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Word for Today, Tue, 22 Apr 2003: Something to Chew on - Not the Mulch!

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today I'd like to share with you a message that Larry Davies has
shared with his Sowing Seeds of Faith readers before. It
concerns a time went he went to a store, simply looking for a bag
of mulch, when an opportunity to pray for someone and make a
direct difference in their life was thrust in front of him, right
in the middle of a routine shopping trip in a very unlikely

My friends, schools, malls, places of employment, grocery stores,
neighborhoods, and all kinds of places are potential occasions to
pray for others, and also to tell people, or even warn people,
about the coming of Christ. Sometimes, it's worth sounding the
warning. After all, if someone were about to slip and fall off a
high place or something was falling from overhead, if we could
warn someone, we'd do it, wouldn't we? At the same time, some
people won't even heed a warning and they put themselves and
others into situations which jeopardize their own safety or that
of other people. So we need to use discretion to whom we share
and how we share.

This message from Larry is all about being prayerful and using
discretion, yet not avoiding the opportunity to share. Please
pray that God may open up opportunities for you to share the hope
that you have in Jesus Christ - or if you don't have that hope,
it is my prayer that you will inquire about it.

As we continue this week and examine God's Word, let's use all
scripture as a reminder of Christ, from the perspective that all
scripture either tells about what will happen, what has
happened, or about why we need to seek God, and how Jesus Christ
is the answer. When we read scripture in that manner, it
purifies our hearts and draws us near to God.

Your Brother in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

Dear Pastor Larry: I joined the "Sowing Seeds of Faith" prayer
ministry about a month ago. I've never read so many urgent
needs. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of helping to pray
and respond to those in need. The Lord told me to plant a seed
with your ministry. I have enclosed that seed and wish to do so
in honor of our Lord, Savior and Friend, Jesus and Christ and
for all the many blessings He has bestowed upon me. May it be a
blessing to your ministry as much as you have blessed others.
Thanks you. Your sister in Christ, Nancy.

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"All I Want Is A Bag of Mulch..."
Larry Davies (804-239-1348)

I was not looking for an opportunity to be a preacher. All I
wanted was to purchase some mulch at the discount store and go
home but there was a hole in the bag so the cashier sent someone
to replace it. Hence, we waited. Then, a shirt was missing a
price tag so the cashier once again sent someone to find the
correct price. We waited some more. While we waited the cashier
talked... boy did he talk.

To pass the time, I started filling out the check and innocently
asked: "What is today's date?"

"I don't know. I don't care. All I know is that today is
Friday!" he said with emphasis and a grin.

In a feeble attempt to be polite, I replied: "So, you like

"Oh yeah," he said with obvious enthusiasm. "I love Fridays...
because it's party time and I love to party! I live to party!"

Before I could respond... he continued: "I drink and party all
night long! Yep! My friends and me love to have a good time. We
try to do it every night. That's what I live for: friends,
drinking and partying."

I thought to myself: "Why is he saying this to me? Should I
respond? Should I tell this young man he's making a big mistake?
Should I tell him there is another way to enjoy life? Should I
talk about God in a crowded department store to a stranger? I
really don't want to be a witness right now Lord. I just want to
make my purchase and go home. Is there anything wrong with

Yet, if I say nothing it looks as if I approve or at least
condone his outrageous behavior. But if I say something... how
do I say it without sounding judgmental and arrogant? In
essence, I was in a fix.

There is a great verse in the Bible that seems appropriate: "And
now dear children, continue to live in fellowship with Christ so
that when he returns, you will be full of courage and not shrink
back from him in shame." (1 John 2:28) I needed a dose of Godly
courage and wisdom to say something appropriate to this young
man and let him know I did not approve his actions but loved him
as a child of God.

After a pause, I looked at the young cashier and flashed my
biggest smile. "I want to thank you for telling me about your
parties. I want you to know that you just made my day!"

This time, it was his turn to pause. "What do you mean?" he
asked with a look of confusion.

"Well, I'm a preacher and I have been looking for someone who
needed prayer today... and you're it!"

His mouth opened in astonishment and he stared at me for a long
moment before a smile began to appear. Then he laughed and said:
"You won't believe this but that is what my preacher said to

For the next few moments my new young friend talked about his
preacher and church. Recently, He had left home to make it on
his own. You could see a trace of loneliness in his eyes as he
said: "My pastor is a great guy. He writes me occasionally and
the church still sends newsletters."

I left the discount store with a bag of mulch and a new
perspective on the importance of creatively communicating God's
message to each other. What we say and how we say it can mean
the difference between healing and hurting. "Evil words destroy
one's friends; wise discernment rescues the godly." (Proverbs

Whether you are standing in line at a department store or
participating in a church committee meeting God is continually
offering opportunities to witness your faith. What will you say?
How will you say it? Take a deep breath, pause, say a short
prayer and remember God's promise, "...continue to live in
fellowship with Christ and you will be full of courage..." As
for me, I have a new friend to pray for. Isn't that what being a
follower of God all about? Now, if I could only get someone to
spread this mulch!

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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