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Word for Today, Wed, 1 Dec 2004: Do It Heartily As Unto the Lord

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Wed, 1 Dec 2004: Do It Heartily As Unto the Lord
Dear friends,

Today's devotional message comes from the weekly devotional
series Sowing Seeds of Faith, written by my friend Larry Davies.
This topic is near and dear to my heart. I am always torn when I
consider various ways in which we can bring the Gospel of Jesus
Christ to people around us.

One school of thought suggests that we ought to bring the current
thinking of the day into everything we do. Clearly that can lead
us down some highly questionable paths. Another school of
thought says that we have to maintain all of the current
traditions and avoid the use of popular music and other
culturalisms in our expression of faith.

It seems to me that both extremes are questionable. The real
issue is whether we genuinely and personally seek the God of
Creation with all of our heart. Do we have a personal
relationship with Him? Do we want others to know not only of
Him, but also to have a personal relationship with Him?

I suggest that there are many creative ways we can express our
faith without denying the inerrancy of scripture. Unfortunately,
far too many of us get caught up in various arguments of culture
and style, and as we do so, we miss huge opportunities to extend
the love of Christ to others.

I happen to worship in a very conservative church at the present
time. I respect my pastor, follow him in his teaching, and
support what he preaches. I think when it comes to biblical
principles, we must earnestly desire to know God in every
possible way, especially to appreciate the mind and heart of
God. That's what a personal relationship is all about.

As I do that myself, I am convicted that it is far more important
to know God's Word and to be a devoted follower, not only in word
and appearance, but in every possible way. So when someone is
super conservative about the way they view things, I'm not about
to attack their view. Still, for me, I see plenty of room to
completely, 100% follow both the words and the spirit of the
Bible and yet have plenty of room for numerous expressions of
faith. Nowhere is this more clear than in the expression of
prayer and music. In prayer, we see scriptures that mention
loud, expressive forms of worship (Psalm 100, for example) and we
see other times of complete anguish, such as the time Jesus was
in the Garden (John 17). We pray sitting, standing, kneeling,
face downward, eyes lifted up to heaven, and frankly, just about
every other possible way. In music, we see just as many
expressions mentioned throughout scripture.

To me, what really counts is to know God, really get to know
Him. That requires mandatory scripture reading, thought, prayer,
and action --- not mandatory in the sense that you MUST do this
or that, but in the sense that in order to fully know God, it is
necessary to be immersed in Him - consumed by every thought,
word, and deed, dedicated to knowing Him, desiring to please Him,
and to return the love He so graciously has lavished upon us.

Personally, I'll do that in any way, shape, or form that I can.
I will try not to deliberately offend others in the process, but
at no time will I ever deny or compromise the essence of what I
believe deep in my heart. I challenge each of you to think about
what you believe, get to know it and confirm it with what the
Bible teaches, and cultivate your own personal relationship with
our Lord Jesus Christ.

Yours in Christ,

Sowing Seeds of Faith...

Heartfelt thanks for this blessing of a gift sent to our family.
It was even more of a blessing, when we found out we have been
evicted, needing to be out of our home by Dec. 31. We had asked
the landlord to fix some things and that was their reply. So, the
gift card will be used in ways beneficial to all here, plus the
book was wonderful as well. I do like your devotions! God bless
you mightily, and your ministry too! In and with & through His
Love, Suzanne Canar

The first of the Christmas Child gift cards have been sent but we
want to send many more. Please support our Christmas Child fund.
All donations are used to help families selected through our
website. All donations to the "Christmas Child Fund" go straight
toward families in need of help for Christmas. We never use this
fund for anything else. Please consider helping a child today.

"Christmas Child Fund" -


"Rap or not... It's for the Lord!" Larry &
Stephen Davies

Did you know "Amazing Grace" can be sung to the tune of
Gilligan's Island? Try it. Charles Wesley, writer of "Hark! The
Herald Angels Sing" often used melodies sung in taverns to make
it easier for churches to sing his hymns. Imagine that? Some of
our popular hymns used music sung in a local bar.

So, twelve years ago, when my aspiring writer and musician son,
Stephen, age 13, challenged me to listen to his favorite style of
music: Rap. I listened carefully... and hated it, but then I
challenged him. "Why don't you write a Christian rap song and
sing it for our church?" He did: "Stand Up for the Lord."

Take it to the top, not just another Christian rappin'

Here to tell you what's really happenin

All this violence in the streets, I don't want to hear it

It's time that the people got the fever for the spirit.

He gave us our life and He gave us our choice

But we are the youth and we've got the voice

For serving Christ is a price we can all afford

C'mon yall, Oh yeah, stand up for the Lord.

Think twice about the way you live your life

You don't go to heaven or hell with a roll of the dice

Jesus Christ loves everyone and all

Just think of his grief when he feels us fall

Out of his hands, into the devil's deed

And by him dying on the cross we were all freed

We're just sparks and God is the fire

The one and only God-preacher, teacher, Messiah

I know you wanna, You know you wanna, So why ain't you

Okay, okay so it's not a classic hymn but when Stephen stood
before our church and sang all of us old people mostly stared but
I noticed that the youngsters began nodding their heads in rhythm
with the beat and by the smile on their faces you knew they were
enjoying and understanding the message.

C'mon, let's stand up for the Lord.

Makin' controversial music and pullin' the money

But after a little while, you just ain't funny

Just give your life to the Lord

The person who all your life you've ignored

The world is full of crime and sin

Don't ya think it's about time we let the Lord in?

You'll see the light if you open the door

C'mon ya'll, Oh yeah, stand up for the Lord.

Stand up, Stand up, Sit down, Psyche

Too busy preachin' the word on the mic

He's got the whole world in His hands

But some people just don't understand

Believe in the Lord and you'll find out

That he'll put joy in your life and there's no doubt

That followin' Jesus never leaves you bored

C'mon y'all, Oh yeah, stand up for the Lord.

Music is a wonderful tool used for expressing our deep love for
God. No generation should ever claim to know which music is
proper. After all, one generation's barroom melody could soon be
another's sacred hymn. We need to learn to value all styles of
music knowing that if you respect and appreciate my music... you
also respect and appreciate me. "C'mon y'all, Oh yeah, stand up
for the Lord."

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Jesus said: "You are the light of the world--like a city on a
mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your
light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine
for all." (Matthew 5:14-15)

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