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Word for Today, Tue, 7 Jun 2005: God Answers

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 7 Jun 2005: God Answers
Dear friends,

Larry Davies always writes messages that blend humor with reality and
spiritual substance. He has been a friend of mine for several years now.
Author of several books, pastor of a local church in Lynchburg, Virginia,
and a man who is personally familiar with many of the discouragements that
you and I face.

Larry is a man who loves the Word of God and who personally knows the value
and power of prayer. I encourage you to read this week's Sowing Seeds of
Faith and consider how you can personally apply its principles to your own
personal life.

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

The deadline of June 30th is fast approaching. Try your hand at The Sowing
Seeds Ministry eighth annual writing contest. First place submissions in
each of four categories will receive $100, be published on the Sowing Seeds
web page and one or two categories will be published on our email column
which goes out to thousands of subscribers around the world. Click here
right now for more information:

-----Original Message-----

Thanks so much for the e-mail welcoming me into the church. As you know I
have been a returning visitor when I am home, and am now back for the summer
and have been in the college bible study class. I would very much like to
become a member. I really enjoy your services and have a strong respect for
your ministry. I have not been a member of a church in a long time simply
because I haven't found one that signifies what I think it should be. I
think you all have a great thing, by the way you try to help others, and
genuinely try to do so, through prayer and any other means you can. It means
a lot to have a pastor that truly tries to get to know his congregation and
has a relationship with all of them individually. That is one of the big
reasons I have respect for you. I appreciate you taking the time to write
and have interest in me becoming a part of the church. I would again just
let you know that I would like to be a member as I already consider myself
one, and would like ! to help out in church activities any way I can. Let me
know if you need anything: if not I will see you Sunday! Brad

"Growth is more than numbers... Ten Action Words" --- Larry Davies

This month marks five years since I arrived as pastor of Timberlake United
Methodist Church, in Lynchburg, Virginia. Much has changed. People may not
always agree or be happy about our church but one thing is sure. These past
five years were seldom dull.

Recently we celebrated Pentecost which marks the birth of the church.
Christ's disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit as tongues of fire
settled over them. They rushed out proclaiming in many languages "Jesus
is Lord." Quoting from the prophet Joel they said: "...I will pour out
my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old
men will dream dreams. Your young men will see visions. In those days, I
will pour out my Spirit even on servants, men and women alike." (2:28-29)

It was an exciting time to be the church. Our own church growth has been
with Pentecost-like numbers, with new buildings hundreds of new people, many
new-formed small groups, lots of children and youth and many different
missions, programs and ministries. This church has always been exciting but
the last five years have been astonishing.

One off-beat method of charting our growth is through trash pick up. (Are
you kidding?) Five years ago, we had three or four regular sized trash cans
in the back lot which were picked up once a week as courtesy. Soon we added
a small dumpster, then it became a big dumpster and now the big dumpster is
picked up twice a week and unfortunately, the trash service is no longer
free. The lesson is we've either gotten much bigger or we are one very
trashy church. (You can laugh now.)

But, the best way to understand our growth is through what God teaches.
Since I've been studying the Old Testament lately, I will use those books as
I submit ten action words to describe a healthy church.

1. Praise - Do we understand and appreciate the almighty God we serve? "To
all who mourn, he will give beauty for ashes, joy instead of mourning and
praise instead of despair." (Isaiah 61:3) Praise is our way of admitting and
submitting to God's authority over our church and our lives.

2. Prayer - Do we pray regularly as individuals and as a church? "...he
went home and knelt down as usual in his upstairs room and prayed just as he
had always done." (Daniel 6:10) Prayer is recognition of God's authority and
a willingness to listen for God's guidance.

3. Open - Are we open to growth opportunities, new people & ideas? "Then
the Lord told Abram, "Leave your country... I will make you a blessing to
others. So Abram departed as the Lord instructed. (Genesis 12:1-4) Listening
to God's voice often requires change.

4. Hospitality - Do we genuinely welcome God's people? "You welcome me as a
guest, anointing my head with oil." (Psalm 23:5) Anointing means to provide
honor and protection so genuine hospitality has to be more than a smile and
polite, "How are you?"

5. Obedient - Will we be obedient to God's purpose for us? "The people said
to Joshua, "We will serve the Lord our God. We will obey." (Joshua 24:24) We
all fit in God's master plan. As individuals and as the church we are called
to be obedient to God's purpose for our lives.

6. Alert - Will we notice the unique growth opportunities God offers?
"Intelligent people are always open to new ideas. In fact they look for
them." (Proverbs 18:15) Organizations and people all around us are facing
challenges and difficulties. We try to offer what they need.

7. Assertive - Will we aggressively while trusting in God pursue those
opportunities? "Don't worry about a thing," David told Saul. "I'll go fight
Goliath." (1 Samuel 17:32) Sometimes we must face Goliath size challenges in
order to fully appreciate God's awesome power.

8. Risk-Taker - Every opportunity also has a cost. Are you willing to pay?
"God will rescue us but even if he doesn't we will never serve your gods."
(Daniel 3:17-18) From changing careers to giving up your lunch hour for a
Bible study there is always a cost involved with growth.

9. Persistent - Will we hang in there when the going gets tough? "Look! I
am going to breathe into you and make you live again! (Ezekiel 37:5) Facing
and overcoming obstacles is a normal part of the growth process. God
promises to breathe new life into us.

10. Thankful - Do we remember and give thanks to the One who is so critical
to our success? "Enter His gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with
praise." (Psalm 100:4) What a shame after coming so far not to stop for a
moment and say, "Thank you!"

I believe these ten action words faithfully describe our church and me as
their pastor. The last five years have been a roller coaster ride filled
with many ups and a few downs but we struggled together to serve God. Our
reward has been the opportunity to witness many miracles including hundreds
of lives changed within our church, community and even other parts of the
world. Wow! Now onto the next five years: Hang on because the best is yet to

-----Original Message-----
Larry, I just wanted to take the time to thank you and Timberlake UMC for
showing me and my family the love and welcome you have in our first few
visits. As members of another church that went through drastic changes and
forgot what God's family is, your church is a breath of fresh air. I really
enjoyed playing bass this morning at the 9:45 service and want to continue
to do this so I can give back what has been given me. Thanks, Jody

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Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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