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Word for Today, Tue, 18 Jan 2005: Abuse and Boundaries

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 18 Jan 2005: Abuse and Boundaries
Dear friends,

Today's devotional message comes from the weekly Sowing Seeds of
Faith mailing list, authored by my friend in Christ, Larry

In this edition, Larry writes about abuse and the hope that God
offers each of us, even those who have (or are) suffering from

Cloud and Townsend have authored several good books on Boundaries
and related topics that are germane to this discussion. These
books offer counsel that is based on principles that can be found
in scripture. I've read some of their work myself and I have
found it to be useful in setting up appropriate boundaries in my
own personal relationships.

Yours in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

On January 24th 2005, I will leave with several Aid organization
officials to Sri Lanka to tour the area and see what we can do to
help. My goal is to find several local groups to be in continual
contact with. Thanks to generous donations through our church
and you we are shipping over 40,000 pounds of rice from Vietnam
to Sri Lanka and will participate in distributing the rice to
those in need. I look forward to bringing you reports and
pictures from our mission. We pray you will find how much your
donations make a difference in the lives of those who need our

Sowing Seeds Ministry set up their web site to accept donations
toward those affected by the Tsunami Tragedy. The site is credit
card secure and all funds will go toward a special project in the
area. You may also donate to Sowing Seeds Ministry as we keep
our prayer and devotional ministry active and helpful. Click
here: Once on this
page you need to click again to the actual secured giving area.
This is for your protection.

Every week, Sowing Seeds Ministry sends over 23,000 emails filled
with devotions and prayer needs. Every month our website,, receives visitors worldwide.
Many leave prayer requests which are emailed to more than 9,000
prayer partners. People have been healed, marriages
strengthened, suicides prevented and thousands have renewed their
relationship with God. But this heartfelt poem by Jayse titled
simply: "Thank You," describes our ministry and the people who
work so hard to express their love of God to you.

If you missed part one you can read it here:

"Thank You: A Story of Abuse" Part 2 Jayse & Larry Davies

All my life I never heard anything good at all

I was too skinny, too weak, and most of all too small

All the things that happened, my dad said would make me strong

I believed him all my life until you said 'he's wrong!'

I know I still tune out a lot of things he did

But you helped me see, I was very hurt as a kid

Sometimes it confuses me; I don't know what I'm feeling

But you help me understand this really means I'm healing.

You helped me to realize, maybe I'm not so bad

I can choose a different life; I'm not doomed to be like my dad

I know I still struggle, still mess up, and always get off track

But you are always there for me, you always bring me back.

Abusers attack their prey utilizing elaborate disguises: Violence
camouflaged as punishment. Inappropriate touches masquerading as
acts of caring. Verbal jabs cloaked as "honest" conversation.
Methods vary but the results are always the same: total control
for the abuser and full destruction of the victim's self-worth.
How do we expose abusers and defend those harmed?

You helped me tell the counselor things I always kept inside

Things I always thought I couldn't tell; I would have rather died

When I get tough homework and tell you 'I don't think I can do

You always write me back saying, 'yes you can, you'll get through

Sometimes I still get nervous; my head gets full of doubt

Because my counselor tells me there is a lot I should get out

When it gets really bad, sometimes I still feel like dying

But you have taught me, "It is worth it!" to keep on trying.

I saw some soldiers on TV who came back from Iraq

Speaking of the nightmares they've had since they got back

Some of them would not seek help and they don't want to speak

Because they don't want the other men to think they are weak.

I watched and it hit me, 'those guys are just like me'

Putting on a tough act yet not knowing they're not free

I know their memories won't just disappear

And if they don't get help, they'll always live in fear.

Jeremiah offers promise in the midst of abuse: "For I know the
plans I have for you, 'says the LORD.' They are plans for good
and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." (29:11)
For you who have been abused: God offers hope. I pray you receive
comfort and courage.

It made me want to tell you how grateful I am for you

You came to me at a time when I didn't know what to do

But you helped me understand how counseling is right

And helped me get the tools I need to continue with my fight.

So thank you for your patience and thank you for your prayers

Thank you for showing me you are a man who cares

Thank you for giving me a bible I can understand

And thank you most of all for showing me God in a man.

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Brian Masinick,
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