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Word for Today, Wed, 12 Oct 2005: A Cold Day Indeed

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Wed, 12 Oct 2005: A Cold Day Indeed
Dear friends,

Today, I share with you a message from CyberDailyDevotion -
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The message is about sharing our faith and acting on our faith.
In the story, a man says that it will be a freezing day in June
before he goes to church. Do you think the freezing day
happened? Read on...

Yours in Christ,

Today's Author: Pastor Bill

ChristianCyberMinistries participants Greg and Taya Mantel from
Stillwater, Minnesota USA have generously contributed to support
today's cdd. Thank you -- PTL! Pb

Scripture: Hebrews 10:25 "Let us not give up meeting together, as
some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one
another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching" NIV

Minnesota is an unusual state. While some areas in the country
have mostly consistent and reliable weather --- In Minnesota the
weather changes as often as the size of the moon. So sometimes we
should be careful what we promise as this story of Ole relates.

There was a man from Northern Minnesota named Ole who had never
gone to church in his life. No matter how much his wife, family
and friends encouraged or coaxed, he couldn't be persuaded to go
to church, even on the most holy of days ---Easter or Christmas.
Ole would say, "When it freezes in June, then I will go to

One year in unpredictable Minnesota there was an unusually cold
spring, and it remained cold all the way into the month of June!
Then it happened, in early June, the temperature dipped to
freezing for several nights. His wife, family and friends
remembered Ole's statement and wondered if this unusual freeze
would finally get him to come to the church.

Well, yes! It certainly did! That next Sunday, Ole made his first
appearance in the church building - while the organ played softly
--- six men carried him in. Yes, he made it, but instead of
sitting in a pew, he was lying in a casket.

Just as any man requires food, air, employment, friendship,
finances, exercise and the help of others --- in the physical

I need Bible study, companionship, prayer, service, witness and
fellowship in a good church --- in the spiritual realm. A
follower of Christ who neglects these cannot expect to grow a
meaningful spiritual life.

I hope and pray you are not like ol' Ole from Northern Minnesota
who needed to keep a promise to get to church.

Go to church and enjoy the view with your family and friends from
the pew while there is still time!

Prayer: Father thank you for establishing the church to bring
your people together. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

Pb 3 Team - prayer: Father please bring 1.......... 2..........
3.......... into your kingdom. In the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ. Amen!

Brian Masinick,
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