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Word for Today, Wed, 09 Jul 2003: Worshipping with Elvis, Part II

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

As you know, it's been my own quest to know God and my desire to
share my passion with others that eventually led me to begin
writing devotional messages. As my own level of sensitivity to
those around me develops, I am realizing that there are a lot of
hurting people out there. Occasionally, I've been one of them.
I wanted to reach out, both to encourage others, and at times,
to be encouraged myself.

I found someone with a similar passion for prayer and for
reaching out beyond the typical boundaries to touch the lives of
others, Larry Davies and his Sowing Seeds of Faith ministry.

In today's message, Larry continues to write about the annual
beach party service. A local tradition in his church, once a
year, the outdoor environment allows people to relax and even set
aside some of the usual traditions. This opens the way for
something unconventional, in terms of presentation, but it also
opens up something really important - it's a chance to really
evaluate the things about our faith that are most important.

In this week's message, we discover that Elvis had a deep love
of Gospel music (Gospel means "Good News", the love of God,
revealed to us through His Son). We also find out that Elvis was
close to his mother, and she held a special place in his heart.
We find out that Elvis loved his country and served in the Army.
Finally, we find out that not everything was right with Elvis,
and that, like many of us, he is uncomfortable when confronted
with things in his life that are clearly wrong.

Do you know that Jesus Christ is our advocate? He has shown us
everything we need to do to live a wholesome, fulfilling life,
and also how to please our God. He has also provided a way away
from temptation and forgiveness for those times when we fall

Will you earnestly seek Him today, read His Word, learn even a
little bit more about Him, if for no other reason than to return
just a fraction of honor and respect to the One who gave His all
for you and me?

Your Brother in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

To read part one of "Worship and Elvis" Click here:

"Worship with Elvis" Part 2
Larry Davies & David Baldree

Then the long awaited word came, "Elvis is here. Elvis Presley
has entered the building!" It's been nearly thirty years but
Elvis is back. What would he say? Or sing? More importantly,
Larry... what does Elvis have to do with me and my relationship
with God? Maybe I should let Elvis answer for himself.

With 2001 Space Odyssey in the background, as in many concerts,
the announcer proclaimed: "He's been gone for thirty years but
now he's back! The king of rock and roll... the one and only...

As the crowd screamed, Elvis Presley, accompanied by three mean
looking body guards and followed by a wave of children came
running down the church center aisle. His suit was black with a
full cape and loaded with sequins. He sure looked like Elvis but
would he sing like Elvis? The fist song was "That's Alright
Mama" and he sang like only Elvis can sing. Then accompanied
only by his faithful guitarist, Charlie Hodges Elvis began the
song that convinced us all: "Wise men say only fools rush in but
I can't help falling in love with you." And the congregation
knew... It really was Elvis Presley.

As the applause slowly died down, a voice came over the loud
speaker: "Elvis, I'm with the HBN Heavenly Broadcast Network and
I would like to ask you a few questions. Of course all of us
would like to know... Where have you been for the last thirty

Elvis replied: "Well, for the last month I've been on a diet so
I could fit in this suit. I've been eating a few too many fried
peanut butter and banana sandwiches. As far as what I've been
doing: For awhile, I was sitting out back of the pool house at
Graceland watching everyone go by. I took a ride on my Harley
through Washington State and ran into 'Bigfoot,' He scared me
half to death and I ain't been back since. I've been to a lot of
7-11 stores and McDonalds. My favorite is in Kalamazoo,
Michigan. "

The voice continued: "How did you get started singing and what
were the early years like?"

"They say when I was 3 years old, I got away from my parents in
church and walked in front of the choir and starting beating
time on my leg. I loved gospel music from the beginning. I sang
with quartets like the Blackwood's who were members of our
church. I wanted to be a gospel singer but they told me I
couldn't harmonize. Can you believe that? As a teenager, I would
sneak to the blues clubs on Beale Street in Memphis. My first
recording was "That's Alright Mama" a gift for my mama. Sam
Phillips at Sun Records heard me and persuaded me to record
"Heartbreak Hotel" and the rest is history. Gospel music will
always hold a special place in my heart. After we finished our
show I would have the boys stay up until dawn singing gospel
songs. I'd call out a title and see who could hang with me. One
of my favorites is, 'Where could I go but to the Lord.' Why
don't I sing it for you.

After Elvis finished the voice asked another question: "How
important was your mother in your life?"

"My mama was the world to me. Everything I did was for her. She
was the driving force in our family. There's not a day goes by
that I don't think of her. Mama stood up for me when everyone
said I was evil and was a bad influence on young kids. I had a
twin brother Jesse, who died at birth. She worried that
something would happen to me too. I think my going in the
military really affected her."

"You served in the military when you didn't have to. Why?"

"I'm very proud of my time with the boys in the Army. I love my
country and felt the right way to serve was to do what everyone
else had to do. They wanted me to go into Special Services and
sing but I just wanted to be another soldier. I was engineer in
a tank battalion. Man it was cold and I hated being away from
Graceland. I was a sergeant when I got out. I'm proud to say
this will always be one of my greatest achievements. Of course,
the best thing was I met my future wife Priscilla.

"Is this when you became a drug addict?" Elvis showed obvious
irritation for he was not used to being challenged. The
interview was not going as expected. Who did this guy from
Heavenly Broadcasting think he was? But the biggest surprise was
yet to come. Don't miss the exciting conclusion next week.

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it
shine for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

"Breaking the Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a
Better Life" now on sale only through our website.


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