my family and friends and fellow
church members. It has definitely made an impression on me. God
bless, Lavinna

The biggest sale ever must end on February 28 because our supply
of books is beginning to get low. Click here:

If you like this devotion you will love the book: "Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a Better Life"
now on sale only through this website. Click here for more

Join our prayer ministry by clicking here:

How can I become a Sowing Seeds Ministry partner?

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)


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