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Word for Today, Tue, 7 Dec 2004: What's At the Top of the List?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 7 Dec 2004: What's At the Top of the List?
Dear friends,

Today's devotional message comes from Larry Davies. In the
closing of the recent Weekly Verses devotional message, I
mentioned "We cannot be pure on our own, even at our best we fall
short." This message addresses that statement.

This season, besides getting into Winter, is the church season of
Advent. In this time we examine ourselves. That's just what
John the Baptist did, he examined himself, then called to the
people to examine themselves, turn away from themselves, and seek
God. Then he pointed to Christ as the answer.

Let's not wait until Christmas to receive Jesus Christ in our
heart. Instead, let's prepare Him room, even in the busy areas
of our life. Let's give Him first place every day. When we fall
short in that regard (don't say it won't happen, it does and it
will) Jesus Christ is extremely patient. He gives us chance
after chance. Don't avoid Him, though. Come to Him now.

Yours in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

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"Checking Your Christmas List" Larry Davies

Let's see if I've got my Christmas to-do list done....

Put up the Christmas tree... check.

Bought Christmas presents... check.

Hung stockings with care... check.

Children visited Santa... Oops ...too old.

Watched Miracle on 34th Street... 4 times... check.

Heard, "Grandma Got Run Over..." 400 times... Aaaah! check.

Confessed and repented of my sins.... What?

Shades of John the Baptist! What a depressing way to think about
Christmas. Larry, don't you know that confession and repentance
are out? Codependency, Dysfunctional, Fetish, Psychosis, Neurosis
and other excuses are the new terms for the 21st century. Why go
back in time? Yet every year during Christmas and Easter, church
leaders and pastors read from the Bible about John the Baptist
and his emphasis on confession and repentance. Why?

I would be willing to bet a large sum of money this is not the
Christmas message you wanted to hear. Am I right? Don't give up
hope yet, there is an uplifting ending, so stay with me.

In each of the four Gospels you can almost hear the shrill voice
of John the Baptist, the animal skin clad, bug-eating prophet who
proclaimed himself as, a voice shouting in the wilderness:
"Prepare a pathway for the Lord's coming! Make a straight road
for Him!" (Luke 3:4) His next statement however should get your
attention: "You ungrateful pile of snakes! Don't just talk about
being a follower of something about it!" (7-8) That's
pretty strong language. Wait! There is more! "Even now the ax of
God's judgment is poised ready to sever your roots. Yes, every
tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and
thrown into the fire." (9) Ouch, that hurts! No wonder he was

But John the Baptist is right. We need to hear the voice in the
wilderness crying out: prepare a pathway. Prepare a pathway is
describing three basic steps of the Christian faith:

1. Sin: is anything that separates us from God. We all do it. We
all must face it.

2. Confession: is the courage of admitting we are flawed human
beings in need of help.

3. Repentance is our willingness to ask for and accept God's
power to change us.

A recent Gallop poll showed that Americans believe in Jesus
Christ but few translate belief into action. The studies show, as
much dishonesty and unethical behavior within the church as out.
Divorce rates are as high within the church as out. When
surveyed, people described religion as a balm for overcoming
depression rather than a call for serious change. Don't just talk
about it! Do something!

The crowd responded to John the Baptist by asking: "What do we
do?" (Read Luke 3:10-14) He said:

* Share: Not just with your family but anyone in need. Give some
of your blessings away. Learning to give is not just putting more
money in the offering plate... it's a foundation of your faith.

* Play Fair: Be honest in your relationship with others!
Employers, treat workers with genuine respect! Employees, earn
your pay! Take a stand for what is right but with an attitude of

* Be Content: We all want to be successful but God often has
different ideas on what success really means. It may be time to
ask: Am I where God wants me to be?

This kind of preparation applies to all, from preachers to
pew-sitters to sleep-in-and-forget-about-it believers. Making a
straight path may be the most important Christmas preparation we

What about you? Does your Christmas list include an old-fashioned
straight talk with God about your sinful behavior? God promises
to listen with compassion, offer total forgiveness, enable you to
change and continue loving you. Isn't that great? The Good News
is that by following John the Baptist now you will really
appreciate what happens on Christmas Day. Prepare a pathway for
the Lord's coming!

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide
your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's
Recipe for a Better Life" now on sale only through our

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