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Word for Today, Tue Jan 3 2006: Your Invitation

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Tue Jan 3 2006: Your Invitation
Dear friends,

We often want an "engraved invitation" to various things, so here is our
"engraved invitation" from our God - with a caution and a warning. You see,
God wants us to be at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb - that is the marriage of
Jesus Christ to His Church - which will occur on the Day when the loud trumpet
sounds, the dead in Christ rise, and those who remain are caught up with them
to meet in the air. That is also the Day of Judgment, to be followed by the
Great Feast.

God has made that Great Feast available to everyone. The entrance to the Feast
is through His Son, Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, as Larry Davies so eloquently
puts it, many people will be "too busy" or have excuses of one kind or another.

Make no mistake: this feast IS available to EVERYONE, but not everyone will be
in attendance. Once those doors close, that is IT.

The time is now, the Day is NOW. If you do not personally know Jesus Christ -
more than just the name, but a relationship with Him, time to make it happen.
IF you don't know what the relationship is, you don't have one, but that can
change now, too.

God says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God - emphasis on
ALL. No pastor, no devotional writer, no reader, misses that ALL. We all are
needy. Not all of us will admit it, though, and not all of us will take our
need seriously. Don't be among that crowd - they are the ones who get locked
out of the biggest party of all time!

Don't miss the party. Realize that God wants you there. He wants you to
embrace His Son and become part of His eternal family, fully embracing His
love, becoming fully accepted, fully forgiven, fully redeemed, a child of the
King, a welcome guest at the banquet feast.

Read your bibles! Make SURE you understand what all of this means. Do not be
afraid to ask questions, either. I would be glad to answer them, as would any
true believer and any truly called man of God.

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

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"Did You Get Your Invitation?" Larry Davies

Frequently, in meetings with other church leaders, I'm told: "There is little
hope for our church to have any influence in even our community much less the
world. We are small and only getting smaller so that we can hardly pay our
pastor and other bills much less effectively help anyone else. We have very few
young people to give us energy. We have no money to pay additional staff
salaries. Our volunteers are faithful but they are old and tired. What are we
to do?"

Jesus told a parable that provides solid answers: "A man prepared a great feast
and sent out many invitations. When all was ready, he sent his servant around
to notify the guests that it was time for them to come. But they all began
making excuses. One said he had just bought a field and wanted to inspect it.
Another said he had just bought five pair of oxen and wanted to try them out.
Another had just been married, so he said he couldn't come." (Luke 14:16-20)

God seems to be the 'man' in the parable inviting us, the church, to a great
feast; so great, that nothing else should take precedence. The invitations come
at first to the guests we would expect to attend any great feast. The so-called
'good' people of the community: land owners, shopkeepers and those commonly
described as successful and influential: the same people who would also proudly
claim membership to a church. In other words, God is inviting the church first.

Yet, these very same people, 'good' people who receive gold embossed
invitations from God are the ones who for one reason or another are simply
unable to attend the most important event of all time: claiming to be busy
buying land or other business necessities or too busy with personal matters.
Excuses! Good excuses but excuses just the same but don't judge them too

Remember the excuses given by our own church leaders? "We are so small. We have
very few young people. We have no money. Our members are old and tired." Do
they sound familiar?

What is God's response? "The servant returned and told his master what they had
said. His master was angry and said, 'Go quickly into the streets and alleys of
the city and invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind.' After the
servant had done this, he reported, 'there is still room for more.' So his
master said, 'Go out into the country lanes and behind the hedges and urge
anyone you find to come, so that the house will be full. For none of those I
invited first will get even the smallest taste of what I had prepared for
them.'" (Luke 14:21-24)

Ouch! As the church we apparently receive the first invitation to God's feast
but then we are expected to respond. If we don't, the implication is that God
will invite others and we will miss out.

How are we to respond when we are so limited? What does God expect us to do?

Good question. Obviously the 'feast' describes God's opportunity for us to be
the church in a big way. Our response should be to say 'yes' to the invitation
with faith knowing that serving God is more important than our occupation, our
family or even our very lives. We say yes trusting God for answers, resources
and courage to enable us to do far more than we ever imagined possible.

Can it really be that simple? A few years ago, I would be sincerely struggling
to give you a good answer to that question. Our church was growing and active
in the community but we were not really a mission oriented church. Then several
of our members traveled to Jamaica to offer medical aid and church construction
help. Their stories and the enthusiastic change God brought into their lives
affected us all. At this point we were becoming eager for more opportunities.

On December 26, 2004 a massive Tsunami swept the Indian Ocean. More than eleven
countries were struck by the enormous waves with a loss of life estimated at
more than 300,000 people. Quickly our church raised over $10,000. But, now what
could we do? How could we become more directly involved? As we searched for
answers, God began to change me and our church.

Next week: Part 2 of our search for answers. Meanwhile, think about the
invitation God has sent to you. For 2006, are you willing to expand your
horizons, take a few risks go to God's Feast?

Sowing Seeds of Faith... devotions and world-wide prayer ministry reach
thousands around the world but as we expand we find critical need for more
financial aid. If you found this ministry useful then please consider
supporting us by offering a contribution. Sowing Seeds Ministry reaches more
people with fewer donations than any ministry I know. Find out more by clicking
on the following web page:

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world -- like a city on a mountain,
glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your light under a basket!
Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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Brian Masinick,
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