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Word for Today, Tue, 9 Mar 2005: Teenage Suicide

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue, 9 Mar 2005: Teenage Suicide

Dear friends,

If you have areas of your life that you know (deep down inside of
you) that need work, give them over to God.

Some of us get really depressed. One teen that Larry Davies
personally knows recently took her own life, leaving a church
family and loved ones shocked, deeply saddened, and troubled.
Many will deeply miss this likable, but apparently troubled young

If you are troubled, especially if you are troubled to the point
of doubting whether life is worth living or not, please read this

Most of us know someone who has a friend or family member that
has taken their own life. If this ever happens in your circle of
friends, be careful what you say or don't say. If you tend to
fumble for words, just let your friends know that you care very
much and leave it at that.

Privately, pray for those who are hurting. Be on the lookout for
signs of depression, even in your own family - who knows, maybe
in you!

I have been depressed myself, and at times I questioned the value
of life. For me, what helped a great deal were friends and
family that consistently prayed, stayed back, yet near at all
times, and who were ready to help when the time was right.
Personally, what helped me was the knowledge that suicide was not
an acceptable response. Finally, what pulled me out was giving
up on my own means and resources and honestly calling upon God,
admitting my need, confessing my sin, turning away from it, and
relying on God, and waiting for Him to heal me.

It wasn't like a snap of the finger, but it didn't take forever
either, especially after I realized and admitted my own self
seeking interests and instead sought God's will for my life.

May it be so for those who are hurting, even now. If you know
anyone in that kind of position, be very careful not to point an
accusing finger or say anything negative at all. I believe that
there is a time and a place for correction, but being a friend to
a hurting person involves concern first, and correction only when
someone is ready to ask for it (and only then).

Dear Lord,

I pray that these words, which might even sting us to apply them
to ourselves, may yet heal us and draw us ever more closely and
personally to You. We cannot ever be Your equal - that is the
fatal mistake that Satan made. We can be Your precious and
treasured children. Be patient with us, forgive us in our
selfishness, and gracefully draw each of us to You, in Your time
and in Your way. I ask all of these things in the Precious Name
of Jesus and for His sake. Amen.

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

"Teenage Suicide" Larry Davies

A young teenager visited our church with a friend, several years
ago and just seemed to fit in with everything and everyone. A few
months later, she came into my office to talk about being
baptized and becoming a member. I'm not usually very good about
remembering names but I certainly knew her. Maybe it was her
smile when walking the hall... in fact that's what others said:

1. "She had the sweetest smile."

2. "She spoke to me when others didn't."

3. "She had a lot of energy."

4. "She was friendly and kind."

5. "She borrowed stuff, especially lip gloss?"

But there was another side to this vivacious 15 year old
girl... a side that struggled with depression and poor
self-esteem. She was teased about her weight. She faced difficult
situations at home and with her friends. Recently, we heard about
a breakup with her boyfriend yet when asked the smile stayed on
her face while assuring everyone she would be okay but she
apparently wasn't okay.

On a cold weekday afternoon, in the midst of a snow storm that
closed area schools she made a few phone calls never mentioning
her intentions and then... ended her life.

Every fifteen minutes someone in America commits suicide. That
works out to approximately ninety-six people a day and at least
thirty-five thousand per year. What's worse is that other
suicides are often falsely or mistakenly reported as automobile
wrecks, household accidents or homicides. Although depression
often plays an underlying role usually something specific
actually triggers the event such as broken relationships or
rejection which pushes everything out of perspective.

Isaiah describes the struggle well: "If you are walking in
darkness, without a ray of light,..." (50:10) This young girl
seemed to be walking without any ray of light. Is it ever okay to
just give up? "I can't deal with my life anymore so let's just
end it?" Is suicide ever the right choice?

Absolutely not! Hear the rest of this verse... "If you are
walking in darkness, without a ray of light... trust in the Lord
and rely on your God." There is the key toward understanding
God's answer. I'm not trying to say God will not forgive. God
can forgive anything, especially an act of desperation and
sickness but please pay close attention to this next sentence:
Suicide is never the right choice because it is the final denial
of our trust in God. Yes, this young girl faced struggles but in
a few weeks or months they would pass. Suicide becomes a
permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Think about what this young girl and her family and all of us who
love her will miss...

1. We will never see her go to the Junior or Senior prom.

2. We will never see her graduate from high school or college.

3. We will never see her get married and meet the man who was
meant for her.

4. We will never see her become a mom and enjoy her children.

Instead we mourn for someone we love and wonder what if...

So, what do we do? How do we honor this young girl's memory
yet learn a lesson from her mistake?

1. You can make a choice that suicide is not an option for you:
now or ever.

2. You can make a covenant with God that you will look for help
when you're down.

3. You can be on the lookout for others in trouble and look for
ways to help.

4. We can vow take our faith in God more seriously and become
more active in our church.

5. One person will seldom prevent suicide but many working
together can accomplish miracles.

If you know someone who seems depressed and mentions suicide,
believe what you are hearing and seek help immediately. If you
are thinking of taking your own life: STOP and think
again. Consider the plight of two parents who lost their
daughter. Reflect on the hundreds of us who lost a dear
friend. Remember the story of this precious young girl. Then
reach out and cling to the lifeline extended by God: "If I walk
in darkness without one ray of light... let me trust the Lord,
let me rely upon God."

-----Original Message-----
From: McCoy,Sarah T []
I receive prayers from around the world and I pray for them and
reply to a lot of them. This is so awesome. A man was
contemplating suicide and was going through a lot of physical
pains and now he's doing so much better. God is so awesome. This
ministry is strengthening my faith in God as well as reaching out
to those in need. I'm so excited right now that it brought tears
to my eyes. I know God answers prayers but this is really an eye
opener. Sometimes my faith gets a little worn down and then God
does something like this to bring it right back up again. And I
know it was God who gave me the right words to say to this
man. Praise the Lord! Sarah

Sowing Seeds Ministry receives many prayer requests every week
including people who are seriously considering suicide and we
have over 9,000 prayer partners who regularly give their time to
pray for the hundreds of prayer requests that come through our
website. You can ask for prayer for yourself or someone else by
simply clicking here:

Sowing Seeds Ministry is making a difference around the world. We
continue to need your help. Become one of over 9,000 prayer
partners: and/or
become a financial partner: Most of
all we need your prayers if our ministry is to continue making a
difference around the world.

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Brian Masinick,
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