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Word for Today , Tue, 21 Nov 2000: A Great Reason For Me to Be Thankful Today!

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I am listening to a CD as I write this message, which was
produced by the consulting company I work for, Ajilon SQP Labs.
I discovered that the CEO of my parent company and I share a
couple of things:

1. We have some friends in Michigan and much more importantly,
2. We value our God, our faith, our family and friends even more
than we value our jobs.

The purpose of the CD is to give thanks. It is a kind of
motivational CD. I was surprised to find out that the CEO, Roy
Haggerty, is not reluctant to talk about spiritual matters. The
CD was more about encouraging other people, how to make a
difference in their community, and how to be positive about
everything we do.

To be perfectly honest with you, I had expected this CD to try to
pump me up strictly about the company. Well, in fact, the CD did
attempt to explain why we have a good company, but instead of the
usual things, this message was a well balanced example of why the
leader of the company is thankful, and the people on the CD asked
people to have a thankful attitude, to be appreciative, caring,
and giving in our communities, to make the places we live and
work a better place to be.

Now I have another thing to be thankful for. I have really
enjoyed the past year, working for this company. When I joined
Software Quality Partners last year, I did so because it brought
me a little closer to home, so that I could spend less time
commuting and more time with fanily and friends. Little did I
know that the people who now own my company share the same values
that I share! What a blessing that is to me, personally. So
this Thanksgiving, I have something unexpected for which to be

Dear Lord, I am especially thankful for this unexpected jolt of
spiritual encouragement from the management of the company I work
for. It came at a good time, too. It was a difficult and
challenging day. As I was driving home tonight, I asked You to
uphold me and encourage me so that I would not grow weary or
self-centered. I did not know what was on the CD that I listened
to, but thanks to You, O God, the steps and moments of my day
have progressed in a positive, uplifting way. I know that
tomorrow will bring new challenges, and I pray that You will be
there at every moment to encourage me, once again. But I want
You to know just how much all of this has meant to ME, and I
thank You for the right encouragement at just the right time.
What an awesome God You are! I have no trouble at all saying,
"Thank You", and it comes from the bottom of my heart. Amen.

Brother Brian

From: PCCWeb Daily Devotional <> Subject: Daily
Devotional for Monday, November 20, 2000

PCCWeb Daily Monday, November 20, 2000 Today's Devotional

Seeking And Taking Luke 18:1 - Jesus told them a story showing
that it was necessary for them to pray consistently and never
quit. (The Message)

Psalm 119:105 - Your words are a flashlight to light the path
ahead of me, and keep me from stumbling. (The Living Bible)

Now that the hours of daylight in our part of the world are
increasingly shorter, my daily walking routine with the dogs is
anything but routine! And if the dogs and I are to maintain our
physical exercise, I must seek with all diligence to discover
those "walking" moments amidst my busy schedule. Seeking,
however, is only half the battle. The other half comes in
disciplining myself to take and use those moments effectively,
which is not always easy. Often I find that such opportunities
occur when the weather is coldest, I am most tired or least in
the mood, or when there are other more enticing things to occupy
my interests. Experience has taught me, though, that seeking and
taking such moments is always to the dogs' and my benefit.

Likewise, pursuing -- seeking and taking -- time for the
spiritual exercise of prayer and scripture reading often requires
just as much diligence. So often, I no sooner get a nice little
routine going, only to have it interrupted, shortened or
terminated by any number of crisis moments, business demands or
the schedules of those closest to me. Such occurrences can make
it easy for me to come to the conclusion that I might as well
just quit even trying to seek and take time for this area of my
life. Scripture and past experience have made and continue to
make it clear, however, that diligence in this area is always for
our benefit and the benefit of those around us. Such rewards
should encourage us never to quit seeking and taking time for
spiritual exercise!

Prayer: Lord God, You who lived among us through the person of
Jesus know how easy it is for us to become discouraged in our
pursuit of spiritual exercise. Therefore we ask that You will
strengthen us with hearts that hunger and thirst for You and Your
Word. Bless us with a desire to speak with You often in prayer
and to build our lives upon Your Word, that our lives and those
around us will glean the benefits of such diligence. We ask this
all through the powerful name of Jesus. Amen.

Lynne Phipps Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada

Today's Canadian Bible Society Scripture Reading: 2 Samuel 23:1-7

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