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Word for Today, Tue, 9 Oct 2001: Plank or Speck?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today's message from Bob Gass is right on the mark. So many
times, we see something in someone else that, as we see it, needs
changing. Well, our view of what needs changing might be right,
or it might be completely wrong, but regardless of whether WE are
right or wrong, it is NOT our job to do the changing.

What a long time it has taken ME to get this right! Even now
that I FINALLY realize this, I still seem to struggle, from time
to time, with wanting to change someone else. In reality, the
only one that I can change is MYSELF. Yes, I might be able to
talk to others. I might be able to share about my own
difficulties. But when it comes right down to it, the only
person *I* can change is *ME*! Even then, I need HELP!

Who is the one that can help? Well, based on what this list is
all about, that's a "loaded question"! The job of convincing and
"convicting" belongs to God, and God alone. The message that
follows provides some background and scripture to build this

Dear Lord,

I confess that I try to change others when I have been convinced
that I can only examine myself. How many times have I read
Jesus' parable about taking the PLANK out of my own eye, so that
I can help my brother or sister take the SPECK out of their eye?
Well, Jesus knew ME when He spoke those words to the people of
His day. Please help me as I continue to work on this issue. I
want to be fully Yours, Lord. Even as I seek You, I need Your
help. Will You help me? I am Yours forever. Amen.
Here's the message from Bob Gass:

Your Brother in Christ,

Subject: [WFT] Tue 09 Oct 01 - It's God's job, let Him do it!

WORD FOR TODAY by Bob Gass - Tuesday 9th October 2001

It's God's job - let Him do it!


JOHN 16:8

Are you trying to change somebody? That's God's job, not yours!

One woman writes: "For years I tried to change my family and
convict them of their sins. But the more I tried, the more they
resisted me and the worse things got. Finally, I received a
revelation; people can't change other people
- only God can! I'd been trying to do something I didn't have the
power to do. My job was just to love them, pray for them and
let God change them. When I got out of His way, He did!" God
doesn't work according to your plans or timetable. Only when you
accept that will you be free from obsessing over people.

Commit them to God! Trust Him! Then ask yourself, "If I wasn't
trying to control the outcome, what would I be doing differently?
What decisions would I be making? What boundaries would I set?"
Make a list of them and start doing them!

When you try to play God, everybody gets hurt, you get hurt
because others can't or won't do what you want. They get hurt
because your love comes with strings attached. And you're not
doing God any favours either, for He's well able to speak for

Listen: "...I will make darkness light before them and crooked
things straight..."

(Isa 42:16). Did you get that? Straightening people out is God's
job - let Him do it!

(c) Bob Gass Ministries 2001 (used by permission)

Printed copies of "The Word for Today" are available free from
UCB, PO Box 255, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 8YY, England.

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is given to churches and Christian organisations to copy up to a
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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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