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Word for Today, Tue, 29 Jun 2004: Principles of Baseball and Christ

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 29 Jun 2004: Principles of Baseball and Christ
Dear friends,

Today's message is about baseball, but it is written with a
purpose. Over 2000 years ago when God walked on earth in human
flesh, He came to earth a man, yet in His very nature God -
Jesus Christ. "5 Your attitude should be the same as that of
Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in very nature[1] God, did not
consider equality with God something to be grasped, 7 but made
himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made
in human likeness." (Philippians 2:5-7, NIV)

Larry Davies uses real life illustrations, just as Jesus Christ
used, to remind us of timeless principles from God's Word.
Jesus never once perverted the scriptures, yet He used the
common things of His day to show people who God is.

We are people with a purpose. Our purpose is to live and have a
deeply intimate personal relationship with God Himself as
demonstrated through His Son Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to
live our lives in a manner that is pleasing to God and to draw
others to Christ. We don't draw people to Christ by brow
beating them with scripture and doctrine. Scripture and
doctrine most certainly do have their place. Scripture is God's
personal Word to us. Doctrine is the set of principles that we
derive from scripture.

The value of scripture is to know God's Word to us. When
someone is precious to us, we want to be with them and
communicate with them every day. Scripture is the primary way
God speaks to us. Prayer is our means to communicate with God.
Doctrine helps to tie the scriptures together (but is never a
replacement for scripture).

The scriptures that Larry uses in today's message come from
Romans 12. The book of Romans itself is a letter from the
apostle Paul to the early church in Rome. Paul urged the
believers in Rome to be sacrificial in their attitudes,
constantly renewing their minds by reading God's Word and
putting it into practice.

Here is a modern rendition of that lesson. I pray that when you
read Romans 12, you will remember to put these principles into
practice every day.

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

To read part one of "Baseball & God's Team," click here:

From: Jennifer Rose [] Dear Reverend
Davies, Thank you so very much for responding so quickly to my
prayer request! I was shocked and amazed that you took the time
to answer me personally! Thank you! It was really amazing
because just out of the blue, my heart didn't feel quite so
heavy...I felt a sense of hope, and quite literally KNEW that it
was God's love and His mercy working through you and your prayer
team. I can't tell you what a gift it is, and what comfort it
brings to me to know that God still works in my life! The
scriptures you sent me really brought with them a sense of
peace. I can honestly say that I don't feel so isolated and
alone now...and am happy to be alive today...I know that things
are still very unstable...there's no doubt about that...but to
know that there is a network of spiritually fit people out there
who truly care...and are praying for me at this very! Please continue to pray for me, as this time in my
life will undoubtedly bring with it many moments where I lose
focus, and want to give up. Having a support system will help
bring me closer to our Savior. Today I didn't pray for the
circumstances of my life to change...but for the willingness to
get to know God...and the ability to trust that He does indeed
have a plan! Again, I thank you so very much for your truly made a difference! In Christ, Jennifer

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"Baseball & God's Team" Part 2 Larry Davies

When you read last week's devotion about our "Baseball Worship
Service," did you think I'd lost my mind? You may be right but
there is a reason for this particular madness so I urge you to:
"Hang in and trust me!" The fictional ball game during the
service has the best players of all time playing our little
church team. The All Stars are leading after five innings but
our poor church is playing hard.

"In the seventh inning, Sandy Koufax found his arm once again
and struck out the side. Larry "the Mouth" Davies catches a
pop-up ending the inning with the bases loaded but not before
Cal Ripken is hit home by Mike Schmidt: the score now stands as,
All Stars 5 and Church Team only 3.

In sports, we quickly learn the sometimes ugly reality that one
team wins while another must lose. Becoming a follower of God
was never presented as a never-ending string of wins, victories
and continual success. Sometimes, losing, tragedy and grief
become part of our journey with God but either way I believe we
are meant to play on a team and how we play, win or lose defines
who we are.

Romans 12 slightly altered using baseball terminology says: "And
so, fellow teammates, I plead with you to give your team to God.
Let them be willing to make a holy sacrifice-the kind deep in
the outfield. When you think of what God has done for you, is
this too much to ask? Don't copy the behavior and customs of the
other team, but let God transform you into a new player by
changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants
you to do and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect
his coaching really is." (Romans 12:1-2 NRBV - New Revised
Baseball Version)

The best baseball teams are full of players who are ever willing
and ready to give their all for the good of the team. These are
the players you see slamming into the outfield wall or diving to
the ground to make the big catch. Their passion and love for the
sport is evident whether they are on the field or off. They
live, breathe and eat baseball until at times you're sick of
hearing it but you admire their passion.

As Disciples of Christ we learn to concentrate on winning in a
different way. We have the opportunity to give ourselves totally
to God without reservation. This "give everything you have"
attitude will allow God to transform you into a new person by
changing the way you think. You will know God's purpose and how
much God wants to guide your life. Your passion and love for God
becomes more evident whether in church or out. You live and
breathe your passion for God until at times, others are sick of
hearing you but they can't help but admire your passion. This
passion for God becomes your witness.

Speaking of passion... Jack Norworth wrote a poem in 1927 about
Nelly Kelly a passionate fan who would rather go to a baseball
game than anywhere else. The chorus is routinely sung during the
seventh inning. Will you join me? "Take me out to the ball game.
Take me out with the crowd. Buy me some peanuts and Cracker
Jacks. I don't care if I never get back. Let me root, root, root
for the home team. If they don't win it's a shame. For it's one,
two, three strikes, you're out, at the old ball game."

Paul goes on to say in Romans: "As God's player, I give each of
you this warning: Be honest in your estimate of yourselves,
measuring your value by how much ability God has given you. Just
as your team has many players and each player has a special
function, so it is with Christ's team. We are all players of his
one team, and each of us has different work to do. And since we
are all one team in Christ, we belong to each other, and each of
us needs the others." (Romans 12:3-5)

Good baseball players understand their strengths and weaknesses
so when playing together as a team they know who plays first
base, who bats cleanup and who pitches. Paul is challenging us
to honestly know our own gifts and talents so that we know what
work we are to do. We are needed and wanted and knowing your
gifts allows you to contribute in an exceptional way to God's

In the eighth inning, "Lightening Larry" hits a line drive just
over the outstretched arms of Willie Mays. "Rappin" Donnie Smith
runs from second and slides home: Score 5 to 4 still in favor of
the "All Stars."

Next week: Don't miss the dramatic and surprising conclusion to
the big game. Next week you may also check your own spiritual
score card and see what base you are on with the church and with

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world-like a city on a
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light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
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