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Word for Today, Wed, 05 Feb 2003: A Transformation of Power

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I got a call from my local school system this morning, and I had
the opportunity to teach a 2nd grade elementary school in
Concord, NH as a substitute teacher. While this will not solve
all of our problems, it will hopefully provide at least some
temporary employment, and it will also add to some of the
teaching and mentoring skills that I've been working on, both in
my Christian faith and in my professional practice. Please
continue to pray for me as I look for sustainable forms of income
for my family.

Today, I found a short, useful message from the Canadian
Presbyterian service called PCCWeb Daily, which I receive in my
regular Email. This one hits home. It is about really turning
our lives over to Jesus Christ, not just "doing all the right
things". While it is certainly important to understand what's
right and to do it, without a doubt, it is much more important to
cultivate our personal relationship with Christ, and THEN develop
an attitude of obedience in response to our love for Him. Only a
true believer with a heart for God will really understand this,
but with anyone who's life has been transformed, this message
will ring true. My prayer is that it will be so with you.

Your Brother in Christ,


PCCWeb Daily

Wednesday, February 5, 2003

Today's Devotional

One, Two, Buckle My Shoe

Matthew 7:21 - Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord,
shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. (KJV)

Matthew 7:23 - And then will I profess unto them, I never knew
you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. (KJV)

As a child, I can remember learning to tie my shoe. It was
difficult for me, and I can remember the joy when I learned
how. There is a children's song that expresses this: "One, Two,
Buckle My Shoe."

I have taught Martial Arts for a number of years, and I can
testify that some people have never moved beyond a "One, Two,
Buckle My Shoe" interpretation of their art. They have good
form, are artful and acrobatic, but there is no explosion or
power in their technique.

Unfortunately many people's spiritual lives are the same
way. They have all the forms, but have no joy or power. This is
because, like the Pharisees, they spend too much time doing the
correct things. They may attend church and Sunday School, and
even sing in the choir, but have never turned their lives over
to Jesus. If this shoe fits, we must not wear it, but turn
control of our lives over to Jesus right now without delay. Real
joy and power await!

Prayer: Father, we turn our lives over to You. We repent of our
sins and ask Jesus to be our Saviour so that we might be new
creatures in Christ. Amen.

Ken Bakewell
Russell, Pennsylvania, USA

Today's Canadian Bible Society Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 15:1-18

Brian Masinick,
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