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Word for Today, Tue, 20 Dec, 2005: Teach the Children

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 20 Dec, 2005: Teach the Children
Dear friends,

There is much we can invest, not only in ourselves, but in our children and in others around us. This message, which comes from an author I don't generally publish, has some interesting insights about the real meaning of Christmas. He mentions one of them in today's message. I encourage you to read it and consider what the Christ in Christmas really means to you. It means a whole lot more than a season of heavy traffic, congestion, and noisy children to me (though some times those things attempt to crowd out the real intent). Christmas comes from the Word Christ Mass. The early church began to replace cultural rituals of the day with replacement Holy Days that represented events in the Christian church - the birth and death of Christ, the coming of the Holy Spirit, and so on. To me, all seasons are about Christ, and to me, though I have many in whom I love, He is the reason for everything.

How do you feel about that?

Yours in Christ,

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1343 - cdd "Teach The Children" 12/20/05
CyberDailyDevotion by Pastor Bill
Tuesday December 20, 2005
Volume 6 Number 243

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Today's Author: Pastor Bill

ChristianCyberMinistries participants Dave and Jennifer Schwartz from Blaine, Minnesota have generously contributed to support today’s cdd. Thank you – PTL! Pb

Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:6-7a
“You must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are away on a journey.” NLT

The Old Testament is full of encouragement for one generation to teach the next about the things of God. In today’s story by an unknown author we see how in modern day times we can take some confusion out of the Christmas Season for our children and grandchildren.

Late Christmas Eve I settled tired and content, into my easy chair. The kids were in bed, gifts were wrapped, milk and cookies waited by the fireplace for Santa's arrival.

As I was admiring the tree with its decorations, I couldn't help but feel that something was missing. There was emptiness to this scene. It wasn't long before the tiny twinkling tree lights lulled me to sleep.

I don't know how long I slept, but all of a sudden I knew that I wasn't alone. I opened my eyes and you can imagine my surprise when I saw Santa Claus himself standing next to my Christmas tree. He was dressed in fur from his head to his foot just as the poem described him.

But he was not the "jolly old man" of Christmas legend. The Santa who stood before me looked sad and disappointed. And there were tears in his eyes.

"Santa, what's wrong?" I asked. "Why are you crying?" "It's the children," Santa replied sadly. "But the children love you," I said. "Oh, I know they love me and the gifts I bring them," Santa said. "But the children of today seem to have somehow missed out on the true spirit of Christmas. It's not their fault. It's just that the adults, many of them not having been taught themselves --- have forgotten to teach the children."

"Teach them what?" I asked. Santa's kind old face became soft and more gentle. His eyes began to shine with something more than tears. He spoke softly. "Teach the children the true meaning of Christmas. Teach them that the part of Christmas we can see, hear and touch is much more than meets the eye. Teach them the symbolism behind the customs and traditions of Christmas we now observe. Teach them what the customs and traditions of Christmas truly represent."

Santa reached into his bag and pulled out a tiny Christmas tree and set it on my mantel. "Teach them about the Christmas tree. Green is the second color of Christmas. The stately evergreen with its unchanging color represents the hope of eternal life in Jesus. Its needles point heavenward as a reminder that man's thoughts should turn heavenward as well."

(Tomorrow we see in part two what Santa has to say about the real meanings behind customs and traditions of Christmas!)

Prayer: Father, thank you for the evergreen trees all over the world that remind us of eternal life through Your Son the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

Pastor Bill Team Prayer:
Father please bring 1............. 2............. 3.............. into your kingdom. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

Brian Masinick