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Word for Today, Tue, 31 Jan 2006: What Does the Lord Say?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 31 Jan 2006: What Does the Lord Say?
Dear friends,

Larry Davies writes another message in the series about what is hot and what is
not in the major trends in world events, business, and culture. In this week's
edition, Larry presents a number of situations and suggests some trends. He
reminds us of what God says through the Proverbs in the Bible.

This week, Larry, continues discussing what the church and what we, as
individual followers of Jesus Christ can do in the face of the events around

There are several things we can do, both as individuals and collectively as
members of a local church. One thing that each of us can do is participate in
a local church. Another thing we can all do, whether we are at church or at
home is personally read our own Bibles, pray, and ask God to reveal Himself to
each of us personally. Ask, listen, respond, and act, these are all things
that each of us can do. We cannot act on our own or take on actions without
understanding the will of God, but when we ask God and are willing to read,
listen, and respond to His Word, He is faithful. He will show us, then we can
respond... and act accordingly.

O God, we cannot do anything wholesome and right apart from You. First and
foremost, draw us to You. Impress upon our hearts to faithfully read Your
Word, believe it as Your truth, actively seek You, and respond to what we can
plainly see in Your Word - if we will honestly do it. I believe You speak, but
too often my eyes and ears are closed. Please forgive my hardness of heart and
draw me to You once again, and help me to respond in Your Way. Amen.

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

To read part one of this six part series, click here:

"What's Hot and How Should We Respond?" Larry Davies

Last week's column described ten major trends to watch for in 2006. Now what?
New trends present unique opportunities to offer ministry in the midst of
change. As the year unfolds how will you choose to make a difference in our
ever-changing world? Let me put it another way: "What if you had the
opportunity to do something about the future and missed it?"

So how could we specifically respond to the ten trends mentioned earlier?

1. Oprah is hot... We look for creative and aggressive ways to give to those
in need.

2. Google is hot... We use the Internet to offer encouragement and spiritual

3. Health care is hot... We offer the medical talents of our members as free

4. Economic outlook is hot... We offer financial advice and help to those in

5. Warner is hot... We set a leadership example by emphasizing ministry over

6. Natural disasters continue... We form a disaster response team to be ready.

7. Pandemics... We don't panic but we do educate ourselves and prepare.

8. Decisions in Iraq... We join the debate while sending encouragement to the

9. Terrorism continues... We set the example by building cultural bridges here
at home.

10. Spirituality is hot... We recognize the need and the opportunity to
reestablish the church as the best possible place for anyone seeking to deepen
their relationship with God.

Those are all good answers but can one church possibly respond to all ten
trends? Of course not, but we can do something. So, how can your particular
church prepare for the future?

1. Pray for a vision... There is no way any one church can adequately respond
to everything. So how would God guide you with the resources you've been given?
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door
will be opened to you." (Mat. 7:7)

As an example, I describe our church as a lighthouse offering safety, comfort
and encouragement utilizing God's light as inspiration to lead others by our
witness and through acts of love. Our mission statement to guide us: "A light
to guide you safely home!"

We have an extraordinary opportunity to make a difference for God within our
community and in the world. How do we do that? Here are five basics every
church can and should emphasize:

* Gather - We offer a safe place for worship, prayer, fellowship and

* Grow - We work on strengthening our relationship with Christ through small

* Go - We aggressively respond to needs within our community and world.

* Give - We teach and model the discipline and joy of Godly stewardship.

* Glorify - We celebrate always remembering to give God the glory.

2. Seek to turn the vision into concrete goals... Can we allow God to guide our
commitments? Will we risk trying to accomplish far more than we could achieve
on our own? "For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who
knocks, the door will be opened." (Mat. 7:8)

As another example, we turned our church vision into the following goals:

* Continue our leadership and assertiveness in missions and outreach.

* Better communicate our vision to our membership and to the community.

* Continue to seek, welcome and encourage newcomers to our church.

* Recruit, develop and strengthen more leaders as we establish new

* Develop and strengthen a teams ministry. Individuals burn out but good
teams thrive.

* Expand our ability to provide quality small group ministry opportunities.

* Become a theological voice for moderate churches and mainline

* Provide leadership, resources and financial aid to struggling churches.

Praying for a vision from God and setting goals will certainly help but wait...
there is more.

Next week: "Turning plans into reality: The rest of the story."

To read part one of this series, click here:

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world -- like a city on a mountain,
glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your light under a basket!
Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" now on sale only through our website.

Brian Masinick,
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