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Word for Today, Tue, 24 Apr 2001: Live a life of Love in Marriage

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

For some of you, the reason you originally signed up for this
mailing list is because you have personally faced difficulty in
your marriage or your relationships, and you may have gone
looking for information and encouragement. Many of the messages
do not directly address that topic, but do so, indirectly, by
addressing core issues of faith. But this particular message is
specifically written for people who are going through the
difficulties of life - specifically, difficulties in their
marriage. Anyone who finds a marriage without difficulties is
either unmarried, just married, or extremely unaware of their
surroundings. A marriage is a wonderful thing, an agreement of a
lifetime committment to another person of the opposite sex,
someone who is different than us, who complements who we are, and
helps to balance and complete our lives.

A marriage partner, however, no matter how loving and wonderful
they may be, will not and cannot meet our deepest need. If you
think that, you are setting yourself up for a big disappointment,
and quite likely, a set of problems you never anticipated. For
there is only One who can meet our deepest need, and that is our
Creator Himself.

God did say, however, that it is not good for man to be alone,
and that is why God created both man and woman. Each one is
missing something, and together, they can help one another. Even
so, together, they come close to completion. But when they put
God in the center of their relationship, then the relationship is

What if God is not appreciated in our home? Then our job is to
love those who do not know Him. It is tough to have a house
divided like that, and that is why the Bible discourages people
of different faiths to marry. However, when we do commit to one
another, God wants us to honor those committments, and share His
love to those whom we have committed our lives.

To get a more complete discussion of this topic, read 1
Corinthians 7 and Ephesians 5. Both of these letters are written
by the apostle Paul, and these two chapters discuss the marriage

Brother Brian

From: "ChristianNet" <>
To: Word For Today mailing list <>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 00:12:25 +0100
Subject: [WFT] Tue 24 Apr 01 - When a marriage is difficult

WORD FOR TODAY with Bob Gass - Tuesday 24th April 2001

When a marriage is difficult



Are you afraid that your marriage will never work? Are you
thinking of giving up? If so, read the words of this prayer and
make them yours today.

"Lord, how can something that started so fresh now seem so
stale? Our intimacy is gone. Our love has lost its spontaneity.
It all feels so cold. Please, break through this veil of
politeness that hides our hushed frustration and despair. Do

"Give me the grace to forgive when I face insensitivity. Teach me,
because I don't know how. Help me to realise that I'll always
have to love an imperfect person - and so will they.

"Today, I feel I'm learning so much about Your unconditional love
for me, as I try to reach out to someone who's so out of touch
with where I am.

"You are the Potter and we are the clay. Take this relationship
that seems so marred and make it over again. Fashion us for each
other. Breathe life into it. Allow us to be friends once more:
to love, to laugh and to play together, for I miss the way it
used to be.

"Thank You for knowing what to do with our hearts. Today, I
declare by faith that there will be a change because of You.

(c) Bob Gass Ministries 2001 (used by permission)

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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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