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Word for Today, Wed 02 Apr 2003: A Clear and Blameless Conscience

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Do you know that there is a way to avoid being condemned? Do you
also know that the things we have done (and that includes each
one of us) deserve condemnation, even death, yet we've been freed
from that condemnation through Jesus Christ?

Earlier this week, we discussed the gift of God, His Son Jesus
Christ, It was because something had to be done to atone or
account for our flawed ways that Jesus' presence, life, death,
and resurrection, was necessary in the first place.

Aren't you glad that God loved us enough to make the necessary
provisions for our eternal security? Aren't you glad that He
gave us both the choice to fail and a means of being restored
from those things? Now we are freed from all of that tyranny.

Remember the words of the American preacher: "Free at last, free
at last, Thank God Almighty! I'm free at last!" Those words are
often spoken with regard to freedom from slavery and prejudice,
but they are really words of freedom from the punishment of sin.
I don't know about you, but that's plenty of reason for me to

Therefore, when the apostle Paul exclaims, "Rejoice in the LORD
always, again I will say: Rejoice!" I know exactly what he's
talking about. Do you?

Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank you so much for securing our eternal salvation, so that we
may praise You forever, the original intended object of our
affections, the One who made us, sustains us, loved us enough to
become a created being and to pay for our misdeeds. I give You
my full love and devotion today, for You alone are worthy of it.
Because of You, my conscience is clear.

Your Brother in Christ,


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I also do my best to maintain always a blameless conscience both
before God and before men (Acts 24:16).

Folklore advises, "Let your conscience be your guide." This has
serious limitations since our conscience is a function of our
mind. Having been conformed to this world, the conscience can be
programmed wrongly. It is always true to its own standard. Until
we come to Christ, the standard is the world system in which we
were raised. Many people are falsely guided by a guilty
conscience--not a true guilt, but a psychological guilt usually
developed in early childhood. Satan works through this
stronghold to accuse the brethren day and night (Revelation

People like this are usually perfectionists who labor under
condemnation, even though the Bible says there is no
condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8;1).
They aren't led; they are driven. They constantly look for
affirmation. They have a tendency to be man-pleasers. Paul said,
"If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a
bond-servant of Christ" (Galatians 1:10). If you are striving to
please men, of whom are you a bond-servant?

Since our minds were conformed to this world, we need to renew
them in such a way that what we believe is in accordance with
truth. Chapter 14 of Romans deals with how we should walk in
regard to nonmoral issues. Paul says, "The faith which you have,
have as your own conviction before God. Happy is he who does not
condemn himself in what he approves" (Romans 14:22).

However, we are to restrict our freedom if it causes a weaker
brother to stumble. We never have the right to violate another
person's conscience. Paul says, "I also do my best to maintain
always a blameless conscience both before God and before men"
(Acts 24:16). Be very cautious about going against your own
conscience once you are committed to Christ. The Holy Spirit
does work through our consciences as He seeks to renew our

Thank You, Lord, that my mind and conscience can be renewed
daily through the power of Your Word.

This daily devotional is published and distributed by It is written by Neil Anderson at
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