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Word for Today, Tue, 8 Aug 2000: You are what you think

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Here is a fairly lengthy devotional message about our thinking
and our attitudes, and how they affect who we are and who we
become. I have written to you many times about these topics.
Since this message is on the long side, I'll let it speak for
itself. I hope you can take the time to read the message and
digest it, because it is a valuable message.

Brother Brian


Christian Connection Newsletter


"You are what you think you are..." Proverbs 23:7

Scripture teaches us that what we think we are...we are!
What's in our mind, eventually comes to the surface. If you
think you're unworthy, then that's exactly how you'll live. If
you think youhave nothing to offer, then nothing is what you'll
have to give. If you think life isn't worth living, then you
certainly won't be living an abundant life!

You mean all I have to do is change my thinking? If it were
easy, everyone would think positively, wouldn't they? But we
aren't born with negative attitudes. Negativity is a learnt
experience, but for the person who wants to change, negativity
can be modified. It takes work, it doesn't happen overnight, but
it will happen to the individual who wants it to.

Seven little words but extremely powerful words: "You are
what you think you are..." I firmly believe that what we hold
onto in our thoughts will eventually come to pass. Who wishes
for a downtrodden life? No one, but life is what we make of it.
There's nothing we can't do if we put our mind to it. There's no
goal that cannot be reached. No dream that cannot come true.
Personal goal setting is never easy, but it can help you define
values and customize your life. Where does negativity come from?

Scripture tells us that we are born "spirit, soul and body" ~
in that order! (See 1 Thessalonians 5:24.) Most people think
they're born: body, soul and spirit. Well, no wonder it isn't
working! They've got it backwards! For some reason, the soul
and spirit are considered to be some divine aspects of our being,
separated from our body. What an untruth! That's not what the
bible teaches.

All of us, regardless of the color of our skin or our past
experiences were created with the power to reason, make choices,
give and receive love, live a happy life or a life filled with
misery and lack. It's in the soul area, the subconscious part of
our lives where decisions are actually made but it's only
one-third of our three-part existence. It's in the second aspect
of our lives, the centerpiece, if you will, where our conscious
thinking takes place and gets put into the subconscious. Someone
once said...

"You are what you deeply believe yourself to be. You were what
you deeply believe yourself to have been. You will become what
you deeply believe you will become!"

"As a man (or woman) thinks..." The conscious mind initiates
a thought and it is automatically accepted by the subconscious.
There's no such thing as good luck or bad luck. We can literally
program our mind (by negative thinking) to bring to us exactly
what we expect. I believe Zig Ziglar (author of "See You at the
Top!") calls this, "Stinking thinking!" You are, right now,
living the life you've programmed for yourself! Phew! I'm sure
I'll receive many e-mails regarding that one!

How do you look at an 8 oz. glass with 4 oz. of water in it?
Negative: half empty? Or positive: half full? How do you view a
day when there's both sun and clouds? Negative: partially
cloudy? Or positive: partially sunny? How do you view past
mistakes? As failures or opportunities to grow? Remember,
failing isn't failure! Giving up is!

I once heard a pastor say, "If I could live my live over
again, I'd make more mistakes." In other words, if he could live
his life over again, he'd be willing to take more risks, step out
in faith ... even if it meant making mistakes because mistakes
are opportunities to learn and to grow. If everything were
perfect, there'd be no need to learn. No need to grow and
certainly no need to change our lives. But, there's no such
thing as perfection, is there? There is, however, a perfect
solution to an imperfect life and it works every single time!
It's called imagination and it's both biblical and practical.

"What things you desire when you pray, BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE
RECEIVED THEM and you shall have them." Mark 11:24

If you can imagine it, if you can picture it, it can and will
happen. Believe that what you want already exists for you. When
you get down on your knees before God and ask for "things you
desire" believe (imagine) that you already have them.

Believe in yourself (God doesn't create human junk!) and in
the incredible power of prayer. Most of all, believe what God
tells you! Believe that He has a plan for your life which does
not include fear, anxiety, anger, depression, guilt or lack! If
you are experiencing these things, consider them opportunities to
grow, to learn and to overcome!

I'm reminded of a story I heard many years ago ~ still a
favorite of mine that I repeat... OFTEN! But, beloved, it's
definitely worth repeating again.

Once upon a time ... there was a man who received a free
ticket to go on a magnificent cruise ship. Now, this man didn't
have a lot of money so he figured he couldn't take advantage of
the many things that were available on this luxury liner,
however, he thought himself to be so fortunate to get the free
ticket that he decided he would eat peanut butter sandwiches for
the entire cruise (he even brought his own peanut butter and
bread). Though he was excited to be taking this
once-in-a-lifetime voyage, he secretly envied the other
passengers who were taking advantage of everything on board.

Toward the end of the cruise, the captain approached him and
said, "Sir, I noticed you didn't enter the dining room even once
during the trip to eat at our banquet tables ... neither did you
shop in the unique stores we have on board."

The man replied, "I know. I wish I had been able to but I'm
thankful I, at least, I had the opportunity to be on board. It's
a trip I'll always be thankful for."

The captain was shocked at the man's answer. "But sir," he
asked, incredulously, "didn't you know?"

"Know what?" the passenger said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Didn't you read your ticket?"

Sadness covered the captain's face. "If you had only read
your ticket! There, written in black and white, is clearly
stated that not only was the voyage was, but everything on board
as well."

What does this little story have to do with being what we
think we are? When a person knows Jesus Christ as Lord and
Savior, he not only receives a ticket to heaven but everything
that God has now becomes his! Everything! Open your bible.
Read it ... study it ... there you'll find that your free ticket
(which was paid for at Calvary) includes everything that is
offered therein.

A pastor-friend once said, "The problem with Christians today
is that they seem more content to reach for the pennies in God's
hand instead of reaching for Him. By reaching for God,
everything He has becomes ours!"

Don't be content with only "pennies from heaven" ~ there's so
much more. You are what you think!

in Jesus!
Gloria J. Moore

"You Are What You Think" is taken in part from <A
Sound Mind 8

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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