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Word for Today, Tue, 27 Sep 2005: Building Hope

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 27 Sep 2005: Building Hope
Dear friends,

There is always hope, no matter how dim things appear. I've been
in very dim places several times during the course of my life. I
have found hope and strength in the Lord, and the Lord Himself
has brought many specific people into my life who have been a
huge source of encouragement to me in times of need.

It is always my prayer that I may be a source of encouragement to
others. Sometimes that encouragement comes in listening to
others, sometimes it comes in sharing with others, but it always
comes through the ministry of prayer. The ministry of prayer
itself is action. The response to prayer often involves action.

This week's message from Larry Davies is a good example of how
taking action can make a real difference, even when we do not
know what the result will be, or even where the steps along the
way will lead us.

I encourage each of you to exercise hope, being active, both in
prayer and in action.

Yours in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

To read all four articles on Mission Mississippi: Building Hope
just click here:

:Katrina & Mission Mississippi: Building Hope" 4
Larry Davies

:The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need."

:Can I help you?" said the young man as he strolled across the
street toward our mission group. He didn't look as much
dangerous as quirky with his red goatee and loose fitting beach
shirt. Oh yeah... did I forget to mention he was eating cold
spaghetti out of the can? :Quirky is definitely the right word."

:He let me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful
streams. He renews my strength."

Where are you all from?" Maybe to him, our group of twelve
appeared out of the ordinary, standing around an abandoned church
in the midst of the damage left behind by Hurricane Katrina in
downtown Gulfport, Mississippi. We were supposed to be meeting
the pastor but communications were all but impossible. On the
front door someone nailed several large sheets of paper for
members to write messages letting others know where they were and
how they were doing: crude but effective.

:He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to His name."

Our group was frozen in place and rapidly becoming frustrated.
We quickly discovered excellent contacts in Pascagoula and Biloxi
Mississippi who will enable our church to send future supplies
and teams of workers to help them rebuild. We also needed
someone in Gulfport but instead we found ourselves standing
around talking to a guy eating cold spaghetti out of a can. Now
what do we do?

Even when I walk through the valley of death, I will not be
afraid, for you are close beside me."

Sensing our frustration the young man again asked: :Can I help
you?" Figuring, there was nothing to lose, while others gathered
around, I began telling him of our journey from Lynchburg,
Virginia and our need for a contact in Gulfport. Others also
excitedly chimed in. He listened intently, occasionally
interrupting to ask questions then he looked at each of us and
said, : Let me show you something."

Your rod and staff protect and comfort me. You prepare a feast
for me in the presence of enemies."

We followed him across the street toward a typical downtown
structure marked only by a dingy gray colored brick wall and a
door with a sign overhead: :The Extreme Teen Center." Inside we
discovered the ultimate teen hangout complete with wild posters,
strobe lights and even a stage for the rock band. I n this quirky
young man who quite obviously had a heart for youth ministry we
found our third contact.

You welcome me as a guest anointing my head with oil. My cup
overflows with blessings."

My name is Brad Holt with Coastal Mississippi Youth for Christ.
We provide youth ministry for hundreds of churches and faith
groups in the area. God must have sent your group here because
we believe our ministry in the wake of Hurricane Katrina is to
direct volunteer work teams and provide a place for them to
sleep. If you can provide us with cots and bedding materials,
we'll supply the rest."

Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the
days of my life,"

Immediately, our group gathered and pooled our resources in order
to provide Brad funds for much needed food and supplies. Then we
continued meeting with him to make plans for future work teams.
Later, while walking the debris covered streets of Gulfport
surveying the damage, we marveled how even in the midst of the
chaos and tragedy of Katrina, God delivered exactly the answer we

:...and I will live in the house of the Lord forever." (Psalm 23,
New Living Bible)

All too soon, it was time to leave Mississippi for the long trip
home. While saying good bye to our hosts and newfound friends, we
sensed a new mission which will keep us working together for
months, even years to come. Mostly, we rediscovered God as our
loving shepherd, even in the midst of disaster.


What can you do?

1. School Kits - We are filling back packs with school supplies.
We hope to send a thousand book bags so that children scheduled
to start school in October will have adequate supplies.

2. Packaged Food - These are still major items of need.

3. Cleaning Supplies -- Bleach and other basic supplies used to
clean houses of water damage.

4. Money -- is always needed. You can donate through your
church. We support an agency receiving free food but needs money
for transportation. So you can spend approximately $25 per
family and ship a month's worth of food. This is a bargain we
want to take advantage of.

5. Work Teams -- The rebuilding is beginning now with great
needs for carpenters, electricians but also people with chain
saws, people to pass out food or work in the kitchen.

6. Cots or Air Mattresses -- These are needed to sleep the many
folks working in the area.

7. Gift Cards -- This allows families to make their own choices
based on different needs.

Sowing Seeds Ministry Website set up a way to donate for Katrina
relief. The money will be transferred to Timberlake United
Methodist Church to be used for supplies. Over the next few
months there will be a need for medical and building materials as
our church will send physicians and nurses as well as
construction crews. No money will be used for overhead, only for
supplies going directly to the area. Our website address is:

Read Sowing Seeds of Faith... everyday! Click here:

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

:Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better L now on sale only through our website.

Brian Masinick,
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