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Word for Today, Wed, 04 Dec 2002: The Real Reason for the Season

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

The time of the week has come when Larry Davies shares his
insights and writing prose with us. I have to tell you that
Larry is probably my favorite Christian devotional writer,
certainly on the Internet. I like his books, too, which are
usually a collection of his weekly writings.

This week, Larry writes about the real reason that we celebrate
the season of Christmas. He includes the contributions of many
people who have written in, and he intersperses their comments
with scripture. I think you may enjoy reading this message, I

Personally, I believe that thinking about Jesus Christ and
meditating on His great love, and sharing that love with
others, are some of the reasons that I celebrate. Please make
time for God every day, and please read His Word. Some day, it
will make an eternal difference!

Your Brother in Christ, Brian

If you like what you read here, you'll love the book. "Breaking
the Peanut Butter Habit." Normally $24.95 now just $10 through
the end of the year. Each book is signed by the author. Limit of
four books please. For group orders and discounts please email: Click here for more information:

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

A special thanks to all of you who contributed to this column.
Your particular email may or may not be mentioned but you were an
inspiration and I thank you. Larry Davies

Part 2 - And The Real Reason for the Season
Is...? Larry Davies

Last week's message shared a plea for help from a family with way
to provide Christmas for their children. Christmas can be a
grossly visible reminder of who receives generously and who gets
little or nothing! How do you tell a child surrounded by children
loaded down with more toys than they can ever use that Christmas
is for others... but not for you? Christmas was never meant to be
that way.

When Mary received the gift of God's precious son she responded
with praise: "Oh, how I praise the Lord. How I rejoice in God my
Savior! For he took notice of his lowly servant girl and now
generation after generation will call me blessed. For he, the
Mighty One, is holy and he has done great things for me. His
mercy goes on from generation to generation to all who fear him."
(Luke 1:46-50)

Christmas presents were meant to be symbolic of God's gift of the
Christ child. What Jesus has given to us... we pass on to others
as our way of saying: "I love you in the name of Christ!" The
challenge is to broaden our horizons and creatively give to those
in need. How did we get everything so mixed-up? How can we
change? How can we recapture the Christ in Christmas?

Our readers responded with lively and creative ways to remember
the real reason for the season:

+ "I too, get bothered when people say they can't have Christmas
if they don't have money for presents. We deliberately do not
put up a tree or give presents because that forces us to stay
focused on the REAL reason we celebrate Christmas. So many
people say they wish they could take the stress and
commercialism out of Christmas. They could if they wanted to --
just stop buying presents! Work in a soup kitchen or collect
food for a food bank." -- Michael

+ "A friend gave my children a choice where they wanted a
donation sent on their behalf for Christmas. She honored them
with a gift. They thought of others and gave as well." -- Linda

"His mighty arm does tremendous things! How he scatters the proud
and haughty ones! He has taken princes from their thrones and
exalted the lowly." (51-52)

+ "It is hard to keep the real spirit of Christmas and we're not
always successful but here are things we do to keep he real
reason for the season: We watch very little commercial TV and
try to attend all the activities our church has to celebrate
Christmas. We put up a nativity set and read the "Christmas
story" and refer to Christmas as "Jesus' birthday." We support
mission activities and have the kids participate by taking them
along such as grocery shopping to buy food for a local pantry.
-- Kristin

+ "I am a single parent with four teenagers so I'm always on the
lookout for ways to de-commercialize Christmas. We have a
"manger" and during the month of December whenever my children
do or say something nice, they add a piece of straw. By
Christmas Eve, Jesus has a soft place to lay his head. Also, we
make a big deal about home made presents." -- Karen

"He has satisfied the hungry with good things and sent the rich
away with empty hands." (52-53)

+ "We have a stocking with Jesus name on it and each family
member writes a note to Jesus and we read it on Christmas day. I
bake a birthday cake and we sing happy birthday." -- Carol

+ "Together we make an advent wreath, share a devotion each week
and light the candle(s). It's fun and helps us reinforce the
true meaning of the season." -- Christy

"He has not forgotten his promise to be merciful. For he promised
our ancestors - Abraham and his children - to be merciful to them
forever." (54-55)

+ "Christmas is a special time for families and particularly
kids. I would be more than willing to help the family in Ohio
(mentioned last week) with funds to have a good Christmas. I am
happy to contribute and you can pass it on. If it can be
arranged, I would like to remain anonymous." -- Anonymous in
Kuwait (What a great suggestion! Thank you.)

We set up a fund on our web site shopping cart named "Christmas
Child" so you may contribute toward providing Christmas for a
family in need. Our family from last week's message is receiving
help but we have several families who would benefit from your
contribution. Click here: or
you can mail a contribution to "Christmas Child Fund" care of
Sowing Seeds Ministry, 47 Greenwell Ct., Lynchburg, VA 24502.

Next week: More on the "Christmas Child Fund" and the conclusion
to: "And the Real Reason for the Season Is...?" Have a
Christ-filled Advent season of preparation for Jesus' birthday.

If you like this devotion you will love the book: "Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a Better Life"
now on sale only through this website. Click here for more

Join our prayer ministry by clicking here:

Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)


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