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Word for Today, Tue, 2 Apr 2001: Weekly Verses for Lent

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

It is my prayer that these weekly verses from Phil Ware's
collection will be an encouragement to you in this season. The
church season of Lent is well under way. This time of year is a
reminder of Jesus Christ's ministry to us - God coming to us as a
humble servant, to demonstrate the extent of His love for us.

This time of year is a time of extreme contrasts, not only in
weather, but in the events leading up to the death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the final week before He was
crucified, for example, He was cheered as He entered into the
city of Jerusalem on a young colt. People put palm branches on
the path in front of Him, giving Christ honor as their King. But
they misunderstood His mission. They thought He sought to
overthrow the Roman rulers and return control of Israel to the
Jews. He was indeed a King - THE King of Kings and Lord of
Lords. But when the Jewish leaders realized that He exposed
their false teachings, they sought to kill Jesus, and did so.

What neither the leaders nor the people realized was that all the
events, including the death of Jesus, fulfilled the prophesy
concerning the Messiah, that He would suffer and die, as
atonement (full payment) for the sins of all who acknowledge
their sin and seek forgiveness in His Name.

The Resurrection demonstrates that Jesus Christ fulfilled every
claim and is the only One worthy of the title "King of Kings" and
"Lord of Lords".

These messages do a nice job of leading us up to the events of
the season. I encourage you to read them, and also read the
accounts of Jesus. All four Gospel books (Matthew, Mark, Luke,
and John) explain the events. The messages in these verses are
primarily prophesy of what was foretold in advance, supplemented
by the epistles, which explain the meaning of the events after
they happened.

Dear Lord,

Please enrich our hearts with a greater understanding of who You
are and what Jesus Christ did for us to demonstrate Your love for
us. Amen.

Brother Brian

Subject: Weekly Verses from - 4/2/01
From: <>

Weekly Verses

These verses are taken from TODAY'S VERSE, by Phil Ware
< >
We hope they're a blessing to your week!



It has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to
believe on him, but also to suffer for him.

--Philippians 1:29
New International Version


When we read the book of Acts, we find the disciples
overjoyed at suffering "for the sake of the name." Jesus'
followers consider it a privilege and not just a hardship. The
truth of our commitment is often best shown to the skeptical
when we are "under fire."


What a precious name you have given to your son, O Lord.
May it be exalted in all the earth and through out all the
heavens, until all existence knows that he is truly Lord.
Through him I pray. Amen.



My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock,
my refuge.

--Psalm 62:7
New International Version


Who we are, what becomes of us in life, is in God's hands.
We cannot purchase or achieve lasting honor for ourselves
without his blessing. We cannot secure the future or our
safety without his protection and blessing. The basis of all
achievement and glory is dependent upon us placing our lives in
his care.


O Rock, Fortress of my life, I place myself in your care.
Take charge of my future and use me for your glory. In you I
take refuge, and on your strength I rely to make my days
worthwhile. In the precious name of Jesus I pray. Amen.



There is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man
Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men.

--1 Timothy 2:5-6
New International Version


We do not need another person, no matter how mighty, pious,
or special, to intercede for us before God. As his children,
we can go freely, knowing that God himself has provided the
perfect mediator between us and himself. That mediator alone
is head of the church and chief priest before God for us. His
name is Christ Jesus, our Lord.


O God, you are my God, and I praise you for making yourself
so available. I know that in my power, I have no right to
approach you. Yet in your grace you not only provided a ransom
for my sin but a mediator for my approach to you. Jesus, I
thank you as well, for paying the price and staying at the
Father's side to intercede and speak for me! Thank you for
making this prayer known to the Father. Amen.



God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we
might become the righteousness of God.

--2 Corinthians 5:21
New International Version


Righteousness! That's what we are. God's righteousness.
We are the testimony of how holy, just, and gracious he truly
is, because in Jesus, we are his righteousness!


Thank you, O Almighty God, for making me righteous in the
blood of your son's death. May people see in me a reflection
of your holiness, justice, and mercy. Through Jesus, who
sacrificed for my sins, I pray. Amen.



He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and
familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their
faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he took
up our infirmities and he carried our sorrows, yet we
considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted.

--Isaiah 53:3-4
New International Version


Jesus was everything and became nothing and we didn't notice
what he did for us. We just assumed he deserved it, and so we
did not repent. But there was something about that sacrificial
story that grabbed our hearts and called us home we found in
him not only a Savior, but a servant.


God Almighty, your plan to redeem me takes my breath away.
How and why you chose to take your precious son and expose him
to such public disgrace I will never comprehend. But this I do
know: you love me with an everlasting love. I pledge to you
that I will serve you with all of my strength in thanks for his
great sacrifice. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.



He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our
iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone
astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has
laid on him the iniquity of us all.

--Isaiah 53:5-6
New International Version


I don't know how Jesus could stand up under its weight. He
had my sin, your sin, our sin, placed upon him so we would not
have to bear the consequences of it. But in that sacrifice, as
horrible as it was, we find ourselves healed, cured of the most
awful disease a sin-sick soul. In its place, he has left us a
transforming peace.


God of peace, fill my soul with the wonder of your grace.
Let me not forget the cost of your love. Stir in me the
constant and abiding memory of your redemptive grace. Thank
you. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.



The fool says in his heart there is no God.

--Psalm 14:1
New International Version


We have raised an angry fist to fate, cursed the darkness,
and denied there is a God. Each of these is equally
ineffective. To rob heaven of God is only to rob ourselves of
grace, hope, and a future. How foolish indeed to forget that
behind a creation of wonder, order, variety, beauty, ferocity,
and pattern is the Creator who is far greater than his


O Lord God Almighty, Creator and Sustainer, thank you for
being there, but for being with me today. In Jesus name I
pray. Amen.

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