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Word for Today, Wed, 12 Sep 2001: Weekly Verses, Prayers for Healing

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

In the context of the tragedies of this week, the Weekly Verses
from may take on a somewhat different meaning,
reading them today, rather than two days ago. The Word of God is
constant, but the uniqueness of the Word is that it applies to
every situation that arises, and it is always right and true.

I pray for the many who have lost lives or hope. I pray for the
healing of many who are hurt, and the lost to be found. I urge
you to do the same today. Those words apply, not only to the
victims of the terrorist attacks on the East Coast of our
country, but also to those who are lost and hurting everywhere.
While I certainly pray specifically for those involved in this
week's tragedy, I cry out for those who are lost every day, for
that is also tragic (and unnecessary). The love of Jesus Christ
and His gift of salvation and spiritual healing is available to
everyone, even the vilest sinner. That includes me, and I'm
eternally grateful for that.

Let's continue to pray for one another.

Dear Lord,

In times like this, when we encounter grave tragedies, we are
shocked, and we cry out for answers and for healing. Yet every
day, there are those who are lost and hurting, victims of a life
without you. How I long for a great outpouring of Your Spirit,
and a softening of hearts, that the truth of Your Word would
convict us of our deep need of You.

Please draw near to us now, and heal our land, in Jesus' Name.

Your Brother in Christ,

Read Philippians 2:1:11

Reply-to: Weekly Verses <>
Subject: Weekly Verses from - 9/10/01

Weekly Verses

These verses are taken from TODAY'S VERSE, by Phil Ware
< >


This is what the Lord says -- your Redeemer, the Holy One of
Israel: "I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best
for you, who directs you in the way you should go."

--Isaiah 48:17
New International Version

I sometimes long for the pillar of fire at night and the
cloud by day to guide me as I make my way through this world.
But I am reminded of God's abiding presence in the Spirit and
his promise to never forsake me. I believe that if I seek his
glory he will get me where I need to be to do his will.

Guide me, O Father, guide me to the places you want me to
be, the ministries you want me to offer, and the people you
want me to touch. Capture my heart to do your work and never
let me lose sight of your coming glory. In Jesus name. Amen.



What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching,
with faith and love in Christ Jesus. Guard the good deposit
that was entrusted to you -- guard it with the help of the Holy
Spirit who lives in us.

--2 Timothy 1:13-14
New International Version

We live in a world of keys, locks, alarms, and security
systems. Paul's words here, shouldn't come as a surprise to
us. The things that are most valuable to us we protect. What
is more precious to us than the truth of God's saving grace in
the Gospel. Thankfully, God has pre-wired all of us with a
security system to help protect that incredibly precious hope.
This security system lives in us. It is the Holy Spirit.

Help me, O God, to not compromise your truth to legalism or
license. I want to live, and show others how to live, a holy
life. I want to share with them your grace and mercy. But
most of all Father, I want them to join with me in welcoming
Jesus when he returns. Please empower me by your Spirit to see
through falsehood and error and protect and live your truth.
Through Jesus I pray. Amen.



[Jesus said,] "All authority in heaven and on earth has been
given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have
commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very
end of the age."

--Matthew 28:18-20
New International Version

Last words. The last words of a parent to a child leaving
for college. The last words of a loved one at the bedside of
someone dying. The last words of a friend before moving to a
distant place. These last words are chosen with care because
they leave a lasting impact. Jesus' last words are our
marching orders. "Go make disciples of all peoples! To do
this," he emphasized, "you must go where they are, baptize
them, and then teach them to do what I taught you to do." Not
hard to understand, so what are we doing about obeying those
last commands?

Father from whom all peoples derive their hope, use your
Spirit to rouse within me a passion to share your grace with
all peoples. Nudge me out of my safety zone and call me into
your empowering and sacrificial grace so that I help others
come to know you. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.



Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching.
My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our
home with him."

--John 14:23
New International Version

At many Christian funerals, the preacher emphasizes how
Jesus has left to make a place ready for us to join him in
heaven. Then he is going to come back for us. But just a few
verses later, Jesus adds this promise. He's telling us that
until we can come be with him at his place, he will come live
with us here in our hearts. It all hinges on one thing, our
willingness to obey him. Not a bad deal, is it. So let's not
let obedience be a forgotten word in our lifestyle!

Holy God, I know Jesus came to earth and obeyed your will.
Give me discernment that my obedience will not simply be the
obedience of your words, but will also be the obedience of your
will. I long to honor you because you have done so much to
save me. Thank you. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.



We proclaim him [Jesus], admonishing and teaching everyone with
all wisdom, so that we present everyone perfect in Christ.

--Colossians 1:28
New International Version

Our goal as Christians is not to obey some law, to adhere to
some set of rules, or even be followers of some discipline.
Our goal as Christians is to be conformed to the character and
ministry of Jesus. This is the Spirit's work in us (2 Cor.
3:18) and as Paul makes clear here and in other places
(Galatians 4:19) that this is his goal in working with others.

Holy Lord, conform my heart, my words, my life, my ministry,
and my actions to those of Jesus. I want him to be my Lord,
not just in my words but also in my life. Through him I pray.



Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good
Spirit lead me on level ground.

--Psalm 143:10
New International Version

We want the Spirit to be at work in us to make us like
Jesus. For this to happen, we must open our heart to the will
of God. There are no greater words God wants to hear than
"teach me to do your will." That is what it means for him to
be God, to have control over our life and our will.

Almighty God, I want you to truly be God in my life. I
renounce any attempt on my part to try to manipulate or use
your grace and kindness for my benefit. I submit my will to
yours. But Holy Father, I confess that I struggle at times
with my own selfish and evil desires that lead me astray.
Please forgive me when my heart is cold and my ears are deaf to
your will. Please, take control of my life today. Through
Jesus my Lord, I ask you to assert your will as God in my life.



Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect,
self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love, and in endurance.

--Titus 2:2
New International Version

Worthy of respect! What a goal for our lives whether we are
men or women! Don't you want your life to reflect the
character of God because our faith expresses itself in a life
of self-control. This work of the Spirit in our lives happens
only as we dedicate ourselves to being what he is at work
trying to accomplish in us.

Father, please strengthen me through your Spirit so that I
may gain better control of my passions, my speech, my example,
and my habits. Help me put to death the things that would rob
me of my spiritual passion and my influence for good to those
who do not know Jesus. Through whom I pray. Amen.

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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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