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Word for Today, Wed, 11, Jun 2003: Come Unto Me

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today's message comes from Oswald Chamber's My Utmost For His
Highest devotional series. Usually I obtain my source for this
particular message from RBC Ministries, who also have an online
version of these messages. It turns out that there are a couple
of different translations of the Oswald messages, using either
the original text of his messages or a slightly modified version
that uses somewhat more contemporary wording. (There's not a
great deal of difference between the two, but there are
occasional differences).

I'm reminded of my good friend Edgar when I read this message.
Edgar and I have had many discussions together about the things
we've done and the choices we've made, and I distinctly recall
Edgar going through a period where he was reading Matthew, and he
came across this passage in Matthew 11, and decided, right then
and there, that God was calling him to "Come unto me". We both
grappled with what that meant for us at that time, and I continue
to grapple with that very same thing today.

Well, Oswald Chambers lays it out pretty clearly in his message.
See if you agree, and if you are "getting there".

Dear Lord,

I am coming to You today, Lord, realizing my personal weakness,
unable to make the right choices without continual guidance and
direction from You. As I read Your Word, Lord, clarify what it
means in my heart, and in the actions that I take. Forgive me
for my ignorance, either forgetting or ignoring Your Word, which
You have made so clearly and completely available. Remind me to
read it, help me to digest and understand it, and help me to live
from it. Jesus Himself said that man does not live on bread
alone, but from every word that comes from the mouth of God.
Therefore, allow me to read Your Word, remember Your Word, and
use Your Word in every area of my life. Thank You for making
Your Word accessible to me. Amen.

Your Brother in Christ,


June 11, 2003


Come unto Me.

Matthew 11:28

Do I want to get there? I can now. The questions that matter in
life are remarkably few, and they are all answered by the words
- "Come unto Me." Not - Do this, or don't do that; but - "Come
unto Me." If I will come to Jesus my actual life will be
brought into accordance with my real desires; I will actually
cease from sin, and actually find the song of the Lord begin.

Have you ever come to Jesus? Watch the stubbornness of your
heart, you will do anything rather than the one simple childlike
thing - "Come unto Me." If you want the actual experience of
ceasing from sin, you must come to Jesus.

Jesus Christ makes Himself the touchstone. Watch how He used
the word "Come." At the most unexpected moments there is the
whisper of the Lord - "Come unto Me," and you are drawn
immediately. Personal contact with Jesus alters everything. Be
stupid enough to come and commit yourself to what He says. The
attitude of coming is that the will resolutely lets go of
everything and deliberately commits all to Him.

"... and I will give you rest," i.e., I will stay you. Not - I
will put you to bed and hold your hand and sing you to sleep;
but - I will get you out of bed, out of the languor and
exhaustion, out of the state of being half dead while you are
alive; I will imbue you with the spirit of life, and you will
be stayed by the perfection of vital activity. We get pathetic
and talk about "suffering the will of the Lord!" Where is the
majestic vitality and might of the Son of God about that?

MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST - by Oswald Chambers //
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Brian Masinick,
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