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Word for Today, Wed, 08 Mar 2006: Developing a Relationship With the Father

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Wed, 08 Mar 2006: Developing a Relationship With the Father
Dear friends,

When we have a relationship with someone, we want to get to know them, and we
want them to know us. In the case of God, He already knows all about us, but
we can only begin to know about Him. However, everything He wants us to know
about Him is already written in His Word to us, the Holy Bible. Do you know
what it says? Perhaps you cannot quote entire chapters at a time, but can you
quote a few verses, and can you at least readily locate major truths? For
instance, can you name ten promises of God? If you cannot do that, it is time
to really get into reading God's Word on a more regular and consistent basis.
IF you do not regularly read the Bible, perhaps dropping one activity and
spending an entire evening reading one or two entire books of the Bible will
set you back on track.

God is worth knowing, for He created us. We are His creations and not the
other way around.

Yours in Christ,


Developing a Relationship With the Father
by Dr. Larry Ollison, Ph.D.

We need to develop a relationship with God. We must have prayer, study and
conversation with Him so we can say the things He says.

Anytime you have a poor confession, anytime you say something that is contrary
to the Word of God, you are calling God a liar. Anytime that you say, "I don't
think it's God's will that I be healed," you are calling Him a liar. Anytime
you say, "I don't think it's God's will that I be prosperous," you are calling
God a liar.

If God says something and you say something that is different, one of you has
got to be a liar. Do you understand that? If you say something and God says
something and they don't line up, one is telling the truth and one is telling a
lie. Who do you think is lying? Either God tells the truth and we say what God
says and we are truth tellers too, or God tells the truth and we don't agree
with him and we are liars. Those are the only two options.

It is impossible for God to lie. God does not change. If He says He's the Lord
our God who heals us, then He is the source of our healing. If He says He takes
pleasure in the prosperity of the saints, then He wants us to be prosperous. If
He says to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and He'll supply
all our needs, then He will supply all our needs if we seek Him and His
righteousness first. Anything else is a lie. We must make our confession align
with His confession.

If our words do not align with His Word, then we will never unlock revelation
knowledge, we will never get delivered and we'll never get our prayers

We must expect the same results in our lives as they had in the Book of Acts.
In the Book of Acts they were doing something that a lot of people aren't doing
today. They repented. Repentance involves renunciation of evil and a reversal.
You've got to renounce the things of evil and turn around 180 degrees and start
moving the other direction.

There must be submission in your life. You must be submissive to God and have a
teachable spirit. Christians must be teachable. You will receive revelation
knowledge of the Word of God if you have a teachable spirit or a submissive

God wants to have a relationship with us. For our relationship with Him to
grow, we must not call Him a liar. We must be like Jesus and only say and do
what the Father speaks.

Remember, faith is: Hearing God's Word, believing God's Word, speaking God's
Word, and doing God's Word.

"He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who
loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to
him." (John 14:21)

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The Cutting Edge Devotional by Dr. Ollison is a daily feature of
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When writing about this devotional, refer to devotional #0170

Brian Masinick,
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