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Word for Today, Tue, 19 Nov 2002: Weekly Verses

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Each week, if I get them delivered to my Inbox, I try to pass
along to you the Weekly Verses that puts together
from Phil Ware's collection of short verses. I send them to you
with the prayerful intention that they will encourage and help
some of you with prayer and Bible study, and to lead you to
investigate some of the scripture passages around the verses that
he quotes.

I believe that regular bible study is important. When I love
someone or something, I want to know as much about them as I
possibly can. That's the way I feel about God and His Son Jesus
Christ. I yearn to know as much as possible about them and their
relationship, and I desire to build within my own inner self the
kind of characteristics that God embraces. How can I possibly do
that unless I first know what those things are, and secondly,
that I ask God to help me? Bible reading and prayer are the two
things that bring about that result.

I worship God because He is completely worthy of my attention, my
praise, and my life. Do you worship God? Is He worth anything
to you?

Your Brother in Christ, Brian

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Weekly Verses

November 18, 2002

These verses are taken from TODAY'S VERSE, by Phil Ware


Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone
loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For
everything in the world - the cravings of sinful man, the lust
of his eyes, and the boasting of what he has and does - comes
not from the Father but from the world.

--1 John 2:15-16
New International Version

Love for things, especially temporary ones, can sure get us
in trouble. Even worse, we can begin to think they will make
us happy or fill the empty places in our hearts. But if we
really place our hopes and dreams in our Abba Father, we are
attached to eternity, and what we need most is always with us!

Give me wisdom, Holy God, to invest in you and things that
matter. I confess to you that my eyes and my heart are often
distracted by the glitzy stuff that is temporary. By your
Spirit, O Father, stir my heart to yearn for you. Through
Jesus I pray, amen.



Since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying
for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his
will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.

--Colossians 1:9
New International Version

In a world where we can feel so isolated and alone at times,
it is so important for us to know that someone is praying for
us and for our spiritual needs. As I think of the thousands
who are a part of the Today's Verse ministry, I cannot help but
pray that each of them, that you, are blessed by knowing that
you share a spiritual journey with people all over the world,
and that today, we will praying for each other. And of course
there can be no better prayer than the one that Paul prayed for
the Colossian friends he had never met -- "I ask God to fill
you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom
and understanding." Let's pray that for each other today.

Oh precious and divine Father, today I pray for the other
believers who come before you and seek to live for you. I pray
especially for those who share the Today's Verse journey with
me. Even though we live all over the world and have all sorts
of needs, we all know that our deepest need is to know and live
your will and to be confident that we are known and loved by
you. Please fill all of us with the knowledge of your will
through Spirit-led wisdom and understanding. We want to know
you, honor you, serve you, and ultimately see you face-to-face.
Through our older brother, Jesus, we pray. Amen.



It is God's will that by doing good you should silence the
ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men, but do not use
your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God.

--1 Peter 2:15-16
New International Version

What does the world most need to hear from me today? A life
tuned to the melody of grace that I claim I believe. Doing
good, being like Christ, is Peter's answer to opposition,
cynicism, and even persecution. We are free in Jesus, but
being free means that we don't have to pretentiously prove we
are free. Instead, we can live for him who died to conquer
death. He renounced absolute heavenly freedom so we could find
it. We are free to serve others, and most of all to serve God.

Holy Father, my Great Emancipator, you have freed me from
sin, law, and death at the cost of your precious Son. I open
my heart to you today to say I love you and want to thank you.
Please accept the actions of my life, the words of my mouth,
the thoughts of my mind, and the emotions of my heart today as
my offering of thanks. Through Jesus, my Sacrifice and your
holy Son, I pray. Amen.



Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the
unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the
body but made alive by the Spirit.

--1 Peter 3:18
New International Version

Having stood over the open graves of friends, family
members, and strangers, I know the appearance and feel of
death's finality and our human frailty. But Christ's death is
that great reminder that death is a matter of perspective and
faith. I believe God raised Jesus from the dead and that he is
the first fruits of those of us who believe in him. He is
alive, not just in Spirit, but in bodily form and so we will
also be!

Almighty God, thank you for the gifts of your grace, Spirit,
forgiveness and life. Most of all, thanks for the gift of your
Son, who brought life and immortality to me through your
salvation. While I have no great desire to die, I know I can
look through death to you and your victory in me through Jesus.
Please give me the courage to live for you every day until
that day you take me home. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.



Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands are
my delight.

--Psalm 119:143
New International Version

This verse is hard for me, because I know I am so blessed.
Trouble and distress do not seem to be a part of my vocabulary
right now. But I know in many places in the world, this
statement is true of Christians who are under attack and live
under the threat of persecution and death. But their love for
God and their commitment to obedience is greater than Satan's
threats because God's will is their delight.

Majestic and holy God, I ask you to bless and liberate your
church that is under persecution. But Father, I ask that if
deliverance is not what is coming, I pray for my brothers and
sisters and myself, that we may be found faithful in death
before surrendering to compromise. Please strengthen our faith:
we believe but help our unbelief. Empower us through your
Spirit to be obedient: forgive us when we fall. Most of all,
deliver us without fault into your glorious presence. In Jesus
we find our salvation and assurance. Amen.



Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.
--Psalm 119:18
New International Version

From our perspective of grace, having been liberated from
law-keeping as a means of justification and righteousness, this
is a very fitting prayer. We can look around our world and see
the anarchy and brutality when there is no principle of law
undergirding the soul of a society. God's law provided so many
wonderful blessings, and can still bless us today if we will
let it. But the greatest blessing of the O.T. Law is Jesus, in
whom all of God's promises find their fulfillment.

Holy Father, thank you for your righteousness. Knowing that
you will dispense justice and settle all injustice when you
judge the earth gives me comfort because I know that through
Jesus, you see me as righteous. My prayer today is that I can
live in a way that brings honor to you and reflects the
character of your Son when he walked this earth. Through him I
pray. Amen.



Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.

--Psalm 119:105
New International Version

God's promises, God's Scripture, help us find our way in a
pluralistic world of competing voices and lights our path in
these times so given to cynicism and despair. What great grace
we have to know God's will in our own words!

Loving Father, thank you for giving me your truth in
Scripture. To know that you love me enough to communicate in
language I can read is truly awe inspiring to me. Make my
heart hunger for your truth revealed in your Word. I want to
grow to be a righteous and gracious child in your family. With
love, through my older brother, I pray. Amen.

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