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Word for Today, Tue, 24 Aug 2004: Auditing Ourselves

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 24 Aug 2004: Auditing Ourselves

Dear friends,

Today's devotional message comes from Larry Davies, my friend
from Timberlake UMC in Lynchburg, VA. The message today is about
examining not only what we believe but what we practice and what
we think.

Several times a year I bring mention various scriptures and
principles that encourage us to examine ourselves. At some
churches, where the ritual of communion is practiced, people
quietly examine themselves before taking part in "The Lord's
Supper". During the Lenten season, as we approach Easter, we
remember Christ's entry into Jerusalem and remember what He went
through on our behalf. During the Advent season, right before
Christmas, we remember the birth of Christ. In those special
seasons of the church year, we renew our efforts to examine the
love of God, shown to us through Jesus Christ and we examine
ourselves and our response to it.

A true follower of Jesus Christ will regularly examine themselves
- a whole lot more often than once or twice a year. Those who
really love Christ and realize the extent of His love will want
to be in constant conversation and fellowship with Him. Such a
person will be so in touch with God that an audit, or a close
examination will be more of a safety check. Even so, we ought to
examine ourselves. We ought to have at least one or two close
friends that can hold us accountable, both for what we say and
what we do. Even the kindest, most considerate people are still

All people sin and we all need forgiveness, we all need to
examine ourselves, and we all need to guard against complacency
in our faith. At times it is good to be even a bit formal about
it, lest we unwittingly fall into a trap. My pastor has been
preaching a lot to us about complacency. Even those who deeply
love and follow Jesus Christ can easily be snared by the every
day things that happen in life and become complacent - about
Bible reading, about prayer, about faithful acts of service,
about "tiny" little sins that turn into monsters, about anything
that we don't fully and completely give to Jesus Christ.

I agree with Larry. An audit is in order - and it needs to be
something that's done every so often. A complete, top to bottom
audit may not be fun, but revealing some hidden sin and allowing
Jesus Christ to cleanse it, heal it, and renew our lives may well
be the greatest joy and pleasure we have ever known!

Yours in Christ,



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Name: Laura, Address: Zeeland, MI, Email:
Comments: I need the Lord to grant me his favor: To give me
wisdom and energy as I raise 3 children alone. I need a
wonderful part time job. I need the Lord to defend my case. Thank
you for your web site.

Name: Amber, Address: Portland, OR, Email:
Comments: Please pray for a family from our church as their
four-year-old little boy, Dallas, just died this morning. The
cause is unknown, he threw up and it went back into his lungs
while he was playing at a restaurant in play land. His father is
not a Christian, so this will be especially hard on him. Please
pray that they will find understanding and calm in Jesus Christ,
that God will comfort them in their time of pain. Thanks, God

"'Born Again' and Conducting An Audit?" Larry Davies

Mention the word, "audit" and watch a business leader cringe.
Why? Well, it's like a trip to the dentist office. You dread
going but deep down you know it's necessary. Organizations
routinely and voluntarily conduct audits to ensure proper
financial procedures are followed. An annual audit of church
finances reassures congregations that money donated in good faith
is properly accounted for.

"But talking about audits is boring. "At the same time we would
be wise to routinely conduct a personal audit to check how we are
doing as followers of God. Here are six suitable areas you could

1. Are you actively pursuing and fulfilling God's purpose for
your life?

2. How are you managing the money God has entrusted to your care?

3. Where are you utilizing your time and energy? What are your

4. How is your Christian witness with family and friends? Do you
set a good example?

5. What is your influence at work? Are you respected and known
as a man or woman of conviction?

6. How is your personal relationship with Christ? Can you
honestly say you are growing in faith?

A thorough and complete audit should expose many excellent
qualities about you and your walk with God but at the same time a
good audit will also reveal areas which need serious improvement.

"OK, that's a good point Larry, but what does an audit have to do
with being, 'Born Again?'"

The term "Born Again" is often used by Christians to describe the
initial experience of entering into a relationship with Jesus
Christ as Lord of your life. My own "Born Again" occurrence
happened in a hotel room in Dallas, Texas while reading a book
written by Zig Ziglar, titled "Confessions of a Happy Christian.
"Zig challenged me to move from being a part-time, come to church
casual Christian to giving everything to Jesus Christ: my career,
my family, my health, my finances and even my attitude.

"Now that's exciting! So becoming 'Born Again' is like making a
major spiritual turnaround in your life?"

Yes. "Born Again" became a popular term shortly after a book of
the same title written by Chuck Colson describing his own "Born
Again" experience. Chuck made a dramatic character change from
President Nixon's chief hatchet man to become the founder of one
of the largest prison ministries in the world. But the term
actually comes straight from the mouth of Jesus Christ in the
Gospel of John.

"After dark one evening, a Jewish religious leader named
Nicodemus, a Pharisee, came to speak with Jesus. "Teacher, "he
said, "we all know that God has sent you to teach us. Your
miraculous signs are proof enough that God is with you. "(John

Jesus replied, "I assure you, unless you are born again, you can
never see the Kingdom of God."

"So this person Nicodemus made a spiritual turnaround. What does
that have to do with me?"

At this point, many of you who already claim a "Born Again"
experience may stop listening: "I've been there and done that
already! "you say. "Why bring the subject up again? This
Scripture is for those poor lost sinners who don't know Jesus as
their Savior. Let's move on to something more appropriate!"

Don't tune me out yet. There is another significant lesson here
and if you're not careful you will miss it.

Jesus has a message we urgently need to hear that revolves around
the individual, Nicodemus. "Who is he?" We know Nicodemus is a
respected religious leader which by today's standards would
likely mean a pastor. So it seems only natural to follow up with
another question: "Why would a respected pastor need to be born
again? "The Scripture goes on to say... "What do you mean?"
exclaimed Nicodemus. "How can an old man go back into his
mother's womb and be born again?" (3:4)

The answer to this question and more will come next week but it
is closely tied to the word: Audit.

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
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light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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Brian Masinick,
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