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Word for Today, Tue, 25 Mar 2003: A Christian Response to War in Iraq: Pray

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

My friend Larry Davies (who I've now spoken to by phone, so he's
definitely more than just another Internet writer to me, in fact,
I count him a brother in Christ and a fellow prayer warrior), has
written another great weekly Sowing Seeds message. Guess what
it's about? Well, that's a rhetorical question, my subject gives
it away.

The answer to life's problems is to tap into the power of God's
Word. We do that, first, by reading the Word of God, so that we
know what He says, we know His character, His ways, His
instructions, and so forth, then we respond to Him.

I heard a message this afternoon as I was driving home from
school about prayer. Chuck Swindoll has a daily radio program
that can be heard on my local Christian radio station during the
mid afternoon hour. Today's message from Chuck was also about
prayer. Like Larry, he says the same thing.

God doesn't need us to pray for His sake - He knows our every
need and everything about us, long before we ever prayed, and
before we ever knew anything at all, for time and space are not
factors at all with God.

Prayer is for our sake and for the sake of those we know and
love, and for anyone we care about. Hopefully those boundaries
have no limits. Will you pray? It can help you, it can help
others, and in doing so, we acknowledge that there is a power
greater than ourselves, and that power is not some nebulous
thing, it is the power of the Living God, who displays His nature
in Creation, but who also came to earth as a human being, the Son
of God, Jesus Christ. That power is also the other personality
of God - not an 'it', but the person of the Holy Spirit, who
dwells within the hearts of those who believe in our Lord Jesus
Christ, not just in His existence (for even Satan believes that),
but in His nature as fully God, fully man, the only One who came
to seek and save the lost.

Do you believe these things? Are you sure? If not, ask God to
reveal Himself to you (and I assure you, if you're willing, He
will do it)! Prayer will open the doors.

So pray about current events. Pray about your personal needs.
Pray that your mind may be continually renewed, replacing
hopelessness with hope, discouragement with encouragement, and
God's best in every situation.

Your Brother in Christ,

"A Christian Response to War in Iraq"

As I write, coalition forces are within fifty miles of Baghdad,
Iraq. A number of soldiers have been captured or killed and it is
becoming increasingly obvious that Saddam Hussein is not going to
cave-in and the military under his command is not going to
surrender or defect in great numbers.

For the last ten or twelve hours I've been frozen as a writer,
unable to add a single word to the paragraph above. At first, I
thought it would be unnecessary to write much about the war
because it looked like it would be over soon and the real issue
would be the reconstruction of Iraq but that thinking proved to
be premature. Now, I'm so caught up in the minute by minute
television coverage it is a struggle to focus on the ordinary
tasks of day to day living, working and of course, writing.

Stop! Larry, turn off the television for a few minutes.

This is so wrong. I need to think and pray about what is
happening not just watch. This is not the best way to support our
country or our troops or even the people of Iraq! So, Larry what
should we do?

Like most Americans I have serious reservations whether we should
be in Iraq... but this is not the time for protest. We elected
our leaders to make difficult decisions. I believe we must
support those decisions because thousands of men and women are
laying their lives on the line for our country.

They need to know we stand solidly behind them.

So what should we do? "Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying,
pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers,
letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of
God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come
and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ
displaces worry at the center of your life." (Philippians 4:6-7,
The Message)

U "Don't fret or worry." Watching the news non-stop will
only add to our fears and accomplish nothing for our young men
and women overseas or for the people of Iraq. Stop worrying.

U "Instead of worrying, pray." This may not be a natural
response to crisis but it is necessary. As Christians we are
promised over and over again... God is listening. Start praying.

U "Let petitions and praises shape your worries into
prayers." The act of forming words to illustrate your worries
and then think of additional words to praise the God we serve.

U "A sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together
for good." This is a continuing promise God is in control...
even in the midst of war. Prayer leads to trust.

U "...will come and settle you down." Other translations
simply use the word, peace. A sense of peace will come over you.
God's holy presence will calm your fears. Trust begets faith.

U "It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces
worry." This is my favorite part. Prayer always leads to action
but we must first receive direction. Faith becomes good works.

So, Larry what should we do?

1. Pray: Around the country, millions have joined together
to pray for members of the armed forces for the people of Iraq
for our world leaders and for an outcome that will lead to

2. Maintain our Schedule: We must not get caught up in the
television coverage. The conflict will last longer than a few
days. We must not give in to the fear caused by war and

3. Support our Leadership: It's certainly okay to have
questions and doubts about why we are there but for now we must
rally behind the decisions we freely elected our leaders to

4. Sacrifice Freely: Money and volunteerism will certainly
be needed soon: both for the war effort and for the rebuilding
of Iraq. We must be prepared to help those in need, generously.

5. Seek Justice not Revenge: We are eliminating a
worldwide threat. We mean no harm to Iraq's sovereignty as a
country or their people. We do what must be done and get out.

6. Reexamine our Priorities: Life is a precious gift from
God. In these times of uncertainty it's important to remember
that we exist on this planet for a purpose... Do you know yours?

7. Pray: We begin and end with prayer because we believe
God is always in control.

Lord, help me to replace my worry with prayer... Help me to do
my part and Lord, please bring peace.

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-----Original Message-----
From: Yadira De Wachter []
Dear Pastor: I am so happy for your words of encouragement and
your prayers. I received prayers from many people around the
world. I thank you and the web site I found to keep my faith up,
because I was losing it. I was giving up but your words and the
words of other people give another opportunity for me and my
family. I am also glad because today I found someone from a
church in this village. a pastor from Canada. I am starting to
study the bible on Thursdays and Sundays. I thank God for giving
me the opportunity to find your site. God bless you. Yadira

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