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Word for Today, Tue, 20 Aug 2002: Ideas, Time, and Pace

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

This week, I desire to have enough time to slow down, think, and
pray. Therefore, this message holds value for me. Consider it
and whether it applies to what you're doing this week.

Your Brother in Christ,

You can read this issue of Cthought on the web at:

Karen Weber

Quote: If you're having difficulty coming up with new ideas, then
slow down. For me, slowing down has been a tremendous source of
creativity. It has allowed me to open up -- to know that there's
life under the earth and that I have to let it come through me in
a new way. Creativity exists in the present moment. You can't
find it anywhere else.

Natalie Goldberg is a writer on creativity and writing. She is
best known for Writing Down The Bones: Freeing The Writer Within.
send quote as postcard

Source: "Unit of One," Fast Company, April 2000.

Verse: Love wisdom like a sister; make insight a beloved member
of your family. Proverbs 7:4 (NLT)

Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to slow down today so that my mind is
peaceful enough to receive your wisdom and insight. I know that
all creativity flows from you, and I thank you for what you will
show me today. Amen. Jesus

Brian Masinick,
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