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Word for Today, Tues, 12 Sep 2006: [Fwd: "Chicken Fear"]

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

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Dear friends,

I am forwarding you a message from Larry Davies, my good friend, who
writes very interesting stories each week in his Sowing Seeds of Faith
devotional series, which Larry has been doing at least as long as I've
been writing Word for Today.

I have had plenty of things to be concerned about in my life - loss of
health and sanity, loss of marriage, loss of work, loss of loved ones,
and one time, a real scary one - loss of almost all hope.

I said "almost all hope" - fortunately NOT all hope. I clung to the
small ray of hope I still had in my LORD, and I asked Him to open up
my eyes, save me and heal me, and He did!

Just as He does in the salvation of our souls, God saves us from the
issues we face in our lives. He knows all things, so nothing comes
as a surprise to Him. We just don't think that way, so we get all
concerned and worked up - over what?

We need not have a chicken fear, whether it's of roosters and chickens
or of some giant in our life. David overcame the giant by trusting
in His God. We can do the very same thing, whether it is Goliath
we face, financial hardship, broken promises or broken relationships,
or whatever it may be. God is good, remember that, even when it does
not, at the moment, seem to be that way.

We have a God who loves us enough to redeem us through the sacrificial
life, death, burial, and resurrection of His very own Son! With a love
like that, how can we possibly doubt His ability, His sincerity, or His

God is Good!

Yours in Christ,

- --
Brian Masinick
masinick at yahoo dot com
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