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Word for Today, Tue, 24 Jan 2006: Evaluating Trends, What Does the Lord Say?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 24 Jan 2006: Evaluating Trends, What Does the Lord Say?
Dear friends,

Larry Davies writes about what is hot and what is not in the major trends in
world events, business, and culture. In this week's edition, Larry presents a
number of situations and suggests some trends. He reminds us of what God says
through the Proverbs in the Bible.

Next week, Larry, Lord willing, will continue discussing what the church and
what we, as individual followers of Jesus Christ can do in the face of the
events around us.

I will suggest this much right now. Each one of us needs to constantly keep
our minds upon the things of God, reading His Word daily, praying, and making a
difference through the attitudes and choices each one of us makes each and
every day. We can affect the things around us as individuals through our own
attitudes, appearance, and actions. We can also work with one another, through
our local churches, to do many things together that we cannot accomplish on our

Speaking of doing things on our own, it is my strong conviction that when we
attempt to do anything on our own, apart from the Spirit of God, we are acting
in disobedience to God. That is precisely what you can plainly see in many of
the things Larry mentions - things we can readily observe around us every day.

My own personal prayer is that I never sway far from the Presence of God. When
I do sin, I pray that God will reveal my offense toward Him and that I will
quickly agree with Him, turn away from the offense, and turn back to Him.

With God, all things are possible. Doing things on our own is a recipe for

Dear God, help me, and each one of us, to privately examine ourselves through
your Word and turn away from our own ways, agree with You, and turn our hearts
back to You. I pray that we would keep our accounts short and never stray far
from Your Presence. Be near to us, heal our brokenness, bring us to a true
repentance, making us whole and complete, not in ourselves, but in You. Amen.

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

To read part one of this series, click here:

"What is Hot and What is Not" Larry Davies

What if you could recognize major trends in world events, business and culture?
Corporations frequently plan ahead in order to provide products which might
meet the needs of tomorrow. Experienced automobile drivers constantly scan the
road ahead anticipating potential hazards. Championship caliber chess players
plan at least five to six moves in advance.

Proverbs says: "My child, don't lose sight of good planning and insight. Hang
on to them. For they fill you with life and bring you honor and respect. They
keep you safe on your way and keep your feet from stumbling." (3:21-23) Good
planning is important. So, I conducted my own strategic planning session and
came up with ten possible life-changing trends. I pray you find this
stimulating and add trends of your own. The first trend borrows from a USA
today headline:

1. Oprah is hot and Brittany is not. Oprah emphasizes giving as a major theme
for her television show. Increased ratings and the continued popularity of
another show "Extreme Home Makeover" illustrates a general trend toward serving
others and away from self indulgence. But before I carry this concept too far:
"Desperate Housewives" is also a hit.

2. Google is hot and Microsoft is not. More than a company, Google itself
means information at your fingertips. Google transformed the way we utilize the
Internet as an integral part of our daily lives. The Internet itself will
become increasingly relevant for business, information, shopping and
entertainment and Google will likely lead the way.

3. Health care is hot but health insurance is not. As baby boomers
increasingly struggle against father time, health related industries continue
their rapid growth and will become a dominant part of business and even our way
of life. However, insurance companies will continue to earn our wrath as we
battle complexities, bureaucracy and bad management.

4. Our economic outlook is hot but GM is not. Despite all the cautions issued
by economists, I predict this year to be a boom year with record growth.
Creativity and leadership from many areas will prevail. Yet, at the same time,
major companies such as GM may go bankrupt because of entrenched costs and
stodgy management practices.

5. Warner is hot but Bush is not. This is about communication not politics.
Our former Virginia Governor found a way to lead with a vision that inspired
cooperation from both parties. At the same time our President has increasingly
become alienated and isolated. This year should display more leadership and
cooperation from both political parties.

6. Natural disasters continue. From the Tsunami to hurricanes to earthquakes,
our world experienced unprecedented tragedy. Scientists predict more of the
same. In the past, we responded with record levels of volunteerism and
financial aid. Unfortunately, as news coverage decreases so will our level of

7. Pandemics and the Chicken Flu Panic. At least once a week we see a new
article on the Chicken Flu scare. So far the chicken flu is more threatening to
chickens than to humans. Yet, the threat of a worldwide pandemic which could
easily kill thousands and even millions remains credible. Experts say, "It's
just a matter of time."

8. Political and military decisions in Iraq. Can we find a way to bring our
troops home and still preserve progress made? As a nation weary of war, we must
still find the fortitude to debate issues without wavering in our support for
the brave men and women who are putting their lives on the line? We must work
to correct our tarnished image abroad.

9. Terrorism continues worldwide. The likelihood of a major attack increases
each day. Rogue nations, North Korea and Iran grow stronger and now exert their
influence worldwide. The possibility of a nuclear incident by terrorists
increases. During the 1950's school children practiced nuclear attack drills.
Are those fearful days returning?

10. Spirituality is hot but churches are not. There is an increasing desire
for knowledge about God, the afterlife and almost anything spiritual. Movies,
books, music and television increasingly recognize and seek to fulfill
spiritual needs. Yet while seeking spirituality people are also increasingly
rejecting the typical church as providing answers.

Now what? New trends present unique opportunities for followers of God
attempting to offer ministry in the midst of those affected by change. Will you
seize the opportunity? As the New Year unfolds how will you choose to make a
difference in our ever-changing world? Let me put it another way: "What if you
had the opportunity to do something about the future and missed it?"

Next week: How can the church make a difference in the midst of emerging new

To read part one of this series, click here:

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the worldu2014like a city on a mountain,
glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your light under a basket!
Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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Brian Masinick,
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