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Word for Today, Tue, 26 Nov 2002: Words of Thanksgiving

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

This week, as we continue to think about the reasons why we are
thankful, I'd like to share this week's edition of Phil Ware's Weekly
Verses. This collection of short scripture passages, meditations, and
prayers reminds me of some more things that I'm thankful for:

- God's Word
- The privilege of communicating with God through prayer
- The wise counsel of other people of God, who share God's Word from
their own heart.

Your Brother in Christ, Brian

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Weekly Verses

November 25, 2002

These verses are taken from TODAY'S VERSE, by Phil Ware


Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.
--John 17:17
New International Version

God's promises, God's Scripture, and God's clearest message
of all, his Son, are truth. But only the last of these is
truth, grace, deliverer, friend, Lord, Savior, brother,

O God, give me a holy passion to know your truth and live it
in both word and deed. Make my life a reflection of your Word,
who both proclaimed and lived your truth. In him I pray.



Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the
wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of
mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his
law he meditates day and night.

--Psalm 1:1-2
New International Version

I get to choose which sources of information I feed my mind.
But this privilege and freedom is also a responsibility. God
longs to bless me, but that blessing remains dormant until my
heart delights in knowing and doing his will.

Wondrous Creator, just as you fashioned such a beautiful
world and put me together in my mother's womb, I also ask that
you create in me a desire to know your truth and an insight
into how to live that truth. I know your Holy Spirit is in me
to help me in this journey, but I want so much to please you
and bless you because of all the ways you have blessed me. In
Jesus' name I pray. Amen.



Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to
the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with
thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.
--Psalm 95:1-2
New International Version

Joy knows no better explanation than laughter and song. We
sing to the Lord because we are joyful! Our music is not
inhibited or held back, but exuberant and as full of sound as
it is of heart. Thanksgiving brings us into the Father's
presence and it is our joy at being saved that leads us to

O most wonderful and glorious God, thank you so much for
saving me from sin, death, law, and futility. Thank you for
saving me and giving me the assurance, through your Holy
Spirit, that I can come before you with exuberant and
overflowing joy. Your love and grace have not only given me
hope but have made me your child. Hear my heart and be blessed
by my songs of praise. Through Jesus I pray and because of
Jesus I will shout your praise forever and ever. Amen.



I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in
Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way -
in all your speaking and in all your knowledge.
--1 Corinthians 1:4-5
New International Version

The apostle Paul was amazing. He is writing one of the most
problematic churches and yet finds reasons to give thanks for
them. First, he is thankful for them because Jesus died for
them. When God extends his grace to others, how can we not do
the same? Second, he recognizes the areas of their abuse are
also a reason to give thanks - they may have distorted it, but
when reined in to honor God, these gifts could bless their
church. Even though he has tough words to follow, Paul's
example reminds us that a child of God is something to be
cherished, even if they have problems.

Gracious Father, give me the heart to see reasons to be
thankful for all of your children. I confess that it is often
so easy for me to view others based on how they view me, share
my theological opinions, or how much trouble they cause me.
Forgive me, for I know if you had done the same with me, I
would have never been one of your children. Please help me
rejoice in your children. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.



Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members
of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

--Colossians 3:15
New International Version

Peace - that illusive state of grace that incorporates all
of life's well-being. Because of Jesus, we have true shalom -
wellness in body, soul, and spirit. His relationships with
others, his victory over sin, death and the grave insures that
we can have peace, too! So as we receive the Spirit of Christ
into our hearts, we can live with our brothers and sisters, no
matter how flawed, in a state of peace. Besides, as Paul
changes metaphors on us, we are the Body of Christ and of
course a body does not want to be at war with itself. So live
in peace with others, and do so with thanksgiving.

Blessed Father of all believers, please give me a heart to
love your people. I know as the character of Jesus permeates
my life, I will appreciate the preciousness of each of your
children more and will come to see those difficult family
members as the grit out of which you will fashion my pearl. I
pray you give me grace till my heart matches my commitment to
love all of your children. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.



Enter [the Lord's] gates with thanksgiving and his courts with
praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord
is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness
continues through all generations.
--Psalm 100:4-5
New International Version

Worship is always about entering - entering into grace,
entering with thanksgiving, entering to share with others, but
most of all entering into the Lord's presence in a special way.
But our entering is not the basis of worship. Instead,
worship is about the Lord's faithfulness, goodness, and
enduring grace. We come to God like so many before us, who are
waiting with God for us. We come to praise him for all he has
been, all he is, and all he will be. We come to enter and

Faithful God, the Almighty Rock of Israel, the God on whom
the generations trusted, you alone, LORD, are God. I praise
you for your enduring grace and mercy. I praise you because I
want my heart tuned to your will. I praise you, because I want
to prepare for my longest lifetime, the one in your presence.
I praise you in Jesus' name. Amen.



Just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in
him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as
you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

--Colossians 2:6-7
New International Version

Some things you don't change, swap, or update. In an age
when computer processors make major leaps every few months and
software companies release new upgrades every year, we get
programmed into looking for the new and improved version of
everything. The simple but profound truth is that Jesus is
Lord. No update needed. No rival worthy. No change necessary.
In fact, if we stray from this as the basis of our life, we
put all we hold dear at risk. But if we continue, if we grow,
if we root ourselves in this truth and make it the undergirding
reality of our lives, then our future is secure and our victory

Holy God, I thank you for the simple, challenging and
enduring truth of Jesus' Lordship. Through your Spirit, I pray
that you will conform my life to more closely reflect his
lordship in my work, my family, and daily influence. Through
the Lord Jesus I pray. Amen.

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Brian Masinick,
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