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Word for Today, Wed, 13 Mar 2002: "Abortion: Moving from Debate to Minstry" Part 3

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

This week, I'd like to share the third and final part of the
story from Larry Davies entitled, "Abortion: Moving from Debate
to Minstry" Part 3. The third part has two different stories -
one from each side of the debate. Ultimately, the debate is put
aside in favor of the opportunity to minister, even when our
viewpoint doesn't happen.

Tina Rosario also shared a joke that underscores the power of the
Word of God. If you think about Tina's story, it actually fits
into the conclusion of Larry's story. So let's couple something
with a chuckle to go with a heated topic.

Larry and Tina, thank you for sharing two of the many ways that
God works in the hearts and lives of people - even when the
stories and the endings don't match what we hope for, want, or

Dear Lord,

I know that I don't always do what you expect, so perhaps, in
just a small way, I have gained an appreciation of what that's
like. Please forgive both my willful and accidental acts of
disobedience. Cleanse me completely, beginning with my attitude
and extending to every aspect of my behavior, until I exhibit the
characteristics that are pleasing to You. Grant me a heart of
compassion, even when I sharply disagree with the ways and
actions of others. Give me courage to speak out, but the
graciousness that You exhibit in Your dealings with me and with
others. Thank You for forgiving me. Please remind me of Your
forgiveness and help me, as I remember, to be forgiving to both
myself and others. I ask these things in Jesus' Name, and I
bring Him praise. Amen.

Your Brother in Christ,

>From Tina:


An elderly woman had just returned to her home from an evening of
church service when she was startled by an intruder. As she
caught the man in the act of robbing her home of its valuables,
she yelled, "STOP! ACTS 2:38!"

(Repent and be baptized, in the name of Jesus Christ, so that
your sins may be forgiven.)

The burglar stopped in his tracks. The woman calmly called the
police and explained what she had done. As the officer cuffed
the man to take him in, he asked the burglar, "Why did you just
stand there? All the old lady did was yell a scripture to you."

"SCRIPTURE?!" replied the burglar, "She said she had an AXE and
TWO 38's!

>From Larry:


Reply-To: "Sowing Seeds of Faith..." <>
Subject: "Abortion: Moving from Debate to Minstry" Part 3

More than 1000 copies have already been sold. Don't miss out on
this exciting collection of devotions. This 316 page hardback
book is on sale now exclusively at this website for only $15.
Postage has been reduced. Credit cards are now accepted or you
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Sowing Seeds of Faith.

To read part one and two, you can click here:

I would like to thank Rev. Don Pizzek, a fellow minister serving
with me in Virginia for sharing the true story told by the pastor
at the end of this devotion. It is this story that inspired me to
write the three devotions you have been reading. Thanks Don for
your compassionate ministry.

"Abortion: Moving from Debate to Ministry" Part 3 Larry Davies

Jody sat at her desk stunned. A local businessman handed
everyone in her parenting class a twenty dollar bill. "This is a
gift from our church to your future child. Our phone number is
on each bill so call if we can help." This was the second time a
stranger offered her a gesture of God's love. Jody had already
attempted suicide after discovering she was pregnant. Now she
was contemplating abortion. Judy Trimmer, from a local church
group had urged her to pray for God's will. Was this it?
Quietly, Jody bowed her head and prayed for courage. After a
moment, she felt a sense of peace and comfort.

Later that week, the pastor met with the prayer group and began
the prayer session with a startling announcement. "I visited
Jody along with her parents and witnessed a miracle. Jody's
parents decided to care for the baby if Jody would remain in
school and keep up her grades. Also, our church gave a full
scholarship for her child to attend our early learning center.
So, Jody decided to keep her baby."

For a moment the group sat in stunned disbelief that their
prayers were answered so completely. Then the room erupted with
shouts of, "Praise the Lord! Great news!"

After a moment the pastor quieted the group and said, "Last week
at this time, we heard of Jody's attempted suicide. Your
reaction was not to look for ways to judge Jody or our society or
even today's teenagers. We faithfully prayed for a miracle from
God and our prayers were answered."

His paused for a moment and continued: "Before we pray, there is
another story you need to hear."

"I was pastor of a church while attending seminary and met with
another teenager much like Jody who was pregnant, afraid of the
consequences and contemplating an abortion. I tried my best to
talk her out of it but she would hear nothing of it. Finally she
said to me something I will never forget: 'Pastor, will you drive
me to the abortion clinic? I have no one to go with me?'"

"I didn't know what to do." the pastor continued. "I feel so
strongly that abortion is wrong but we are also called to be in
ministry to anyone in need. Later, I shared this dilemma with my
fellow students at seminary and the sparks flew as they argued
back and forth over the best course of action for me to take.
However they all agreed that I should face the issue head on and
take a strong "pro-life" stand."

"After the lively discussion, a hush fell over the room as the
class sat in anticipation of what I finally decided to do." The
pastor paused and reached for a tissue to dab his eyes. "I took
that girl to the clinic the next day. Many of the students
gasped! Some began chatting among themselves, choosing to ignore
me and my heathen ways. Most of them didn't even hear me when I
tried to tell them why."

After a moment, one of the prayer members asked: "Why did you do
it, pastor?"

"God wanted me to drive her to the clinic because it would be my
last chance to talk her out of it. She had the abortion while I
was in the waiting room ready give her a ride home."

"I'm sharing this story with you because abortion is not just a
debate to be won but a world-wide tragedy crying out for God's
grace and the church's ministry. Our tendency is to argue with
and then condemn those who choose to disagree. Instead, we
should all be on our knees begging God to forgive us for not
setting a better example of how to live a Godly life, free from
sexual promiscuity."

"After David was exposed for committing adultery and murder, he
wrote, Psalm 51 to offer his confession and beg God's
forgiveness. "Don't keep looking at my sins. Remove the stain
of my guilt. Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a right
spirit within me. Restore to me again the joy of your salvation
and make me willing to obey you. Then I will teach your ways to
sinners and they will return to you.' (9-13) We must share the
guilt and the responsibility to be in ministry for everyone
involved." The pastor then bowed his head to lead the prayer:
"Precious Lord, thank you for the miracle we witnessed today and
help us continue to put our faith and trust in your grace and
patient guidance."

If you like this devotion you will love the book: "Breaking the
Peanut Butter Habit: Following God's Recipe for a Better Life"
now on sale only through this website. Click here for more

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Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me,
and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can
do nothing. Anyone who parts from me is thrown away like a
useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a
pile to be burned. But if you stay joined to me and my words
remain in you, you may ask any request you like, and it will be
granted! My true disciples produce much fruit. This brings great
glory to my Father. (John 15:5-8)

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