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Word for Today, Tue, 21, Jan 2003: Encouraging my Pastor

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Yesterday I mentioned that I would be writing about my pastor.
Here's what I said:

"Later, I'll be sharing my own thoughts on a message my own
pastor shared with our local church congregation this past
weekend. I encourage each of you to attend a church in your
local area. If you're having difficulty finding a good local
church, use the Web as a resource to hunt for what you're
looking for. Most churches these days have at least some
information about what they emphasize on a Web page. Some of
them, like my own church, even make online streaming audio
and/or video of church sermons and other resources available
online. You can use such resources to find a local group in
your area. Such resources can also be used to supplement weekly
church activities, but I do not recommend them as a replacement
for the local church. The local church, for better or worse, is
still the primary resource that God has chosen as a vehicle for
believers everywhere to gather and to encourage one another. I
encourage each of you to participate and help make your own
local church a better place."

I have a confession to make. I have a great pastor in my local
church. But I've never told him that, face to face. He's been
the pastor of our church for at least a year and a half, and
I've only said "Hi" to him on one or two occasions, very
briefly, and in passing. I can't say whether or not he's even
heard of me, but if he hasn't, that's my fault, not his. I
intend to change that, and I intend to affirm him and let him
know what a good job he's been doing and how much I appreciate
him, even though I've never told him before. I will do whatever
it takes to tell him face to face, but I'm also writing this
message so that I have a hundred or so people who can hold me
accountable to this promise - and I hope many of you check me
out on it.

Like my buddy Larry Davies, Greg Comfort is a man. As he
preached to us in his very first couple of weeks at our church,
he wants to let us know that he's just a man - with a
personality, strengths, and weaknesses, just like the rest of
us. Greg loves to tell us stories about his hobbies and
passions, such as surfing and long distance bike riding. He
also tells us stories about his favorite things and his least
favorite things. He always does so in a manner that is
memorable, then he uses the illustrations to teach us various
scriptural truths.

Now some people like that style and others may not. I'm one who
has grown to truly appreciate Greg, and now I'm sorry that I
haven't taken the time to get to know him better personally,
both inside and outside of the church. By God's grace,
hopefully it won't be too late to change that!

Greg has been preaching, on and off, a series on the book of 1
Thessalonians for quite some time. He's now nearing the
completion of chapter five, and he started preaching on a
passage that reminded me of a pastor named Roger Pohl who was
very dear to me as I was growing up.

Roger used to often quote a Benediction which I believe was
based on the passage of scripture in 1 Thessalonians 5:12-23. I
managed to find something on the Web that's very close to what
Roger used to recite:

"Go forth into the world in peace;
Be of good courage, Hold fast that which is good,
Render to no one evil for evil.

Strengthen the fainthearted,
support the weak,
Help the afflicted,
Honor everyone
Love and serve the Lord,
Rejoicing in the power of God's Spirit."

I did some checking around, and I found that benediction is used
in quite a few places. In fact, one location even called it
"The Royal Navy Prayer".

I don't care what it's called, I think it captures quite a few
important ideas, and Greg faithfully shared those ideas with us.

There are at least four things that are common between virtually
all people. At various times in our past and in our future, we
are likely to get:

1. Out of step
2. Out of steam
3. Out of touch
4. Out of time

Well, right off the bat, it's very obvious that two of those
factors have been plaguing me in my lack of a relationship with
Greg. I've clearly been out of touch and out of time. Thinking
about it more carefully, I've also been out of step and out of
steam as well.

Greg often opens himself up and reveals some of the less than
perfect character traits that he carries. I like to do that,
too. It makes good illustrations, shows that I'm a real person,
and that I desperately need Christ.

In Paul's letter, he gently reminds the church at Thessalonica
that they should consciously warn those that are idle, encourage
the timid, help the weak, and be patient with everyone. Don't
those relate to dealing directly with being out of step, out of
steam, out of touch, and out of time? Greg says yes, and I
agree with him.

Greg, I love you and greatly appreciate you. I hope I get a
chance to share this with you in person. Even if I can't do it
right away, I'm going to make that time. I hope you'll have
time to receive it from me, too.

Dear friends, please take the time to encourage those that you
love. Find a good church, find a good pastor, and "encourage
one another, and build each other up", just as the scriptures
tell us to do. I've been doing it, but not nearly enough and
not always in the right places. Please forgive me, and let's
endeavor to persevere, so that God's church may flourish in our

Your Brother in Christ,

Brian Masinick,
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