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Word for Today, Wed, 1 Jun 2005: Cling to the Faith

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Wed, 1 Jun 2005: Cling to the Faith
Dear friends,

Sandra Lewis Pringle writes her own daily devotional series,
which you can subscribe to by sending her Email.

We've talked about being discouraged and about gaining hope from
knowing God, through His Word and trusting in Him for

Today's message is both realistic in what it says - namely that
there will be many trials, struggles, and difficulties, but that
for each of these, we can remain true to God, stand firm in our
faith, never giving up, getting up when we fall down, and
clinging to our faith.

There is One who is faithful and He is God.

Yours in Christ,


Morning Glorythoughts
by Sandra Lewis Pringle
for Wednesday, June 1, 2005

Strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true
to the faith. "We must go through many hardships to enter the
kingdom of God," they said. Acts 14:22, NIV

As Paul and Barnabus made their way to various places in order to
spread Christianity, they found that many places were divided,
that some of the followers were willing to accept the challenges
facing them, in order to become Christians ... while some only
scoffed and drove them away.

Just as it is today! We still endure hardships that we must
face, in order to keep our faith, to remain true.

Challenges stare us in the face every day, and temptations
abound, but we know there is only one Way, and we follow after
the ways of the Lord, our Christ.

As a young Christian, obstacles can sometimes succeed in
diverting our focus, but as we become seasoned in God's Word, we
are able to recognize and meet the pitfalls, with steadfast faith
and confidence in our spirits.

Be mindful today, of obstacles, and temptations that await you,
upon your pathway. Remain true to your faith, just as Paul
encouraged, and grow in Christ ... cling to your faith, and
emerge victorious. Remain in the river of God's Word.

Greater is He that is in us, than he who is in the world.

~ Sandra Lewis Pringle ~ © 2005

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.
Proverbs 16:3

Brian Masinick,
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