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Word for Today, Tue, 5 Sep 2006: Tenacious Persistence

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

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Word for Today, Tue, 5 Sep 2006: Tenacious Persistence

Dear Friends,

I was immediately caught by the title of this piece, even before reading it.
"Tenacious Persistence". How many of us have that?

I have had numerous moments of weakness and failure, but one thing that
God has been doing within me is building up a spirit of getting up and
trying again, even when I fail again and again.

For one thing, I need not be condemned by my failures, because the blood
of Jesus Christ has covered ALL of my sin, not just part of it, and not
just if this or that. He has covered my sins with one if... if I confess
my sins, He is faithful and just to forgive my sins and cleanse me from
all unrighteousness.

Naturally, this is never a license to go out and deliberately seek to do
wrong, nor is it a valid excuse for doing wrong, but for one who truly
repents, that is, one who turns away from what they are doing, agrees
with our Lord, and asks Him to set them on a new course, this promise
is for them.

So when we fail, the right thing to do is to persist. Don't persist
in failure, persist in going to God, asking Him to help and counsel
you in ridding yourself of that pesky fault. Don't make excuses, just
admit where you are at. God is quite capable of moving you to a different
place. He's not pushy, though. You have to want, deeply desire the things
of God. When you do, this greatly pleases God, and under those conditions
He is most willing to forgive and correct, even if it takes one hundred
attempts for us to get it right. He is oh so patient with us. Isn't God

Yours in Christ,

Tenacious Persistence, by Bill Sherrill

Have you ever thought how great things are often accomplished by small,
but persistent effort?

I am fascinated by evidences of the power of persistence. What is the
old saying, "If at first you don't succeed try, try again?" How few in
modern society seem to follow that sage advice.

Tenacious persistence is one of the true secrets of success. Nature has
always known that truth. A blade of grass will find its way though
asphalt and a young tree will one day break the foundation of a
concrete slab with its tender, but persistently growing root system.

Is it not fascinating to find a wind gnarled tree growing from the
apparent bare face of a towering cliff? No hot house plant this seed.
Lodged by wind or water, it swelled and burst open with life, holding
on with all it had and feeding from the scraps of moisture which came
its way. Tenaciously hanging on, it also prospered.

And then there is erosion. What mighty works of wonder it has made.
Continents are shaped and mountains razed by water and by wind. Over
time, freezing water can split giant boulders and the wind and rain
will reduced them to fine dust.

Over time, these have their definite impact.

All of this is either wonderful or disheartening, depending on what one
needs. If ones home sits precariously on a precipice overhanging the
ocean, erosion is not a happy thought. If the roots of your neighbor's
favorite flowering tree has found its way beneath your patio, it brings
concern. The truth is evident: persistent effort can be wonderful or
destructive. We seek to teach our children the value of tenacious
persistence by both word and example to prepare them for the conflict
and challenge that life will bring. At the same time, we are frustrated
by the repetition of such inquisitive phrases like, "Why, daddy?" and
that most favorite question of all, "Are we there yet?"

The very power of constant exposure used in godly teaching is also the
identical power used to sell Satan's wares to those same youth. So,
what can we do?

We can learn the lessons from nature and have the wisdom to make
positive use of them. Just as we prune or uproot destructive plants, or
build barriers to deflect the constantly eroding waves, we can use wise
defenses in the lives of both ourselves and our children. Blowing wind,
driving rain and lashing seas are not more dangerous to our properties
than the constant assault of media in our world today is to our minds.
What we hear and see may not appear to have catastrophic effect today,
but, like erosion, it is a persistent source of influence and will.
Over time, these will have their definite impact.

So let's use the power of tenacious persistence for good. At the same
time, let's never doubt that the devil knows its strength also.

He [God] will give eternal life to those who persist in doing what
is good, seeking after the glory and honor and immortality that God
offers. (Romans 2:7 NLT, 1st Ed.)

(c) 2006 Bill Sherrill 's Thought for
the Week. Used by permission.

- --
Brian Masinick
masinick at yahoo dot com
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