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Word for Today, Tue, 21 Sep 2004: Navigating Stormy Seas

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 21 Sep 2004: Navigating Stormy Seas
Dear friends,

Today's devotional message comes from Larry Davies' Sowing Seeds
of Faith. Please pray for me. I have had a fever for the past
several days. I now have some medicine. Pray that it is effective
in restoring my body to health.

Yours in Christ,



Sowing Seeds of Faith...

Dear Pastor Davies, I wanted to let you know that the prayers of
your prayer team are really being felt! I don't have time to
reply to them all, but would you let them all know that God is
working on me, even as I type this, and is rebuilding our
relationship. I have all the reason to be scared, and to feel
helpless but I don't. I know He is there. I appreciate all the
prayers. Please don't stop!! And THANK YOU, because without this
type of ministry, I might've fallen through the cracks and things
could have been quite worse. God Bless all of You! -Maria

Sowing Seeds Ministry is reaching thousands around the world. To
continue offering the quality ministry offered we need help. We
are looking for 15 to 20 financial partners who will commit $10
per month. To learn how click here:

A Lesson on Fishing and Life --- Larry Davies

"Larry, we're going shrimping and fishing early tomorrow
morning," said Blacky, my grandfather. As a twelve year old boy,
those words were more precious to me than gold. Of all his
grandchildren, tomorrow was going to be my morning with grandpa
and mine alone. What a great day it would be.

My older cousin snickered when I told him the news. "So, you're
the new victim. You'll be sorry!"

Every summer our family made the journey from Virginia to a small
fishing town near Panama City, Florida to visit our grandparents.
Blacky owned a fish house on the bay and every morning he would
either escort fishermen or would go shrimping for bait sold in
his store. Around noon he would always return with a happy,
joyous group and a boat full of fish. The younger children,
including me were usually stuck hanging around waiting for adults
to come home: But not this time... not tomorrow!

But I couldn't help but wonder why my cousin thought it was so
entertaining that I would be chosen.

That night, I carefully prearranged my clothes to be ready
quickly when Grandpa came. I could hardly sleep, imagining the
excitement of being in the same boat with the greatest fisherman
of all time. What life changing lessons would I learn? I passed
the long night hours picturing the mountainous piles of shrimp
and fish we would haul in as I would modestly smile while
acknowledging the envious looks I was sure to receive from
everyone on shore wishing they were on that boat instead of me.

Just before dawn, Blacky shook me awake and gently asked: "Are
you ready for an adventure?"

"You bet, Grandpa!" I replied, leaping out of bed and quickly
putting on my clothes. All thoughts of my cousin's snide remarks
were quickly forgotten in the excitement of finally going fishing
with Blacky.

Within a few minutes we were in the boat heading through the
inlet guided by the slowly rising sun to what we called West Bay.
Grandpa pointed out how the buoys floating in the water were
really channel markers to guide boats and ships through the
deepest and safest part of the bay. "Stay close to those
buoys,"he shouted over the noise of the outboard motor, "and they
will guide you home."

After awhile, he maneuvered away from the buoys to a spot Blacky
instinctively knew was the right place between deep water and
shore. Quickly he gathered nets scattered throughout the boat and
showed me how to throw them so attached weights would guide the
nets to the bottom where shrimp were waiting. Then, I guided the
boat as he showed how to slowly steer in an ever widening

After the boat made three or four slow, lazy circles, Blacky
motioned to stop. Watchfully, we began pulling in the now heavy
net and neatly arranging it on the deck. At first we saw nothing
but seaweed and an occasional crab but it wasn't long before we
began seeing shrimp... lots and lots of shrimp. The work was hard
but seeing all those shrimp and working beside my grandpa made it
all worthwhile.

We moved the boat to another spot, threw the nets out and once
again I guided the boat in ever widening circles. "You're doing
great!" grandpa said, while taking a seat closer to the bow of the

Then Blacky promptly fell asleep... not just a polite snooze mind
you but a symphony filled with snores and wheezes that would wake
the dead. Try as I might there was no waking my grandpa. Now
what? I was in deep water as well as deep trouble and help seemed
many miles away. Now, I was beginning to understand my cousin's
warning: "So, you're the new victim" he said. "You'll be sorry!"

A similar situation happened to the disciples as they traveled
with Jesus: "One day Jesus said to his disciples, 'Let's cross
over to the other side of the lake.' So they got into a boat and
started out. On the way across, Jesus lay down for a nap, and
while he was sleeping the wind began to rise. A fierce storm
developed that threatened to swamp them, and they were in real
danger." (Luke 8:22-23)

Like the disciples, I was in danger, afraid and needed help. Next
week... "Lessons on Life and Faith."

Read Sowing Seeds of Faith... everyday! Click here:

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world-like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life"now on sale only through our website.

Brian Masinick,
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